loud rumbling noise in sky today

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loud rumbling noise in sky today

Did you hear it? Also, I couldnt see a single airplane or similar flight object near me, even though the sky was clear. Something pretty neat is actually happening. 04-17-2002 Part 2 Unidentified Aerial Craft Over Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico, Around Spring 1949 Well, heres my little story today, early Monday morning, November 4, 2019. We dont live near an airport. Do you guys have any idea on what this was?? Confused people across the region reported hearing the rhythmic pulsing in Stockport, Rochdale and Middleton on Wednesday. After the second time, I really focused in my thoughts and was reminded of a rocket engine test. ince January 2011, Earthfiles has done some 200 news reports about mysterious loud, unexplained booms without physical evidence. People also report other eerie metallic scraping and trumpet sounds as well as strange, loud, jet-like engine sounds, even at night in suburbs far away from city airports. M2YzZDRkOTMyZTA1YTA4Yzg1MGJlZDQxNzRiNjUxYzZmYmU2ZGE1NGYzMGIz But suddenly, I heard a really loud noise like an airplane in full throttle or almost as if a military jet would fly right above me. 11:10 EDT 05 Mar 2012 Manchester United next six Premier League fixtures compared with Newcastle, Tottenham and rivals. There are a lot of sinkholes in our area, and I didn't rule out the possibility - because it does sound/feel like the house is rumbling - but that just wouldn't make sense, because it's usually around the same time of day and the sounds/intervals are so similar that it doesn't seem to be something completely random such as the house settling. If youve heard the 2011-2013 trumpet sounds in the sky, this was similar to that except for sounding like a jet engine instead of the trumpet. Its nothing to be afraid of. Date: October 12, 2019, 7:07 AM Eastern, Raleigh, North Carolina, I went to bed and all I could hear were noises like jets or planes in the air or like the sound when you hear jet washers against a house This morning I am still hearing that sound as we speak now. NWIwMTA5NWU1NmM5YjdiZmE0YmZlY2JhMTY5ODYxOTZkZDBjMzQ2ZTZjMzI1 My neighbor heard it also, but he didnt have any explanation either. Reports of the loud noise circulated at about 8:30 a.m., with people from Orem to . Earth's natural radio emissions are real and, although we're mostly unaware of them, they are around us all the time.. My name is Marcos Teles, Im a Brazilian man, 51-yrs old, who lived in the U.S. for about 20 years and now Ive been living in Christchurch, New Zealand, for the last 5 years. Here are a sample of the videos posted by perplexed participants in the great weird noises from the sky phenomenon. It sounded similar to the tripods from War of the Worlds movie. He also said that the emissions could come from meteors. First time 2 weeks ago. Such a mystery. MWE1ODFhMzU3MWYxZWQ5MWFhM2U2YjY4OTE3MTkxNjQzYzAyNzMwZWNlNzJh Re: Strange Jet Sound Re: Rumbling noise in sky around 2am last night, Clearwater, FL. NzRlMDI3NjhkMzY1Y2ZkZjRjMDljM2YwNmFlMDI1NzY2ZjE1ZjBkNGRlNTVj MzM1NzYxYWRhNTBkY2NmZGY4NDEzNWQ5ZWExN2Y0NmYxN2ViMWVkZmQ5ZGE4 We're getting reports of some loud rumbling that was just heard in Robinson area. Many of these may not be new at all. A San Antonio resident was surprised one evening by the sound of "loud booms" that could not be attributed to a thunderstorm, according to a recent email sent to TexasUFOs: FYI- Sat, June 23, 2018, 9:49pm hundred/s of loud booms. Keep up to date with all latest the Man Utd news, views and transfer updates from the Manchester Evening News. But, though I looked and looked, I saw nothing that was making the noise. . But experts have said that there are rational explanations. We now know what caused a loud, unusual noise that could be heard for hours near downtown Tampa Friday morning. o see all of the more than 2,600 Earthfiles in-depth reports, please, Singapore Residents Report Loud Explosion-Like, House-Shaking Sounds On Saturday. So what are they? Thanks again, Linda, for all that you do to help get the Truth out there! Very scary! But after watching your Earthfiles YouTube livestream broadcast on 8-14-2019, Im not so sure. NDcxOGVkNjc1Mzg5NGEyMzhiMjk5MGJkNmZkNzhjOTUxY2IzZDI0ODJmYmM5 'Heart warming' moment children sing along and dance with elderly woman on Metrolink, Police release CCTV images of man they want to speak to after young girl sexually assaulted, Officers were called to reports of a girl being sexually assaulted near Lees Valley yesterday (April 29), 'He hasn't got away with it like he thought he probably had' remorseless paedophile's past comes back to haunt him, Paul Betts has been sentenced to five years in prison, Historic goal masks hidden Erling Haaland improvement for Man City. 09-02-2014 Part 3: Muroc Field Researchers Allegedly Found Eloah Grey Vast Underground Facility in 1940 The only possible conclusion he could offer was that. It can't be a plane, I've never heard anything. From celestial trumpets to Darth Vader breathing, mysterious noises from above have been heard around the world during lockdown. This morning I was outside and heard what I thought was a jet making its way for LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). Today watching your YouTube video, I realized that I should check the airport departure time table. The noise would start again every 5 seconds then stop again 5 seconds continuing like this for a couple minutes., U. S. government employee in Colorado, who requests anonymity, I took my high power laser pointer and shot it up in the direction of the unexplained loud jet sound. Some even point to HAARP, aka the U.S. governments High frequency active auroral research program using HARP, a research program that analyzed the ionosphere with the aim to develop enhancement technologies for radio communication and surveillance. But last night (August 26, 2019) was nothing like I had ever heard. 13 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com According to Nasa, the Earth has natural radio emissions. November 7, 2019 Albuquerque, New Mexico Since January 2011, Earthfiles has done some 200 news reports about mysterious loud, unexplained booms without physical evidence. And already some wacky theories about what might have caused the phenomenon have surfaced on the site. MzQ3N2Y0MmNlNjU3M2IzZjk2MzhlNmI5NzE2MzNhM2ViYWQwNjhiMzZkZWZh I've heard the sound 4 times in the past year and a half. The seven angels with seven trumpets: detail from the 11th-century Bamberg Apocalypse manuscript. Sounded as if each roar changed positions creating a square shape. If you hear a rumbling coming from the sky in Pinellas County Wednesday morning, don't be alarmed. The unsettling noises were heard recently from Europe to Canada, sounding like groans and powerful horns. My back porch faced North toward Canada and Whidby Island was Northeast from my house. WICKLIFFE, Ohio (WOIO) - The source of the loud rumbling noises disturbing residents in Wickliffe on Tuesday has been found. Re: Hello VERY loud jet-like noise Re: More jet engine sounds with no jet visible in the sky. The sound seemed to fill the sky with no direction to it. Posting on Reddit, user SkoomaOverdose said it sounded like a UFO. I live in Midland, Pa. Today on November 4, 2019, from about 5:20 am to 5:35 am Eastern, I heard a VERY loud jet-like noise, a constant engine sound. I have one more detail which is that after experiencing this mysterious jet-like noise many times, I did a slightly childish and probably slightly illegal thing. I live in Doral, FL, and I was walking my dogs with my daughter about 4 days ago at around 6 pm Eastern. When I called the local police department to see if they had any other calls about this occurrence, they said they hadnt. How do I keep bugs off my patio this spring? Please email: [emailprotected]. NGZjMzM3ZWVlMGRiOTZkNDRjM2M5MGEwZmQwMTRkNjBiNWI3OWIxOGMxOTU0 It was a stable continuous roar that stopped and started 4 times with only a few seconds in between each roar. Take a listen. I don't think it a tornado either. Have you heard those weird, apocalyptic trumpet-like noises coming from the sky? On two separate occasions, I have seen the beam interrupted momentarily not reflected at all as far as I could tell though it was quite fast. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) Do you hear a loud noise coming from the sky in Pinellas County? The sounds have been reported over the last several years from California to Texas to Australia and many parts in between. I wrote it up for an article that I never wound up publishing. What do you think that is? After a jet passes, if it is a mile away, it is not as loud as this video shows.. Most who hear it say it sounds like a truck. Date: August 16, 2019. I could not determine the exact direction of where it was coming from. NTdhYmE4ZjNmYzBkZWFiZGZiMTU4NGIwMDQ2NjdhY2M4MDkxOGQ1NDBmNjZi NTI4ODI1Yzg5Y2M3ZjdhOWQxZTRjNzE0ZjYyMjRjZDFiZGFiNzQwMTc1NjAy Id rather my name not be used Thanks and keep up the great work!, 10 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Click to subscribe to the Earthfiles YouTube channel. I live in Midland, Pa. Today on November 4, 2019, from about 5:20 am to 5:35 am Eastern, I heard a VERY loud jet-like noise, a constant engine sound. After this, I immediately did research and your Earthfiles news reports was the only one that I found with a similar story. This morning I was outside and heard what I thought was a jet making its way for LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). OTNmMDY3ODMwZDk2NjRiZTY3Y2U5MDExNmY2Yjk3YzUzMWIwNTJkNGYyMjQ1 I enjoy learning from your investigative work and reporting. Other friends heard it at least a mile away. The jet-like sound was very loud and constant, as if a large commercial airliner were just hovering in the same spot. All you can really hear are crickets and other night noises on the video even though the rumble was much louder. Two years ago in 2017, I moved out of the Sequim Valley and up to the foothills in an area that is called Happy Valley.I did notice that since moving up this way, I have heard the strange jet noise much more and as I am living up higher it seems a lot louder. I've heard a very loud almost electrical sounding noise. We are about 15 miles from Teredynes Northridge facility, but I thought they quit their rocket engine test program years ago. I would like to remain anonymous please. According to Lt. Matt Doyle with the Iowa Air National Guard,. ZiIsInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjYxZjVmMGUxNGU3Njc1N2FkZmU4ZmE5NDhhNzVi Im a huge fan!, 7 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com The noise was also reported in the neighbouring state of Idaho. MWRlOWI1MjQ0YzNjODRlNWJhM2I4OTQ2MWMwMTlkNTYyY2I3OWQ1Zjk1NmQw Very, very strange., 9 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Like I can hear what seems to be a jet engine backing off as to be making a landing, yet when I look around in the sky above I would not see any plane visible. There's a noise at night, its such a low frequency you can hardly hear it some nights, and it causes our bodies to feel like they're vibrating inside like a tuning fork. The Agency said: If humans had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from our own planet. Not sure what they are. 09-17-2014 Part 5: Dulce and Dropa Stones 08-04-2018 Huge Mysterious Booms in Maryville, TN from July 30 Aug. 4 I want to tell you about an experience I had around the first week in September 2019. Yours Truly.`, 6 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Date: August 19, 2019, 2:26 PM, Runaway Bay, Queensland, Australia. Well, heres my little story today, early Monday morning, November 4, 2019. It did not seem to matter if it was late evening or early morning. MjZjOWQ4NWQ3ZWM1OTQ0MzNkNGE1NzFjYThjNzc0ODkwY2EwMzRhZTE1YTk0 11-29-2017 Mysterious Metallic Wind Sound Wouldnt Record On iPhone I personally do not know what kind of aircraft this was, but if it was a conventional aircraft, it is something brand new that neither my husband nor I have ever experienced. This was very strange. People also report other eerie metallic scraping and trumpet sounds as well as strange, loud, jet-like engine sounds, even at night in suburbs far away from city airports. We live in the middle of town in Lubbock, Texas, and hearing commercial and passenger jets is nothing new for us to experience. The internet has been buzzing with theories about what the sounds could be, with suggestions such as Jesus returning and the world ending put forward. So, I went outside and the noise had gone on for about five more minutes and then ended up going away. Reddit user Fallout, from Middleton, wondered whether an earthquake in Chile might be responsible. But sound does bounce. A suspected meteor streaking across the sky in the US has been caught on camera. You could hear this object quickly cover the sky from East to West in a matter of seconds. I live in Lexington Park, Maryland, 2 miles from PAX River Air Station. Take care., 2 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com The Monday sounds left CBS Denver's meteorologist Chris Spears baffled. The noise was the same, whoosh whoosh pulsating, but yet a jet engine sound. We live about 7 miles from the Preston Smith Airport here in Lubbock. It may be hard to believe, but that booming sound is most likely coming all the way from Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. For this next report, we go down to the Southern Hemisphere to Queensland Australia, where about 535 miles north of Sydney is a place called Runaway Bay on the Coral Sea. Date: August 27, 2019, 2:22 PM Eastern, Lexington Park, Maryland. The RENPHO Foot Massager Machine may be just the gift to make Mothers Day extra special for your mom this year. I never saw anything in the sky flying around that could explain the rumbling sounds. This time we could not locate where the sound seemed to resonate from and we could not locate any object in the sky. Paranormal Zone,The Haunting Dimensions- PZHD. Maybe an atmospheric phenomenon? The sound was distinctly coming from the sky, definitely not from the ground or nearby water. At the time I was living in the Sequim Valley, I saw many jet planes and other planes flying over on a daily basis because we lived in the flight path. A sound in Bratislava was described as Darth Vader breathing, while a recording from Colorado was like a shrieking whistle. I kinda did a process of elimination as to what was causing it, like I did not believe it was construction or trucks at a gravel pit, because the times I heard it there would not be any road construction going on and there is no gravel pit close to that house. Some believe these are celestial trumpets heralding the apocalypse; there may be other explanations. I would go out into an open area and still I would not see any plane. I live in Doral, FL, and I was walking my dogs with my daughter about 4 days ago at around 6 pm Eastern. I live in the southwestern part of Germany directly in the flight path of Stuttgart Airport. I had that same experience about 2 or 3 years ago one night also, but it has been only 2 times in the 14 years we have lived here. It seemed like an invisible, loud jet sound just flew over me very fast. The meteor's pressure wave also caused a strong gust of. Cicadas live underground as nymphs for most of their lives, at depths ranging from about 30 cm (1 ft) down to 2.5 m (about 8.5 ft). Until then, I remain a faithful Earthfiles and Earthfiles Youtube subscriber and will be seeing your happy self in the conference circuit, as I have for many years., 15 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Re: Strange, Pulsing Jet Noises Weve Heard Twice, We live in the middle of town in Lubbock, Texas, and hearing commercial and passenger jets is nothing new for us to experience. I went outside and it was a little overcast but the noise just continued. It was so loud my house started shaking, and I live on a huge overdue fault line so I thought it was en earthquake but it was only my house that was shaking, not the ground. Then further south to the Auburn and Tacoma regions Boeing Company Fabrication Division. I hope my relating my experience on this date now helps piece the puzzle together., 12 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com So I knew that if a jet was flying closer to the ground than normal, it would not be able to turn sharply in 4 directions so quickly. YTNlMGMyOGU5ZTI1NWNmNzRhMmZjMWU0ZDgzNTI2OGNkYjk2Yzc2YTEyZTYy This time we could not locate where the sound seemed to resonate from and we could not locate any object in the sky. The noise would start again every 5 seconds then stop again 5 seconds continuing like this for a couple minutes. It came back twice also, second time for almost an hour. One person in north Virginia Beach said they heard "a loud noise like thunder" in First Landing Park off of Shore Drive. (modern). Best regards., 4 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Much faster than a conventional jet. I was in my front yard in a suburban neighborhood in Lone Tree, Colorado. One woman who posted a strange sound incident to YouTube later admitted all she did was point her iPhone out the window as her laptop played the soundtrack behind her. 5 To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com YmM2ZjRiMDJhMmQwYTNkYjRjMjBmOGM5Mzk0OGMyMDQ1NjNiMWQyYjVmZTFh A loud "boom" heard across areas of northern Utah was likely a meteor, officials said Saturday. ', The I'm a Celebrity South Africa star shared honest posts about parenthood, Aston Villa manager Unai Emery explains what annoyed him most in defeat to Manchester United. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Bruno Fernandes makes Manchester United injury admission. It was cloudy in the sky, so we could not pinpoint where this sound was resonating from. Wickliffe Police confirmed that the Cuyahoga County Airport was . Eerie Bizarre Sound Recorded in Montreal October 30-31, 2018 Listen to Looped Mp3 Here, Huge Mysterious Booms in Maryville, TN from July 30 Aug. 4, Mysterious Metallic Wind Sound Wouldnt Record On iPhone, More Mysterious Booms and Sky Flashes in North Carolina and Australia, Part 4: Dulce, LEONID and Alien Weapon Determinant, Part 3: Muroc Field Researchers Allegedly Found Eloah Grey Vast Underground Facility in 1940. All in the middle of the night and always on a still, clear night. Mysterious Explosions Persist in Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona. I have been googling for about 10 minutes. Also, it also seems that the noise occurs during nights when we have a marine layer of cloud cover coming from the nearby coast. Its been on the news in other areas, but they dont know . but I want to be anonymous to the public. They have been heard in several locations around the world. Could be connected to the experiences in Everett and San Diego you wrote about on August 16, 2019, in your Earthfiles.com news website? I heard what sounded like a military powered jet engine at full power for about 5 seconds then it would abruptly stop. 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loud rumbling noise in sky today

loud rumbling noise in sky today

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