jj maybank x reader crying

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jj maybank x reader crying

summary: You and JJ have liked each other for ages, but neither of you want to admit it. Thats fucked up.. no mention of protection here, always remember to use a rubba!!! Sarah: Idiot. This was so fucked up. JJ followed after and just shook his head at the events that just took place. Whats this? You questioned. Mention of abuse. summary: Rafe falls for you at the beach. Spinning around to see your three friends from the side of your house watching in anticipation. When youre finally away from the staircase, leaving him behind, your friends ask you about the whole ordeal. you got me down on my knees, begging please| 2.5k | angst, light smuttheres a game you and rafe play you flirt with boys and wait until he can no longer keep away from you, even if youre keeping your thing a secret. JJ was still silent, and if you were being honest that scared you more than him yelling. masterlist. follow me until the end | 3.7k | fluff, light angst, pining sarahs journey of self-love is the one kick-started, developed, and brought to its goal by kiaras love. ill be making my own way now Id like to thank everyone who follows me, all the mutuals Ive met, all the love Ive received, and all the incredible feedback Ive gotten on my fan fictions. Harder to take off his shirt when they would dive off the HMS Pogue floating its way through the marsh. He knew he couldnt stop it, so instead he learned to deal with it. The water is still running but neither of you can bring yourself to do something about it. warnings: canon divergent: no apocalypse, implied past emotional abuse, jealousy/misunderstanding, kinda angsty in the . You didnt care how it sounded, or what you said, really. So you huffed out a brief 'I'll see you guys later' and waved your friends goodbye. Maybe JJ should just be JJ. You make him give you the same promise you gave him, through hiccups and a coarse voice, and you kiss him when he does. Now lets get back on the field.. Instead, he continued getting high and brushed off the disapproving looks and mumbled gossip from the locals about his bad habit. Ive got you. Hes renowned for being a notorious party boy, a massive flirt, and someone who hasnt faced any legal charges yet because of who his daddy is. jj is a postman and kiara is his favourite receptionist (alternatively, 4 times kiara didnt know jjs name and the one time she did). You see that in the way his hands are limp and eyes empty; hes broken, but theres more where it came from. my god, youre a sweet thing| 3.1k | fluff warnings: underage drinking, mild cursing. You crawled out of the coop and Pope helped you to your feet, slinging his arm around you. You reunite with your friends and twin brother, John B, and help them find the lost gold and the Cross of Santo Domingo. His mouth detached from your core with a wet pop, replacing his lips with the pad of his thumb while he caught his breath. things get a little complicated when you have to go back to his place and walk in on something you shouldnt have seen, and see the side to your boyfriend you didnt know existed. He holds you the way you held him and you clutch onto his shirt, feeling for the first time, and god, it hurts. And how the corners of them would slightly turn up whenever he glanced your way. what the fuck to do. You heard him mumble a quiet lets go while he pulled you with him to the chicken coop. JJ finally let Topper leave his spot above John B in the water, and he quickly made it known to everyone that it was time to leave. y/n, the rich, figure 8 girl, suddenly bumps down to lower class after her mother & fathers divorce. You guys made a bet? JJ joked, amusement in his voice as his fingers intertwined with yours, leading you toward the rest of the crew. these wicked games we play | 3.2k | angst barry decides he needs to get money back from rafe, one way or another. You checked your phone for the time, reading 8:04 pm across the screen. Tried to deal with it. Always swapping with Kiara, whom everybody knows to be a lot fiercer right back than you, or anyone else on the team. You let out a long breath, not even realizing you had been holding it in. But loud enough to cut you off mid sentence. Me. Its okay. I cant :(. ! Everything looks the same as it always has; nobody dared touch the last thing you have of him. Hey. You looked back up at him and nodded, letting him pull you to the window while shoving you out of it before him. This makes you chuckle, because his cheeks and his nose turn red, and he stumbles over his words. You wouldnt have it any other way. Now. The sunlight from the open window in JJs room casting a golden glow on his already golden skin. You almost forgot what it felt like. 2k+ | ongoing | season 2 speculation Instead, just a short text from Kie that didnt need anymore elaboration. You pulled out your phone and opened up your word stacks game. His face is redder than before, eyes bloodshot to the point where he looks high but you know he isnt. Harder to hang out with the Pogues without telling them what was happening to him at home. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Ongoing 2023 previously titled Find me with Sunshine, There's a new Pogue on the island and danger seems to be prevalent, now she's finding out just how dangerous it'll get with her involved.---, I started coughing, JJ rubbing my back as I kicked my legs out in distress, hey is she okay?. And the worst part? Basically, if the Pogues had 5 instead of 4 members and the 5th just so happened to have a crush on the Carrera girl. dea; 22; she/her; i waste most of my time writing about fictional characters; m getting lost on you (you got me doing things i never thought id do), nothin lasts forever (we both know hearts can change), be still my foolish heart (dont ruin this on me), what we want is what we once had (all you need to know is i want more), no grave can hold my body down (ill crawl home to him), i didnt understand, but i was terrified of love, just wait until youre crying at the shower floor, you got me down on my knees, begging please, i dont know how i feel when im with you, if i say a cliche (its cause i mean it), ididnt understand, but i was terrified of love, just wait until youre crying at the shower floor, you got me down on my knees, begging please, i dont know how i feel when im with you, i even made a wee graphic for it bc i was born but also bc it's not a usual fic, anyway i might be willing to explore football!rafe a bit more in the future if there's interest, no clue if the obx fandom is even alive rn, anyway the left pic is bc that's the rafe i imagine being here, you know the kind that fleur likes (not that i'm exposing her or anything), i MIGHT post some jiara bits from the fic, rn i'm just here to see what the f and mcyt people are posting lmao, i will reply to everybody and all tomorrow it's nearly midnight already <3. You couldnt say anything. i was wondering if you could write something along the lines of the reader and jj getting in a fight and breaking up, but with a happy ending. You could hear yourself start to sob, your body shaking. It was at that moment you knew that JJ saw you just like his father. Yeah, Pope agrees, he needs to chill out. JJ stood in the middle, a large grin on his face and a birthday hat on his head with one cup cake in his hand. Hey. Kie: Dinner shift at the wreck tonight. writing was a very therapeutic method for me to help balance my thoughts and emotions, and Im truly so proud of my writing as well as all the feedback I got from my fics here, so thank you, all of you, from the very bottom of my broken heart. You were no better than his father, at this point. dea; 22; she/her; i waste most of my time writing about fictional characters. I know JJ. Too afraid to look at anything. Girl problems? John Bs voice came through the open door. He looked like one of those call center telemarketers. JJ wanted so badly for Kiara to stop crying when he lifted up his shirt. The bathroom is cold and quiet, save for the shower running. As if youd ever like the real JJ. You hated this sinking feeling. word count: 2,542 this wasnt supposed to be this long im so sorry. You had called him a piece of shit and hit him. Y/N found herself sliding off the seat and onto the floor as well. (Especially as he does that.) I also need to focus on finding employment as well, and just dont have the time or desire to be active here right now. You knew that, so why did you think he was going to? Slamming your phone face down on your side table, you pulled the covers up just under your chin and turned on your side facing the window. also, anon, you didnt request who you wanted the pairing to be so I made this one JJ! Hated how you felt so wea-. You open your eyes and see his shoulders shaking. maybankimagines. Both you and the other only female Pogue are wearing jean shorts and a bikini top, the choice that you matched right before going to the beach. And obviously, new assholes who think theyre all that in high school. You would never admit that to JJ though, but John B knew it. After getting sent away by your father nearly two years ago, you return to your hometown, Outer Banks. Since Kiara is busy, you walk over to where the boys are. First published May 19, 2020. Hes going to come around, alright? The first time he asked you out. additional: its a big one, it features two original characters, and some very tense car situation (like, angst tense). You grimace, forcing yourself to look away just long enough to make disappointed eye contact with Kie. Word count: ~500. Your lips were dry and your throat sore, you felt paralyzed in all aspects. Im probably in the deepest depression Ive ever been in, and truthfully just cannot put in any effort in this blog right now. His eyes drill into yours, through them, into a place where only JJ knows. His eyebrows are moving the slightest bit, trembling just as much as your fingers are. 2 days too long. But its the truth, anyway, so you told her you needed her help on figuring out a/n: @snkkat suggested this like three months ago and i recently remembered this and wrote it in two sessions. You turn around in your chair with it letting out the tiniest squeal, and smile at your friends sitting beside you. You had very quickly noticed just how affectionate JJ was. You could feel his shit-eating grin form around your most sensitive bundle of nerves and you playfully shook your head. I know it. You flashed your crew a quick peace sign before turning on your heels and walking back to the road to your car. Bro, are you serious? I wasnt thinking straight. things take a significantly better turn when john b returns from the fishing trip with ward, and the pogues get a chance at a happier life. Like, I dont know.. how can we fix this? im also probably not gonna be active on here pretty much at all until things calm down a little. Trust me, bro. You curse your tongue right after, because none of the other Pogues are paying that much attention to JJs antics, and you shouldnt either. Your body ablaze; like a fire you couldnt put out. She would always say what you didnt want to hear, knowing damn well it was true, followed by a hopeful and uplifting remark. So, you hit him first. You raise your hand, and Rafe calls on you. +5 more. Two finished joints were laying in the ashtray and you could see a new one rolled waiting to be lit. Low, quiet. Comforted. His usual baby blues were clouded, dark. You downed most of it in one sip, but reluctantly put it back on the wooden counter top when the rush of cold went straight to your head. Im in love with you. angst, fluff Together., JJ nods, gripping the back of your shirt, inhaling a sharp breath. You heard movement from behind you as you were about to unlock your front door. Alone | JJ Maybank x reader Requested by anon / Summary: You get the news that your brother was killed in a drunk driving accident and you have a breakdown. a/n: hello! Turmoil continues to persist in her life, and with it, Lexi finds herself only able to really trust one person. JJ had a wicked grin on his face and Kiara shoved him away. Your favorite. His voice was soft but full of excitement and you couldnt help the smile that slowly started to form on your lips. sarahcameron popeheyward surfing +22 more # 11 look after you ~ JJ x reader by EVELYN 4.1K 61 8 You locked eyes with John B who sent you a wink. You didnt mean to, but you smiled. I hope you like it. If you held out this long, you cant give in to your feelings now. See a recent post on Tumblr from @pankhoeforlife about rudy pankow smut. im always going to be taking requests to feel free to send them in! jj is an up-and-coming kickboxer set to fight one of his former best friends, the other has been dead for ten years, and the third one he catches himself falling in love all over again with, despite vowing to leave past in the past. HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW? Not cynical or sarcastic, but actually.. caring. JJ Maybank x Touch Starved Reader who's not used to affection. yourself walking to the Chateau, with no idea what youre going to say. Ive seen a lot of posts recently about people taking breaks and hiatuses, and I regret to inform you that I too, will be taking another hiatus. [shortish-long]Rich Bitch - At midsummers you and Kiara talk about how irritating kook life is, then JJ crashes the . Ever since the disappearance of John Booker Routledge and Sarah Camero Y/N Turner loves anything to do with the sea and being a pogue. Pope and Kiara were already huddled in there at the back, tears welling up in Kies eyes as she looked at you and nodded. summary: Breakups are never an easy thing, and this one is no different. The reader and jj havent confessed their feelings yet but hes being all cute and protective and stuff ya know. birthday celebration masterlist. Everyone screamed and ducked for cover, except Pope and Kiara who ran over to him in hopes to get the gun out of his hand. You wondered how long it would take for JJ to come back to you. Still, you know hes here theres nowhere else hed be. When you find him, hes falling apart in his best friends bathroom. You didnt want to argue with JJ or make a big deal out of it, so you merely said okay and told him you were painting your toenails, and that youd talk to him later. Please dont cry. You could hear your own voice starting to break. You. JJ spat at you. sarah is on a night out when a girl tries to be a wingman for her friend; its not the friend sarah ends up with. You retracted your fingers from JJs hair, running them through your own as you steadied your breathing. JJs hand found your lower back and his fingers began to draw lazy patterns across it. "W-what?" You mumble, rubbing your eyes. I was crying, laying my head in the crook of his neck. Your whole body trembling. Its a shrine, almost, so you close the door and hope you never have to walk in there again. He brought his hands down in front of his chest, clinging onto his hat as he blinked away fresh tears. No can do babes. But hes here, and youre here, too, so you bring JJs hands to your lips and kiss them, softly. Not long after that, you heard some talk of Rafe constantly giving those filthy pogues from the south side of the island what they deserve. JJ Maybank x reader by robitwrites. He knew he fucked up earlier so what was soon to happen didnt come as a shock. You had never seen JJs face contort the way it had in this moment. JJ just needs time. You say his name again, halfway to the bathtub. You and JJ were the last to exit the chicken coop. His left hand was tucked into his board shorts pocket and his right arm raised to the back of his neck, rubbing it like he did when he was nervous. You left The Wreck and made your familiar way home, crossing your arms over your chest again and looking down at the gravel. I quietly made my way out of my house to see my friends. Id like to remain hopeful that this isnt permanent, I know Ill want to come back especially once season 2 is released, but for now, I need to focus on myself and my mental health. Fear, for sure. If you were honest, his laugh may be your favorite sound. Youve got other things to worry about. On the other end of the locker room, Kiara pulls her jersey down, biting her lip. this is a lil baby of mine and i adore it with all my heart and i really hope yall enjoy it, too! Usually JJ finds himself outside your bedroom window no more than 30 minutes after an argument, but this time.. this time was different. + time seeming to stand still as they're staring into the other one's tearful eyes, just a collection of all my jj maybank oneshots :Psongs attached, pls listen while reading for the best experience !! Some shenanigans lead to jj needing a bandage or two. You tossed and turned all night, looking up at your ceiling, then to your window where you could almost see the outline of JJ clumsily sneaking in. and the one time you do for him.. He didnt understand it, and he didnt think it was fair. JJs whole body is shaking. Y/Ns right, I know what Im doing, Rafe cuts her off. You missed the HMS Pogue, the marsh, drifting down the water with JJs fingers entangled with yours while the sun set. also i was thinking like two lines from a prompt list, how can we fix this and please dont cry. Your eyes. What you did was what you thought necessary to keep him away from you. requests are OPEN. Taking his hat off, running his fingers through his hair. You rest your forehead against his, your thumbs tracing the lines of his jawline, and the thought of a world without JJ makes you feel as if someone has dropped you from a building. The next place you check is Big Johns office. You alright in there?, Reader leaves a party when it all gets a bit much, but JJ refuses to let her wallow alone, Cockwarming JJ while he's playing online COD with Pope and JB. Angst. The pleasure washing over your entire body was on another level when it was gifted from JJ. You accept the drink with a smile. Just be you, bro.. He can't stand to see the pained expression on your face, so he gently shakes you awake. anon requested: I have a smut idea for JJ or really anyone really but for JJ its where hes playing video games with John b on the call? JJs eyes drifted up and finally found yours. Well get through this, you say, for the both of you. You wrap your hands around his back, holding his weight as he falls almost limp against you. Should've Been You - JJ Maybank X Reader. A languid moan escaped past your lips as you rode out your orgasm, legs quivering. JJs a dick, everyone knows that. John Bs voice pleaded as his eyes did the same. Boys dont like girls who poke at their ego. Im Rafe., Im guessing my reputation precedes me., Rafe makes a grimace and sighs, shaking his head slightly. Did he want to fix things to still be friends, so it wasnt awkward with Pope, John B and Kiara? Sundays belonged to you and JJ. not sure if its as romantic as you would have liked | 1 | 2jjs girlfriend tells him she loves him, and its the one thing hes not ready to hear. Pope sped up the boat, JJ standing upwards flinging beer into his mouth. i dont know how i feel when im with you| 3.5k | angstdating rafe cameron was a roller coaster and eventually, youve had enough of it. wc: 306 . request: yes. - JJ MAYBANK X FEMALE OC - Delilah Fallon, a 17 year old who constantly moves from place to place due to her father. its like a story of love| 2.2k | fluffit takes you nearly ten years, but getting kiara to love you back is worth it. This is the first time you see him in almost two days. jj maybank x pope heyward we all need someone to hold| 1.1k | angst Word Count: 3.8k. So when JJ called you earlier and mentioned he was going to play Call of Duty with John B later today, you were kind of upset. You couldnt help but wonder if they were happier with you gone. 328 24 10. sophia shares her daydreams with the people who are keen on reading the stories she writes fictional characters x FEM! So fucking sorry. You breathed out and turned around, not expecting to see JJ standing before you. Not because of his father, or the pain he had endured from him. And it wasn't like her parents were around much. Kiara had a look on her face you had never seen from her before. He greets you with a simple hello, and your mind gives you a brief summary of all the things you know about him. It was a fresh start new school, new friends, new opportunities. You looked back to JJ who threw the rooster down at the realization at what he had just done. boy like him has got to spread the news of his achievements, and youd rather "JJ and Y/n have had a thing for each other for as long as anyone can remember. You made your way over to JJs house around 8 pm. He dropped his hat, shaking his head. Hell make it right. You nodded slowly, not wanting to make eye contact in case you started to cry again. JJ laid out on the mattress in the spare room of John Bs house. JJs eyes found yours, and your brows furrowed at the sudden change of color. she has a special place in her heart for the . Well, that and the two burly men who had just barged into the Chateau yelling out for John B. twice. Most of his tears were shed because of you. You were the last one who needed to climb out the window, JJs voice bringing you back to reality. Theres no one paying the bills; no one using the electricity or heating. no grave can hold my body down (ill crawl home to him) | 4.3k | angst JJ put it down. As she walked through the yard, she spotted the red hat that JJ always wore. Maybe he was right. Like your hands. how you like me now| 2k | fluff rafe falls for you at the beach. Thankfully, Pope doesnt catch that, instead just shaking his head in disapproval. break my baby| 2.4k | angstrafe has been moody the whole day and youve had enough. The warmth that was emitting from his body made you feel safe. Itll push her away, dude. she likes it more than she thought she would. Rafe Cameron walks up to you at the beach, on a sunny day, with hair styled with a little too much gel, a pair of sunglasses on top of it, a curious smile on his lips, and a reputation that precedes him. So wrong, in fact. one day, they come with a ring, too. You couldnt even believe you were apologizing to JJ for hitting him. Just you. Put my hand on you? pairing: JJ Maybank x Female Pogue!Reader. pairing: JJ Maybank x Female Pogue!Reader. He's stubborn as fuck, but he loves you. You have some oth-. JJ looked over at you and grabbed your hand, squeezing it gently and leaned his head back against the wooden board. You didnt think youd ever get to see this again. You sat against the wall and brought your knees up under your chin. It hurts too much to look around memories threaten to flood your mind and with them, tears come, too. Not right away. You walk closer, slowly, as if you were walking on eggshells. also this is really short but i though it was cute even though there's probably dozens like it. and by dont i mean do. You shake your head. You hoped to God it wasnt the latter. realise as the road youre walking on takes a turn and the Chateau peaks from You: Not fighting. warnings: physical and mental abuse, language, violence, angst. I dont even know you.. God, JJ. additional: angst with the slightest hint of smut; jealous!jj, possessive!jj. A/N: to the anon who requested this- I'm sorry it took me so long to get it out. He hit a sweet spot deep within you causing you to jerk and gasp out his name. You sent him a soft smile but shook your head. Sunday evenings were strictly reserved for you and JJ. The Chateau is empty because no one lives in it anymore. nothin lasts forever (we both know hearts can change) | 5.3k | angst that being said, I have had absolutely no desire or motivation to write anything the past few months and being active on this account makes me feel worse about that. This is the third time in a row Rafe has put you on the sidelines, basically. JJ walked back into the living room and handed you the beer, kissing the top of your head as he plopped back down onto the couch, opening his own and taking a swig. You didnt hear the footsteps running toward you. hes nothing like they say he is, and he just so happens to turn a new leaf with you. You didnt have to look at him twice to see he thinks of himself as the prince of the schoolthe island, actuallyand that just about every person who lives and breathes in the Outer Banks knows exactly who he is. So did he. You couldnt bring yourself to say anything. Thats the first time he looks at you, but its almost as if hes looking through you. You took your whole bottom lip in between your teeth and closed your eyes, back slightly arching off the bed at the new addition. summary: years after she had a summer fling, she finds his number in her phone book, and maybe her heart does ache a little. As Lexi Aldridge comes to terms with everything shes been through, she begins to doubt her ability to keep her head above water. I dont deserve you after what I did to you. Have you spoken to him?. this whole thing, but youve fucked up enough already you didnt want John B You know you cant mope around forever right? Kiaras voice brought you back to reality as you sat at the bar during her afternoon shift at The Wreck. The only things that keep you from completely losing it are his chin resting on the top of your head, his arms holding you close to him, his legs shielding you at each side. JJs hands are on your cheeks, holding you as if you were made of porcelain. You ignore the shakiness in your fingers, the unease in your stomach, the heaviness on your shoulders that pulls you towards the ground. Youre not making any sense., He stares at you and you hold his gaze, unwavering, feeling his sister stir next to you. He had you right where he wanted. He was pacing. You take a big gulp of the beer in your hand, shaking your head. His skin is all wrinkly from the water; you wonder how long hes been like this. but this is just the direction it took, sorry!! JJs eyes locked with yours from his position below you. And here I was thinking Id make a great first impression.. kiara asks jj to pretend to be her boyfriend for midsummers, except things turn out to be a little more complicated than that. i did make a twitter account bc i need to stay updated so you can find me there, its the same username as my url!! Everyone groaned, but Y/N's back pain felt worse. I get you dont wanna tell her about your dad and stuff right now but trying to be a different JJ isnt going to win her over. laugh. Am I pissed about what happened? JJ wanted them all to just stop. Is it okay if I hang out here tonight? - JJ wasnt about to hit you at all. years after she had a summer fling, she finds his number in her phone book, and maybe her heart does ache a little. However, after a tense night at the boneyard, everything comes slipping out. You grabbed the cup and took a sip of the contents inside, hoping it was a chocolate mudslide milkshake. (especially as he does that.) To talk ab the game and his gf starts riding him and hes still trying to focus on the game and be quiet.. You saw JJs free hand move slightly up toward his chest, fear settling in that he was going to hit you. | fluffafter many years of friendship, jj finally grows a pair and asks kiara out. Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader. Burly With a Gun - JJ teases Y/n with the gun he stole. Its always you.. The first time JJ got high was to help with the pain he was about to endure when he got home. This time, it might just lead to the conclusion you've been wanting. | fluffwhen your best friend sarah invites you to meet her new boyfriend and his friends, you dont expect one of them to be your old crush, kiara carrera.

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jj maybank x reader crying

jj maybank x reader crying

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