property hive shortcodes

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property hive shortcodes

Added new class to individual results allowing differentiation of department. Previously it would default to stacking the fields but should now retain CSS display property, Removed old unused files that could potentially cause unecessary security exploits, Process email queue every 15 minutes so applicants receive matches sooner. done manually or via a property import) and add it to the property history. New attributes added to properties shortcode (show_order, show_result_count, pagination) in preparation of Elementor/full site editing support. Corrected issue with not being able to set a contact as having multiple third party relationships. The link wont be included if the Enquiries module is disabled or the GDPR settings specify enquiries shouldnt be stored, Changed email address shown on enquiry record to be a mailto link, Updated jQuery UI CSS and images to match version of jQuery UI included by WordPress, Added preliminary support for Oxygen site builder by ensuring Property Hive templates still load, Removed comments from map JS as it was sometimes breaking sites when caching plugins minified the HTML, Default virtual tour tab to use embedded video instead of link in Elementor tabbed details widget, Corrected Vimeo links used in any Elementor widgets that reference embedded virtual tours, Corrected Elementor tabbed details widget following Elementor update which seemed to cause PHP error, Added previous and next links to top of viewings when there are multiple viewings for same applicant/property, Added date filter to admin offers and sales lists, Exclude password protected properties from shortcode output, When adding a tenancy the automatically calculated end date will be 1 day less the selected term. Change included adding a secondary order, Added ability to exclude properties from search results by country with new country_not parameter. Export all of your data in Property Hive to CSV for migration to another site or CRM. properties in Walton-On-Thames wouldnt show if searching for walton on thames), Added parking and outside space to the default single-property/meta.php template, Declared compatibility for WordPress 4.7.4, Updated queries relating to searching address to query exact terms, rather than where contains, Added two new actions to the single-property/meta.php template. Will only delete media that isnt shared with other properties, Dont show unsubscribe link in email footer if unsubscribe URL not present, Added abiltiy to send auto-responder to users making enquiries. Previously if you deleted all the terms within a custom field and updated theyd get recreated, If no license key is present, show update messages on plugins page when updates are available, Added availability_id as a new attribute for all property related shortcodes, Corrected batch delete functionality on custom fields not working following recent security enhancements, Added new Generate Applicant List functionality, Replace [name] tag in enquiry autoresponder if present, Remove top margin from H2 and H3 in email styles, Added support for new parameter commercial_for_sale_to_rent, New filter propertyhive_address_fields_to_query to allow specifying of which address fields to include when searching by keyword. Not really used anywhere at the moment but we should make more use of this in the future. Possible values include: address_two, address_three, address_four and location, Added new filter propertyhive_auto_email_match_cron_recurrence to change auto match recurrence. Features: Get Real Estate Online Faster Than Ever Now you can promote your listings and automate lead generation Easily integrated to any WordPress website. Added new form field type of checkbox so checkboxes can be added to search forms and enquiry forms. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Added the ability to mark applicants as Hot. Create properties and contacts quicker and with more accuracy with our postcode lookup add on. Steve and the team are always on hand to help with any issues we have, responding quickly with solutions. This prevents confusion should an enquiry be a chase/follow up enquiry, or if someone else has dealt with the enquiry already, Added a link to enquiry emails sent allowing you to jump straight to the enquiry in WordPress. Now caters for when search by first part of postcode only (e.g. Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case. Can be easily added to search forms using the Template Assistant add on, Defaulted schema for properties to RealEstateListing if using Yoast, Added a new No Show viewing status to record the fact an applicant didnt turn up, Added support for property type and location dropdowns in search form hiding empty terms if enabled in recent Template Assistant add on update, Added filters (e.g. Should be a strtotime() friendly format. This is an add-on to the popular Property Hive (Estate agency software for WordPress). We have a wide range of add ons to help you extend the functionality of your property website and enhance your visitors experience. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. whitespace is removed) before theyre returned from the get_features() method. Add new action propertyhive_save_office for when saving office details, Include street when searching for address keyword, Return [property_search_form] shortcode output as opposed to echoing it direct, Fix custom fields getting reset on each update, New Marketing Flags custom taxonomy. As EPCs can also be PDFs previously we would just open them all in a new tab. Using this add on you can import applicants, viewings and much much more using easy step-by-step wizards. This data bridge allows you to use the WpResidence theme with Property Hive by automatically syncing data between the two. Just show price entered in this case, Round prices that have undergone currency conversion to prevent decimal places showing, Added filter propertyhive_summary_description_nl2br to be able to turn nl2br off in summary description template on property details page, Passed in additional args to propertyhive_property_map_actions action, Added filter propertyhive_add_property_on_market_change_note to allow disabling of note being written when on market status changes, Added filter propertyhive_add_property_price_change_note to allow disabling of note being written when on market status changes, Filter Similar Properties in enquiry auto responder by selected match statuses, Corrected issue with column/loop classes being wrong in similar properties shortcode causing formatting issues, Auto-restart email queue cron job if found to not be running for whatever reason, Added necessary filters and new field types for upcoming Bookings add on, Allow contact to be created from enquiry if name or email address is present. Tool to assist with quickly and easily removing all images, brochures, EPCs and floorplan assets from properties that you have removed. Added new Property Marketing Statistics area to property edit screen under Marketing tab showing number of website hits with date range search. A lot of the time we saw it where dimensions had the imperial/metric equivalent in brackets which resulted in double brackets, Added new action propertyhive_exchange_rates_updated when currency exchanges rates are updated, Corrected issue with certain Vimeo links being broken by Fancybox by manually applying patch (, Added assigned properties counts onto the custom field grids, Added India, Pakistan and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines as countries, Added support for adding custom icons for availabilities when using Map Search add on, Default currency field in search form if existing cookie set and being used, Added New Zealand, Greece and Switzerland to list of supported countries, Added new function to output file upload field on records. Defaults to pcm, Ensure thumbnail heights are consistent and work when lazyloading in effect, Corrected issue when viewing enquiry record introduced in last release, Declared compatibility for WordPress 5.7.2, Updated contacts viewing grid to use new UI to fit in better with WordPress styling and include filters, Updated properties viewing grid to use new UI to fit in better with WordPress styling and include filters, Added Per Day rent frequency to commercial properties, Changed monetary input fields to display value with decimal and thousands separators, Added Book Viewing link on enquiry and auto-populate property and applicant, Removed notification about missing Google Maps API key warning if map provider is OpenStreetMaps, Added propertyhive_enquiry_email_show_manage_link filter to allow users to prevent manage link from showing in enquiry email, Deleting a user with role propertyhive_contact removes any meta keys for contacts that links this user to a contact to prevent a floating user with no relationship, Deleting a contact where a user login has been created deletes the user in question to prevent a floating user with no relationship, Fake a window resize event on Flexslider image load to get around issue with wrong image height being calculated when lazy loading being used, Corrected map not loading correctly in Elementor tabbed details widget when OpenStreetMaps chosen as the provider, Corrected deprecated Elementor namespaces warnings, Corrected issue with license not showing as valid when within weeks of expiry, Added counts to tabs on property and contact records showing number of items in each tab (viewings, offers etc), Added Enquiries tab and list to contact record displaying enquiries made by that contact, Create applicant profile when creating a contact from an enquiry. More about this can be found under Property Hive > Settings > General > Miscellaneous, Updated help text relating to entering the Google Maps API Key, Added new Not on Market Only filter to backend properties list, Corrected issue with applicant requirements not saving following the last release, Added new propertyhive_search_form_fields filter to apply changes to all search forms. 7 days by default, Added filter propertyhive_tenancy_management_types to tenancy management types, Added custom JS event ph:toggleSearchDepartment when department toggled in search form, Corrected issue with tenancy rent and deposit saving with decimal points, History & Notes grid loaded when being viewed, not when record is loading. Highly recommend. [properties department=residential-sales], [properties posts_per_page=2], Stop offices, contacts and enquiries from appearing in front end search results, Add propertyhive_countries filter so custom countries can be added (, Added support for third party contacts (Solicitors, Board Contractors etc) as a new contact relationship type, Add support for adding properties in multiple countries, Includes daily currency exchange rate update to normalise prices to GBP used for sorting, Fixed major bug with wrong post ID potentially not being correct and data therefore not being saved correctly, Incorrect display of owner details on property list when no owner set, Fix JS error on applicant relationship and improve contact relationships layout, In property list only format price if one exists preventing PHP error, Fix bug when trying to add applicant relationship to existing property owner, Improved support for add ons wanting to integrate with core Property Hive plugin by adding more filters etc, Updates to README; updated description and screenshots. Its a platform allowing you to integrate property search into any website, new or existing. Perfect for agents that dont use property software, New Settings > Modules area making it possible to disable unused modules, New Settings > Micellaneous area where you can now select if property features should be freetype or checkboxes. Previously it would show as unattached in the media library, Added new save actions to commercial details and department meta boxes so custom fields added to these meta boxes via the Template Assistant add on are saved accordingly. We have been using wordpres/property hive for the last three years. Primarily used by the Template Assistant add on, Fixed [properties] shortcode not displaying properties when department passed in as commercial, Added bedrooms and address_keyword attributes to [properties] shortcode, Added price_percentage_bounds attribute to [similar_properties] shortcode allow you to specify the price ranges classed as similar. Done primarily to support the latest Radial Search add on release that allows users to now search by their current location, Added position:relative to search form control CSS. Cherry Real Estate 11. Theres an add-on for that. The formats currently supported are BLM, CSV, ExpertAgent XML, Vebra Alto API XML, Dezrez One XML, Dezrez Rezi JSON, MRI Software, Citylets XML, Rentman XML, Agency Pilot, REAXML, Reapit Foundations, JET, 10ninety, Jupix XML, and many more.

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property hive shortcodes

property hive shortcodes

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