darkstalker and clearsight

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darkstalker and clearsight

During the battle, Anemone used a spell suggested by Qibli on the NightWings, asking them to retreat in Darkstalker's voice telepathic, which failed as he shows up and said it was a fake, also throwing a boulder at Anemone and Turtle, which did not kill them due to Turtle's spell to make his scales invulnerable. Allknowing asks why she had not mentioned it, and Clearsight says that it would be at least ten years before an heir would try to challenge her for the throne. [3] She was also kind and understanding as shown in her letter in the Book of Clearsight. Beware your own power. Darkstalker once took an after-school cooking class. Darkstalker showed her some examples of what he can do, such as enchanting a stick so that when it is snapped, every IceWing in Pyrrhia would drop dead. To bring a dragon the hidden animus (Turtle) cares about to the throne room alive. Arctic lashed his tail in silent rage. On her way to see Fathom, Clearsight warned Listener about Darkstalker and told her to escape far away with her family far away from the Night Kingdom. [82] His gaze was intense and made Qibli feel as though Darkstalker could look through him, to see all the versions of Qibli that had ever existed and all of the ones that might ever be. Darkstalker walked into the library where Moon and Qibli were, noticing the earring Moon is wearing. [15] He wore a plain, white, half-hoop earring made of bone in his left ear. Their rescue was working as planned until Clearsight was slammed with a vision of danger that could have ended her and her friend's life that very night. [15] Her brain never stopped, and was always constantly tracing paths forward into different futures. Arctic Lost city of night: Borderland Mountain Darkstalker's home Great Diamond NightWing library NightWing palace NightWing school North Beach Dragons bring us new ideas and inventions and discoveries from all over. [111] He disliked that she worried over their futures so much, but loved her wholly. He picked it up, asking if Clearsight to speak to him if she was still there. [155] After Winter was freed from the enchantment, he swore that he would kill Darkstalker, and that it would be long-winded and bloody. He then had a conversation with Anemone, Tsunami, and Moonwatcher about animus power. I am running, running away from the only dragon I ever loved, whispering, "take me back," to the air, and the vortex appears, and I fling myself into it, and then I am back in my place, left with a laptop and nothing but the memories crumbling into place. Thank you for being you. Hope you like it :) +. Darkstalker saw the SeaWing hurting and decided to take him under his wings as his best friend. Clearsight pleaded Darkstalker to stop. Still this is kinda weak until we have a reference sheet for Sunstreak or the Beetlewings. Horrified, Fathom continues in silence. When the soul reader is still taking a long time calculating, Clearsight nervously jokes that Darkstalker confused it. To injure Arctic to a disabling but not lethal degree. Maybe it was all the small moments where you felt threatened or powerless or out of control, and all the things you did to fight those feelings Or maybe it's just part of you, something you hatched with. Additionally, when Moonwatcher expressed her concern for giving the NightWing students powers, Darkstalker said that she reminded him of Clearsight, also asking if everyone was sure Clearsight never had dragonets. [14], Clearsight was obsessive about the future, often spending her time exploring different potential timelines to try and find the best outcomes. . One small mistake, one drastic change of fate. Whiteout cried and said that "only one of us will, depending on who loses the future." After the party, Darkstalker thought about how Indigo could have killed him right then and there. She did not see a clear path to a future where she got Indigo and Darkstalker to trust each other. Clearsight made the only known travel route between the two continents, which was hidden in the back cover of the Book of Clearsight. Hot New # 1. Clearsight (formerly) After taking Current to Vigilance, Darkstalker knew what he had to do to restore Clearsight's faith in him. Darkstalker realizes Whiteout had been enchanted and grabs his scroll. Clearsight was mentioned many times throughout the book, and it was revealed that she left a map to Pyrrhia inside her book. In the room, Darkstalker tells Lionfish that he can leave and that Darkstalker will protect Fathom. Darkstalker received the same vision and, anxious at this, decided to interrupt the party to go and try to save Foeslayer. After Whiteout left, Listener said that she was weird, while Clearsight thought that Whiteout was interesting. Darkstalker found out from Arctic's mind that Foeslayer had another fight with him and that she flew off again. Darkstalker tried every enchantment he could think of, but nothing works. Clearsight is uncomfortable with the energy that vibrated between Darkstalker and Indigo, sensing a sudden vision of a world with no Indigo with it. Clearsight drags Darkstalker far back into the cave, tears falling from her eyes. please!" Clearsight starts forward. Darkstalker then commands Arctic to kneel before him, admitting he is the greatest and the best animus of all time. [125] Fathom was one of his best friends,[126] and he found himself so wrapped in warmth and attention around Darkstalker that he could forget, for hours at a time, about what he had been through during the massacre. Knowing she could not stop him, she steps away, her wings folded close and shaking. She cried that it was too late- that the sand was falling. [153] However, Darkstalker promised not to hurt Winter[154] and spared him from the IceWing plague. Later, when Turtle cast the spell to protect Qibli from Darkstalker's enchantments, he came down the hall to Qibli's cave. Clearsight is dead and never coming back, though she was originally considered to be brought back to life as a zombie. He showed her a blank scroll, also known as his talisman, that was wrapped in a black leather casing, and explained that he had put all of his animus power into it so that he would not lose any of his soul when he used his magic. When he looked into the future, he saw Fierceteeth leading a band of escapees from Thorn's prison sneaking into the Rainforest and assassinating the queen. [10] Although Clearsight preferred compromise over confrontation,[9] she was not afraid of conflict and would try her best to do the right thing, even in the face of danger or oppression. Clearsight was brilliant, maybe the most brilliant NightWing who ever lived. He also cared for Fathom's happiness,[51] and Fathom later discovered that Darkstalker had enchanted a bell that would ring whenever Fathom was feeling sad or lonely, and that was why he had always known when to show up and lift him from the worst loneliness. It takes place immediately after Chapter 42 of Brighter Paths and contains major spoilers for both BP and Legends: Darkstalker. He also stated that he needed Qibli's mind to help him make the right choices and just wanted friends. [25] She had opened up to him numerous times about her feelings about Darkstalker and prophetic powers; he seemed to be a supportive friend to her. Blue, Cricket, and Sundew passed by a portrait of Clearsight, where dragons had left offerings to her. In his defense, Darkstalker argued that Arctic was about to betray the tribe and told the dragonets what actually happened. ", Darkstalker acted as a mentor to Anemone,[92] and she looked up to him as being wonderful and all-knowing. Clearsight had large dark[1] purple eyes,[event 1] black scales,[2] and black wings. Fathom asked Darkstalker what he had done, and spotted Clearsight with her face buried in her talons. Moon and Kinkajou showed up, and they asked him to come with them. When Moonwatcher brought up a question about Darkstalker, Winter ranted about how he and his mother ruined everything for the IceWings. And just then, a tiny snout popped out of the egg, along with a slim body, and long, smooth tail. [143] She flinches whenever she hears his name.[144]. He was extremely paranoid and furious when Prince Arctic tried to take her to the Ice Kingdom, causing Darkstalker to see Arctic as a threat so much that Darkstalker forced him to mutilate himself publicly. Fathom uses her moonstone bracelet to put an enchantment on, one that only works on Darkstalker. At first I didn't like how it was turning out so I went back and changed all the frames so many times! [24] Darkstalker eventually was completely willing to transform Fathom's mind into a quieter, less anxious state with animus magic so that he would not have to listen to his worried thoughts. Mindreader then hears that Flame had help from a dragon with a weird name similar to "Ogre" and "Okra," assumed to be Ochre. Darkstalker admits to his invulnerability spell. Before Listener could introduce herself to Thoughtful, Clearsight introduced Whiteout first, who took Thoughtful's talon and looked at his palm before saying, "Words and glass, spun in flutes and verse. These are user interpretations of her prophecies, and while they have been reviewed and deemed accurate by parts of the community, it is important to note that they are not stated in canon. I hope your life is everything it should be. Approximately 2,000 years later, Kinkajou used Darkstalker's scroll to transform him into Peacemaker, using an enchanted strawberry which he ate, turning him into a young dragonet with none of his former abilities or memories of his past life. Whiteout said that "The hole is too big, we're going to fall into it forever." Moon Rising Clearsight then encountered Queen Vigilance and Allknowing in the garden. She meets hope and Peacemaker 4,000 years later. She thought about all the futures she saw, and she grieved the fact that in the end, Darkstalker and her never had a happy future, never getting married or having dragonets together. Clearsight wakes up in her room at the palace with a huge headache from her horrible nightmares about Darkstalker turning evil. Darkstalker insists that they are so close to their happy future, stating all his enemies are dead. Darkstalker takes out his scroll and Clearsight questions what he's going to do with it. [3] She was beautiful[1] and sleek. Despite being of NightWing and IceWing descent, Darkstalker's horns are curved, or twisted, while both IceWings and NightWings have straight horns. During the Tree Wars, Queen Wasp lied about Clearsight's visions, resulting in the downfall of the LeafWings and SilkWings. Because if we use animus magic, then they might retaliate with animus magic, and then it gets well, really bad . Anemone saw Darkstalker begging and said to Moon that she was nothing special and did not deserve his attention. Clearsight says that maybe the dragon will try again and then says that she feels like there are bad branching paths for the future but they are all blurry. Darkstalker says pointedly to Lionfish, "Too bad he's dead and can't answer any of my questions." But they decided to name their first child not from their prophecy names but let Fathom choose the name. After replacing her earrings, which had slipped half-off in the night, Clearsight reassures herself that the argument from the night before did not mean that any of the bad futures were going to actually happen, and a quick glance at the future reassures herself of this. He made sure she was always content. While Darkstalker was distracted with Arctic, Clearsight stole his scroll. Darkstalker's Obsidian Mirror shape was described as taller than anyone else's, with movements that were slow and purposeful. You're not a dragonet-killer, Darkstalker. Grandmothers A nest of two eggs sat below a large hole in the caves roof alowing the moon's light to flood in covering the eggs in its silver trendils. Grant super strength and invulnerability upon wearer(s). However, if the hourglass showed more black sand than white sand, it meant the dragon he was pointing to was good. Darkstalker dismisses this easily, saying that it was just a tiny little spell that just made them happier and life much easier, and adds that he was double-checking her work. Arctic later told Queen Vigilance that Darkstalker has animus powers, and arrangements are made for Prince Fathom, an animus, to come and befriend Darkstalker. Clearsight asks Listener about her promise, that she would not tell her the future unless it had something to do with saving her family - something really bad. The next morning, Darkstalker left for the lost city of night with most of the tribe, leaving only forty to fifty NightWings in the Rainforest. [134] However, she was later freed by Fathom, who turned against Darkstalker due to what he had done. Eclipse was indirectly mentioned when . [138] Darkstalker refused to enchant Moonwatcher's mind as he did for most of Pyrrhia, and she believed that he was not evil. She saw possible futures where if she returns to the NightWing tribe, dangerous things happen, one of them Clearsight missing Darkstalker so much that the temptation to return and release him became too strong. To grant Foeslayer peaceful sleep when in the desert with the army. After imprisoning Darkstalker in order to save Pyrrhia, Clearsight relocated to Pantala to avoid her urges to free him. [event 2] Clearsight loved Darkstalker very much, and tried her best to keep their futures bright,[24] but eventually had no choice but to betray her beloved by trapping him in a cave within Agate Mountain with a bracelet enchanted by Fathom. This was true, however, there appeared to be more white sand than there was before. Aunts or Uncles The crowd is shocked, along with Whiteout and Clearsight. Afterward, Darkstalker spoke to anyone who came to him and searched scrolls for references of Fathom and Clearsight. Darkstalker was about to give them their presents when Fathom told him to wait. She foresaw that this class would bring her nothing but despair and frustration, as Allknowing did not respect Clearsight's advanced abilities and resented her because of them. [99] Arctic thought Darkstalker was a creepy name,[98] and he never looked Darkstalker in the eye, and often glared at him. Book: Wings of Fire: Legends: Darkstalker. When Darkstalker arrived, he shared some of his ideas for what they could do to the IceWings with his magic. Clearsight reminds herself again that she would not let the dark visions win. Fathom checks the soul reader, and Darkstalker says that he made the invulnerability before he made the soul reader, so it was going to read the same thing. [133] Indigo's attack on him had deeply rattled him to the point of him turning himself invincible to all danger. Darkstalker ordered Arctic to follow him back to the Night Kingdom, where he made his father cut his tongue out after announcing how he had tried to betray the NightWings and was going to offer a detailed map of the kingdom so the IceWings could infiltrate it. 97 Stories. However, Indigo jumps in front of Fathom, saying that it could be enchanted to do something to Fathom, and the soul reader lands on her, showing that Indigo had the same results as Clearsight's. The next day, Darkstalker lead all the NightWings into the old kingdom. "Ugh, scales and squares," muttered Darkstalker. Later during the spell casting, there was a glimpse of Darkstalker's good side, suggesting he was not completely evil. Language: English Words: Henley agrees to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for a fee, falling in love as she won. Clearsight, crying tears of joy, looked at the soft, beautiful face, of her baby. However, it is later revealed that he may have been manipulating her for his own benefit. Arctic says that Whiteout would marry an IceWing prince, not a lowborn Nightwing. Kinkajou was not afflicted due to her immunity. Clearsight and Listener meet up with Darkstalker, Fathom, and Whiteout in a game pavilion when they are in the middle of a scales-and-squares game. Darkstalker shrugs, saying that it takes a while sometimes. She has all the memories of her father and mother yet no one knows who she is. (This is the page for the character named Darkstalker. Clearsight's Awakening by //{C A R M E N THE SKYWONG}\\ 1.4K 7 8. Clearsight possibly felt protective towards Fathom, as shown how worried she was when the massacre happened, and how happy she was when he arrived at the Night Kingdom. Darkstalker formally met Fathom at the SeaWing welcoming party the NightWings had thrown. Special Powers To transform into a manacle binding Flame's forearm to the cave floor. As stated by Tui, Clearsight was one of the easiest characters to write, because "being that worried and imagining a million futures is like being a writer in the middle of a story.". He next appeared at his home, where his parents were arguing. Clearsight finds Fathom pacing anxiously. Visions, all of which were dark and bad, came rushing back to her, and she realized that Vigilance sent the assassin. His parents, Arctic and Foeslayer, were arguing about Darkstalker's name; Foeslayer, his mother, saw it as a hero that chased back the darkness, while his father, Prince Arctic, saw it as a villain that crept through the shadows. The queen, furious, orders her guards to arrest her, but Clearsight evades them and flies away, yelling back to the queen that she will fix everything. To send Darkstalker a mental twinge whenever a new animus spell is cast. Approximately 2,007 years (hatched in roughly 3,007 AS) Whiteout was Darkstalker's only sibling, and he was extremely protective of her. [96] Darkstalker secretly hated SeaWings, specifically Anemone's family, because of their ancestry linking them to Fathom.[97]. In reply, Darkstalker lunges toward her in fury, grabbing her wrist and twisting it painfully. The guards attempt to imprison Clearsight, but she escaped to stop Darkstalker before he reached the queen. 6,924 takers Report. They had four dragonets, Commodore, Jewel, Orange, and Tortoiseshell.[3]. She felt the drumming wingbeats behind her as both tribes rose into the air and followed them to safety. Wings of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Darkstalker was not fooled by the enchantments, returning to Anemone's room to banish her from the lost city. This was done in the hope that Darkstalker would be more cautious with his powers since no one besides Clearsight knew about his scroll at this point. Listener roars with frustration and then leaves. To grant flight speed faster than any dragon on Pyrrhia. [39] Foeslayer was one of the only dragons that he truly loved, according to Clearsight, along with Clearsight herself and Whiteout. Under one full moon, she was hatched with exceptionally powerful foresight and formerly served as Queen Vigilance's Head Seer for a short amount of time while she resided in the Night Kingdom. Darkstalker replies by saying everything he did was for a good reason. Moments after hiding among the shows of two large boulders on the sand, Clearsight and Listener saw a pointed white head lunge out of the water, trapping one of the fleeing scavengers in his jaws. They flew off to save him from attempted murder and found him with his throat slashed, lying in a pool of blood, though miraculously, still alive. Listener listens with fear, asking what was going to happen. Over time, her descendants diverged into the HiveWing and SilkWing tribes. Clearsight is unsure, as there is so much darkness in the timelines now. Then, Darkstalker invited her to see his house, reassuring her that his mother and father were both away at their jobs; Foeslayer on guard near the border, and Arctic helping to interrogate Current.

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darkstalker and clearsight

darkstalker and clearsight

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