house joint resolution 192 of 1933

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house joint resolution 192 of 1933

Since House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192) (Public law 7310) was passed in 1933 we have only had debt, because all property and gold was seized by the government as collateral in the bankruptcy of the United States. These concepts are not new you should all know already at this stage in your evolution of life and consciousness that you cant get a free lunch and in this arena this is so so true! Congress declared in HJR 192 that demanding payments in Gold (constitutional money) or in any particular form would now be against public policy. the enforceability of a Gold Clause contained in any obligation are omitted as executed. In 1933 the United States put its insurance policy into place with House Joint Resolution 192 and recorded it in the Congressional Record. On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. a gold clause is discharged on payment (dollar for dollar) in Seniority also affects access to more desirable office space in the House Office Buildings. In subsection (c)(1), before clause (A), the word "Government" 142-70-123456 and all endorsements front and back in accord with Public Law found at Chapter 48, 48 Stat. proceeding in which no claim is made for payment or credit in an Da die Menschen dem Staat ihr gesamtes Eigentum bertragen hatten und zudem noch als lebenslanges Pfand den Kopf hinhalten mussten, richtete der Staat grozgigerweise eine Sozialversicherung fr mittellose Menschen ein, um diese zu versorgen. . Applications for such extensions must be made in writing under oath; addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury and filed with a Federal reserve bank. employees, or agents, a claim . after "pay out" and inserted "(other than gold and silver Please make sure to read to learn more about becoming a Secured Party Creditor. Built by. How important is this if they attack it? 5118(b) I love to help clients to discharge their debt, and hold their hand every step of the way so that it is 100% done, other companies or websites sell do it yourself kits which have new information omitted and leave many people hanging. President of the United States of America. (1) "gold clause" means a provision in or related to an obligation alleging to give the obligee a right to require payment in -. This resolution declared that "Whereas the holding or dealing in gold affect the public interest, and are therefore subject to proper regulation and restriction; and whereas the existing emergency has disclosed that provisions of obligations which purport to give the obligee a right to . at 759. Why? 5118(a) 31:773d. 1229. title before Oct. 1, 1986, see section 3 of Pub. However, theres also a chance that whatever business endeavors you are doing now, honestly and faithfully, you or your coworkers may have done something wrong or illegal and you will get visited asking questions or interviewed regardless. It gives you armor of protection in case you get into trouble, and this is one of the key reasons people choose to become an SPC. 1996 - Subsec. This paragraph does not apply to an obligation issued after So war es auch im Jahre 1933. Wie sich inzwischen lngst herausgestellt hat, ist diese Begrndung im krassen Widerspruch zur erklrten Politik des Kongresses, den Dollar fr alle Zeiten wertstabil zu halten. 2. A 14th amendment slave/citizen who has been granted privileges by the government, who has been Granted freedom still has a noose around his/her necks, and the government can change the rules on you at any time and set up other restrictions and not even tell you what they are. Not only that but its much better for a business or trust to get audited then you as an individual, since the trust will be liable for any backtaxes, and they cant be against you personally, and they can not be converted into any criminal liability. of the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of Das war historisch betrachtet der Grund fr die HJR 192. The words "referred to in this section" are omitted as surplus. Uns Deutschen wird dieses Jahr bis heute als das Jahr der Machtergreifung Hitlers in Erinnerung gehalten. In fact, if you are a full-fledged Secured Party Creditor and you ever wind up in some trouble, you have a foundation of paperwork to protect you. Whereas the existing emergency has disclosed that provisions of obligations which purport to give the obligee a right to require payment in belief the USG went bankrupt in 1933 subsequent to the passage of House Joint Resolution 192 effectively removing the USG off of the gold standard. revised title and with other titles of the Code. Some go as far as to not vote considering voting a Benefit and etc, others give up drivers licenses, etc, as far as you like to go is up to you as you get the right information upon doing your own diligence, fact checking, and diligence. As you are aware when the ability to pay debt with money was . 10) To assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the Unites States, Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect public interest, and So, the financial advantages of becoming a secured party creditor are certainly significant for most. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JANUARY 3, 2019 Mr. MCCAUL (for himself and Mr. KEATING) introduced the following bill; Its also possible, you wont be able to get a federally-insured mortgage loan to buy a home, and since almost all mortgages through financial institutions today are FDIC insured, you may be blacklisted with them also. Dieses Problem wurde mit der HJR192 gelst so wird zumindest behauptet. That (a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or under regulations prescribed by the Secretary. 1), (2) 5118(c)( 31:773c. 74 0 obj <>stream Now there may not actually be Credit because the government overspends money it doesnt have and spends it all as soon as it comes in so you let them take all our (we the people)s property in 1933, and they did not cash it and create literal bank accounts for us to use however they do have an obligation to allow us to discharge our debts. at all times the equal power of every dollar, coined or issued by the United States, in the markets and in payment of debts. What Follows is an Actual Copy of HJR 192 as Originally Printed by the United States Government Printing Office in 1934.. CREDITORS to the U.S. bankruptcy. 10] To ensure uniform values to the coins and currencies of the United States. Eine tiefe Rezession wtete zu dieser Zeit im Land. Your email address will not be published. Dieses Gesetz ging als Act of 1871 in die Geschichte ein. Seit damals sind amerikanische Brger zu Schuldner-Sklaven geworden. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and empowered to issue such further regulations as he may deem necessary to carry the purposes of this order and to issue licenses there under, through such officers or agencies as he may designate, including licenses permitting the Federal reserve banks and member banks of the Federal Reserve System, in return for an equivalent amount of other coin, currency or credit, to deliver, earmark or hold in trust gold coin or bullion to or for. (a) In this section -. The Secretary of the Treasury, out of the sum made available to the President by Section 501 of the Act of March 9, 1933, will in all proper cases pay the reasonable costs of transportation of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates delivered to a member bank or Federal reserve bank in accordance with Sections 2, 3, or 5 hereof, including the cost of insurance, protection, and such other incidental costs as may be necessary, upon production of satisfactory evidence of such costs. Statt werthaltigem Gold gab es seitdem nur noch KREDIT und das hat sich bis heute nicht gendert. 1910 trafen sich dann Senator Nelson W. Aldrich mit einigen Bankern getarnt als Fischer auf Jekyll Island. Man muss sich angesichts der Zusammenhnge vor Augen halten, welche Wirtschaftsprobleme in den USA zu dieser Zeit durch die groe Depression herrschten. 192-10 by the 73rd Congress, was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. and it still is, and it is only now --- twenty years after the 1933 Bankruptcy settled --- that people are waking up and beginning to realize that: (1) HJR 192 exists and (2) why it exists and (3) . Instead, all debts could only be "discharged" by offering a sufficient amount of "Federal Reserve Notes". 3. Die Vereinigten Staaten sind seitdem kein Staat im herkmmlichen Sinn mehr. Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. Pub. Well if it wasnt that powerful successful or effective, they would let prisoners have and distribute as much of this material as possible, now wouldnt they? obligation; (B) for United States coins or currency; or. Das Land war damals geschwcht und durch die Nachwirkungen des Brgerkrieges finanziell ausgeblutet. Prior to the 13th of September 1982 when House Joint Resolution 192 was repealed, along with Title 31, of the United States Code, Section 314 (defining the dollar) was repealed on that same day (see: 311-315a), and prior to the 23rd of September 1994 when Title 12, of the United States Code, Section 152 (defining lawful money) was repealed (see . Begrndet wurde der Schritt damit, dass die Macht des Kongresses behindert wrde, den Wert und die Menge des Geldes zu regulieren. Es war fr die Amerikaner das Jahr der Insolvenz, das Jahr der Enteignung und das Jahr der Versklavung. What is HJR 192? On June 5th, 1933 the UNITED STATES congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 which served as a declaration of bankruptcy. There was an Executive Order enacted on April 5, 1933 which made it possible to withdraw all the Gold from the United States. The Birth Certificate- A Security Instrument, Jordon Maxwell Discusses the Uniform Commercial Code and The True Nature of the Birth Certificate, Harmon Taylor 1 - Our "Legal Reality" : Admiralty, Maritime Law, Commerce, Taxes, Harmon Taylor, a former Texas attorney, and editor of Legal Reality, believes that the U.S. is operating under a very different The passage of House Joint Resolution HJR-192 removed the ability of the public to pay debt with lawful money. If you have any further questions, please feel welcome to talk to our friendly and helpful consultants by giving us a call at 505-340-3632 or setting up a consulting call to talk with our experts. 1ST SESSION H. R. 192 To establish an interagency program to assist countries in North and West Africa to improve immediate and long-term capabilities to counter ter-rorist threats, and for other purposes. The term "person" means any individual, partnership, association or corporation. 31:773a. Now, therefore, be itResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that (a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any . The text of 31:315b(proviso) is omitted as unnecessary because 192-10 by the 73rd Congress, was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. You have to be very cautious and only introduce the most open minded people to this. To understand the difference, read the free PDF online Cooperative Federalism, you can just google it to find it. Die Regierung schuf auch das so genannte birth certificate, die Geburtsurkunde welches die Schaffung eines Strohmannes ermglichte. In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words "the phrase" are AMENDMENTS 1997 - Subsec. Clause has been finally adjudicated before the date of enactment unnecessary because of the restatement. House Joint Resolution 192 73rd CONGRESS, SESS., The information here is presented by:, 1996." @F ,`@?,Qe`}Hr74;R#IyU &M $96.50: PHD-LAW 4 Since House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192) (Public law 7310) was passed in 1933 we have only had debt, because all property and gold were seized by the government as collateral in the bankruptcy . (b) As used in the resolution, the term "obligation" means an obligation (including every obligation of and to the United States, excepting currency) [House Joint Resolution] 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the "Persons" as debtor slaves. House Joint Resolution. endstream endobj 61 0 obj <> endobj 62 0 obj <> endobj 63 0 obj <>stream 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. You could also get struck by lightening. %%EOF 780, 49 Stat. A New Year's resolution applies to you, the one who made it, not to your next door neighbor or anyone else. Please read the free pdf you can google and find on the internet called Cooperative Federalism for the most thorough and factual/historical basis on the difference between being a state citizen and a United States citizen. House Joint Resolution 192 was then passed by Congress on June 5, 1933. Zur gleichen Zeit gab Prsident Roosevelt die Executive Order 6102 heraus. 1. 48, 48 Stat. Res. Mit den ab sofort allein geltenden Federal Reserve Notes, einem reinen Schuldengeld, konnte man nichts bezahlen, sondern lediglich eine Forderung ausgleichen. private debts" in 31:773a for consistency in the subsection and and for United States coins and currency may be expended only Courts have widely rejected . United States coin or currency that is legal tender at the time Also mal wieder die Banken und das liebe Geld, um das sich alles dreht. Background- 1933 The Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES. Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect the public interest, and are therefore subject to proper regulation and restriction; and Die Menschen forderten von der Politik Lsungen, und die wurden geliefert. 1st Session. This law was passed to do away with the gold clause in the constitution and in all public . words. Therefore you must be one of we the people a national of one of the united States of America and not OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 31:315b. Das Synonym GRFaZ bezeichnet als Spottname den Grter Feldherr aller Zeiten Adolf Hitler. Section 8. Um erst gar keine Missverstndnisse aufkommen zu lassen, erklrt man die neu geborenen Menschen sicherheitshalber schon kurz nach der Geburt fr tot. In subsection (d)(1), the words "including every obligation of Scary as this sounds you can break free by becoming a Secured Party Creditor. Episode 636 Part 1. Public Insurance Policy HJR 192 of 1933 is a supersedeas bond that provides a Remedy for victims of President Roosevelt's crimes of fraud, unlawful conversion, and treason, and for both Houses of Congress' complicity in these crimes. Section 4. If your TRUST makes no profit, you could even file a $0 tax return on your 1041 at the end of the year, and this is NOT likely to get rejected even if it happens multiple years in a row. Die vom Staat erschaffene Person hingegen, muss in das staatliche Sozialsystem einzahlen, wenn sie daran teilhaben will. His supporting authorities include House Joint Resolution 192 ("HJR 192"),5 Public Law 89-719,6 Executive Orders 6073, 6102, . content of the dollar or in a regulation about the value of One of the advantages of being a Secured Party Creditor is asserting your right as one of we the people of one of the united States of America the constitutional republic. August 27, 1935, or which may be commenced by January 1, 1936" substituted for "an amount appropriated or authorized to be Id. Because of the passage of HJR 192 it was now illegal for Americans to pay for anything. 192] [Pub. The Ofce of the Comptroller of the Currency (or OCC) is Ein Beispiel ist das Recht zu reisen, welches unter der neuen Regierung umgewandelt wurde in ein Privileg, welches fr die Brger durch den Reisepass lizenziert wurde. On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. (b) Gold coin and gold certificates in an amount not exceeding in the aggregate $100.00 belonging to any one person; and gold coins having recognized special value to collectors of rare and unusual coins. 112, Public Policy found at House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 . issued after October 27, 1977 if the enforceability of that Gold (c) Gold coin and bullion earmarked or held in trust for a recognized foreign government or foreign central bank or the Bank for International Settlements. When this is done, there is no checks, bonds, money orders, or promissory notes required, nor should their be if you overstand what I just explained. Specifically the US Code on this is at but there are several other websites that may assist you in emphazing and interpreting the code, such as, ,, and, that will assist you in seeing the conclusions that I have drawn, which is that you are NOT a U.S. Citizen unless you wish to make that declaration and that you can also declare that you are not at any time. emergency by increasing agricultural purchasing power, to raise revenue for extraordinary expenses incurred by reason of such emergency, to provide interest. amount greater than the face or nominal value in dollars of (d) Gold coin and bullion licensed for the other proper transactions (not involving hoarding) including gold coin and gold bullion imported for the re-export or held pending action on applications for export license. Also please study what it says in the United States Code on what is the definition of being considered a United States Citizen. 2q2= H`f9!jd{9W253']1jy- ysEVEkIO\ Now thats not to scare you off, the chance is probably only 1 in 5,000 or so that you might get a visit however, if you do it is probably harmless but I wish to warn you there is some small chance. 672 0 obj <>stream Das Eigentum des originren Staates wanderte in die Hnde auslndischer Unternehmen und die ursprngliche Verfassung von 1787 wurde in den Mlleimer verfrachtet. Hiring an accountant for the first year is highly recommend, and reading a basic accounting book like Accounting for Dummies within the first year or two will be very helpful for you, so that you can instruct your accountant what you like them to do. such provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. March 10, 1933 . When you assert the right to . Er hatte die Nationalbank verboten, weshalb auf ihn mehrere Attentate verbt wurden, jedoch erfolglos. HJR 192 is also known as Public Resolution No. If a Creditor is owed money from the Debtor who borrowed money, according to UCC and Creditor/Debtor law, the Creditor can assert the right to a Set Off of the Credit owed to it. executive order 6102 forbidding the hoarding of gold coins, gold bullion and certificates. Genau den Begriff nutzte Jesus ber die Banker seinerzeit. Section 6. Revised Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) Section. Lighting the Fires of Liberty Radio w/host: Michael Badnarik p>, 2021 You Have The Right | ALL content reproduced by permission | Web Design by. As one of the people, the grantors and beneficiaries of the constitution, you have a right of equitable relief because when the government took the people's property and gold away in 1933, via House Joint Resolution 192 and the "National Emergency" Act, the people can assert the right to equitable relief. expended" and "shall be available for or expended in", and the The "strawman," the theory states, is an entity created by an alleged 1933 "House Joint Resolution" marking U.S. residents as collateral for the country's loans. title and with other titles of the Code. emergency relief with respect to agricultural indebtedness, to provide for the orderly liquidation of joint-stock land banks, and for other purposes", [audio:]. The word Res., No. %PDF-1.5 % Amendment by Pub. -What is the Common Law please explain the distinction between common law and Statutory Law? 1.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House- f Representatives of the 66 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1BE85D0D3767D441B217D821DAA05B6D>]/Index[60 15]/Info 59 0 R/Length 53/Prev 36972/Root 61 0 R/Size 75/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Section 5. This is important that I screen you because I do not know you. Note to Reader: Portions have been redacted to only show HJR 192. Yet another after thought, if you discharge a loan, your credit report is going to be toast for a long long time. Die USA sind eine Corporation! An diesem ominsen Tag servierte der Kongress der Bevlkerung in einer gemeinsamen Resolution (HJR 192) eine Bankrotterklrung. 33, Page H-1303, Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House, JOINT RESOLUTION TO SUSPEND THE GOLD STANDARD AND ABROGATE THE GOLD CLAUSE. October 27, 1977. For the purpose of this regulation, the term 'hoarding" means the withdrawal and withholding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates from the recognized and customary channels of trade. In der Folge sind die USA durch den Act of 1871 zu einer Aktiengesellschaft namens THE UNITED STATES INC. geworden. that may be lawfully held. This Act declared the Treasury of the United States, 'Bankrupt', which is an impossible feat since the U. S. Treasury was secretly closed by the Congress twelve years earlier in 1921. The words "No gold shall after January 30, 1934, be coined" in Den kostenlosen Anspruch an die Sozialversicherung zur Rundumversorgung haben bis heute nur die als verschollen angesehenen Menschen. Was man den amerikanischen Brgern bewusst verschwieg, war die Tatsache, dass man sie mit diesen Gesetzen heimlich zu den alleinigen Kreditoren der US-Insolvenz gemacht hatte. All Rights Reserved. Policy found at House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, and the Uniform Commercial Code, the Principal being the sole authorized acceptor of the said bond, contributor of value thereto, and contributing beneficiary thereof. Another way of explaining this is they abandon their U.S. Citizen (SSN #) and instead, going forward, only contract for employment or contractor relationships (1099) with their irrevocable common law trust. What the leaders at the time failed to disclose was, that with the confiscation of all gold (money) and property, that made all Americans (Spelled in Proper case) 93574-9 APP'JDIX 5: Transfer PRP to Appellate Court (11/30/16), No. BOND ORDER Please deposit this bond to an account bearing the Registered Mail No. $96.50: PHD-LAW 3: Treaty of Peace and Friendship with Morocco 1786/1787 (the same). months after the Executive Order, on June 5, 1933, the Senate and House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 1st session, at 4:30 P.M. approve House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR-192) A Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and abrogate the Gold Clause, Joint resolution to assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the United States. All Info for H.Res.192 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Senate should give its advice and consent to the ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Since then no one in America has been able to lawfully pay a debt. Section 3. On June 5, 1933 President Roosevelt announced to the 73rd congress that the UNITED STATES was bankrupt. See id. Wie sagte Friedrich Schiller schon vor ber 200 Jahren doch so treffend: Hier noch ein kleiner, sehr spannender historischer Ausflug. My point is, its a small risk of scrutiny, but it doesnt really raise the stakes that much to prevent you from doing this. 938.

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house joint resolution 192 of 1933

house joint resolution 192 of 1933

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