monmouth comprehensive school headteacher

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monmouth comprehensive school headteacher

The annual Careers and Higher Education Fair (CHEF) takes place at MCSon Wednesday 8th February 6 - 8 pm. event.preventDefault(); We have a dedicated team of Sixth Form tutors who work with our wellbeing team to ensure every student is well known and is supported to become not only successful but also a happy and confident adult. At Monmouth Comprehensive School, all students are supported in learning to lead their lives. [4] The school is well represented at all age groups in sports including rugby (both league and union), football, hockey, cricket, and netball. Read our. We ranked 7 best universities in Frankfurt based on their reputation, research performance, and alumni impact. Copyright & Trade Mark Notice & 2013 - 2023, Contact Us The Tindle Suite In the face of pressure from various sources for schools to become exam factories, the restorative model supports our young people in leading their lives as healthy, resilient, centred and valued individuals. 23 March 2023 Excellent enthusiasm from Primary Cluster planning our Fairy Tale Project in our training with Wendy Adeniji and Sanako. The school runs the Monmouth Comprehensive School Boat Club which is affiliated to British Rowing (boat code MOC). Institute of Education, University of London, Headteacher @ Monmouth Comprehensive School. This is guided by our relationships policy which is centred on respect and has shifted the emphasis from censure to support. Address: County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA,, In line with our core restorative beliefs, we support young people in expressing their perspectives, their thoughts and feelings, strengthening their sense of self. Headteacher @ Monmouth Comprehensive School Executive Principal @ Future Academies Masters Student @ Institute of Education, University of London see more Education UCL Master of Arts (Education, Philosophy) 2017 - 2018 UCL (Social Science) 2007 - 2008 Institute of Education (Social Sciences) 2007 - 2008 see more Skills Management Administration I was awarded a Double First-Class degree. View Sitemap Furthermore, anti-social behaviour involving youths in Monmouth has dropped by 48 per cent in three years. They also co-ordinate with other local schools on major events such as Monmouths Got Talent and the Monmouth Literature Festival. As a Charity Committee, we are passionate about working within our community as well as supporting larger causes such as Children In Need and Macmillan. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Inspection | Reports - Monmouth Comprehensive School, "BRITISH ROWING JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS 2013", "2017 British Rowing Junior Championships results",, This page was last edited on 30 March 2023, at 16:39. We adjoin Monmouth Leisure Centre, which also gives us first-class sport facilities for our students and staff. We also work on wider student independence, fostering resilience and intrinsic motivation amongst all that join us. High Visibility A restorative school emphasises the importance of relationships for supporting emotional wellbeing, resolving conflict and preventing harm. | Welcome to our school. Restorative approaches operate on three tiers: universal, targeted and intensive. The Year 11 rugby league team were crowned Carnegie Schools Welsh champions[when?]. | This will give students of the future a chance to see what the school was like in 2012. In the face of pressure from various sources for schools to become exam factories, the restorative model supports our young people in leading their lives as healthy, resilient, centred and valued individuals. Welcome to Monmouth Comprehensive School, and to our Sixth Form. | We are absolutely . Today's top 541 Childcare Teacher jobs in Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany. It was a great and happy day but I do recall it felt a little bittersweet to be faced with the fact that I was moving on from the Comprehensive, where I had been since I was 11. Unfortunately errors in behaviour are so often met with sanctions and reprimands that do little to resolve the issue or deal with the unmet needs behind the behaviours. This programme further enables each to explore their own interests, develop their character and maximise their own unique talents. The curriculum is structured to allow for clear progression with accreditation and considerable personal choice and flexibility. In classrooms throughout the country, academic errors are seen as accidental and are met with support. 6. Merry John, who is a maths graduate from Lancaster University and has 23 years' experience working in schools, will take over as the new headteacher. Restorative justice gives victims the chance to meet or communicate with their offenders to explain the real impact of the crime it empowers victims by giving them a voice. I hope that this recruitment pack gives you a good idea of our school, our values and our ambitions for the future. I am now currently working my dream job on a Specialist Paediatric and Neonatal Surgical Unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital. This is guided by our relationships policy which is centred on respect and has shifted the emphasis from censure to support. Collaborative work and shared facilities with Monmouth School for Girls will allow your son to have a greater freedom to explore his academic capabilities. I have joined the rowing club and it is has been brilliant for fitness, teamwork and competition. The skills they develop at MCS ensure they are fully prepared to spread their enthusiasm, empathy, hard work and kind attitudes, acting as a positive force for the future. Restorative practice is based on the values of restorative justice, which underlines the significance of feelings and how they affect relationships. Restorative practice refers to a variety of methods and strategies which can be used to both deal with conflict as it happens and prevent conflict from happening. Furthermore, students and teachers create and maintain the conditions of learning together, and work on the proviso that conflict is part of life, seeing its potential for learning new skills and discovering needs. Y11. We provide an environment in which you will be both happy and successful. Careful curriculum planning and an approach to learning that builds relationships and self-esteem have been key factors in these structural changes. Each student's requirements are assessed individually; progress through the Sixth Form is carefully monitored and reported to parents termly. Establishment Monmouth Comprehensive School URN: 401860. Some of the subjects I have enjoyed are Maths, Science and Drama. Opportunities such as being a Prefect or mentoring younger students are fantastic ways to develop leadership skills. I am so glad to be part of such a brilliant school with such happy memories. Within my Form group, over the past four years, Ive been able to develop a strong relationship with my Form Tutor, who I know I am able to go to if there is ever an issue. Pontypool Old Dixton Road When our Year 13 students leave us in the summer of their final year, it is wonderful and rewarding to see that they have developed into responsible, independent young learners who are ready to take on the world. AiUQV. $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); In classrooms throughout the country, academic errors are seen as accidental and are met with support. Dec 2020 - Dec 2021 1 year 1 month. Abergavenny In 2012, the school held a successful Green Week which helped raise awareness of Fairtrade and recycling. James Tester In our Sixth Form, realistic and appropriate course choice at the outset is seen as vital to maximising success. Since joining the school, the atmosphere, the environment and social aspect of the school is excellent. Activities that were undertaken included a paper mountain to raise awareness of how much paper is used within the school, an ecotree, a logo competition and many more, all designed to raise awareness of environmental issues within the school. Thank you again for your interest. For schools this means grounding the prevention of harm as well as the resolution of conflict in restorative principles. I am very proud to work in a school in which students have so many opportunities to thrive in such a supportive and exciting atmosphere. However, success comes in a variety of ways, and we celebrate a broad range of success in academic and non-academic fields. It is a wonderful school to work, learn and be happy in and I feel pride in what we do, who we are and what is achieved here. Mr Hutchison said he would like to see Wales' universal free school meal offer in primaries extended to secondary pupils. Charity Committee Chair Our families and our local community are exceptionally supportive and welcoming. Our school site is spacious and exceptionally well resourced. xWmoHna?B%"N6wT~6-5`3! We hope you will join us. For now Im based in London but in the next 1 year who knows, maybe I will continue my studies to do a masters or even continue my nursing career overseas. Email: Phase of education Not applicable School type Welsh establishment . Why choose to study at monmouth comprehensive school? Vaughan Davies will be stepping down on August 31 having overseen the 43m rebuilding of the school into a 21st Century state-of-the-art campus. I am the deputy headteacher of Monmouth Comprehensive School, which has been fully restorative for five years. Restorative practice has transformed our climate, our language and our culture, and we feel that every school could benefit from this model. My favourite subject is Maths because it is a great skill to learn. It holds people to account without devaluing their humanity. We look forward to receiving applications from candidates whose personal qualities and values reflect those in the person specification, and whose experiences also place them in a strong position to deliver the challenges set out in the job description. Our educational programme also includes a vast array of concerts, theatre performances, expeditions and trips, allowing your child to reach his full potential in music, art and drama. We all take pride in ensuring it is looked after. Beyond the classroom, Sixth Form students participate in a rich and varied extended curricular programme, including sport, music and the performing arts as well as organisations such as World Challenge and Duke of Edinburgh Award. The new school building is very open and the School Council helped design it. Attendance figures at the school are at their highest level in its history, with 95.2 per cent of students attending and 96 per cent targeted for this academic year., Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw A comprehensive programme of tutorial interviews and guidance events exist to assist and support students as they proceed to University, training or the workplace. Students are encouraged to take pride in their learning and progress, and to develop their independent study skills both inside and outside lessons. Each student's requirements are assessed . We are an inclusive community school, rooted in shared values, determined to enable all our students to fulfil their potential. Academic success is part of this, and we are well-established as a school at which students achieve exceptionally well. Monmouth Comprehensive School grand opening | South Wales Argus The one lesson I particularly enjoy is Welsh. We also look forward to opportunities where we are able to invite our community in to meet with us, for example we invited local community groups for the elderly in to see the dress rehearsal of our school production Billy Elliot, as well as providing them with coffee and cake supplied by our Food Hall staff. Information on German term dates, summer holidays & moveable holiday days. You have the ability to do lots of sessions - although I would want to do more! In addition, Sixth Form has provided agreat opportunity to meet new people from a diverse mix of different schools. We have the benefit of a magnificent new school building that was completed 2 years ago under the 21st Century Schools programme. The school is a fantastic place to be and I wouldnt study anywhere else. We also have a wonderful modern learning environment that provides you with excellent facilities. Monmouth head-teacher to leave post |

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monmouth comprehensive school headteacher

monmouth comprehensive school headteacher

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