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naval advisory group vietnam

A second category, which makes up approximately half the bulk of the records, is messages. These statistics could of course be interpreted two ways; either there was little sea infiltration, or the counter-infiltration effort was remarkably ineffective. Furthermore, ground commanders generally tended to discount the economic and strategic importance of the Nam Can. The primary mission of Market Time at this period was "to conduct surveillance, gunfire support, visit and search, and other operations as directed along the coast of the Republic of Vietnam in order to assist the Republic of Vietnam in detection and prevention of Communist infiltration from the sea." Progressive Management. Finally, it was recommended that an extensive river patrol be established, with 120 river patrol craft operating from LSTs anchored off the mouths of the major rivers. 0. It was unmistakably evident that great amounts of supplies for the Communists had been brought into Vietnam to support and fuel the offensive. The terrain of the Rung Sat is ideally suited to guerrilla warfare. In a departure from the planning conference recommendation of the preceding month, the decision was taken to introduce U.S. PCFS (Swifts) for close inshore patrolling. All Navy personnel then being ordered to Vietnam reported to Military Assistance Command Vietnam for further assignment to the Naval Advisory Group, and Westmoreland delegated operational control of assigned naval forces to the Chief, Naval Advisory Group. The 5th Special Forces Group was also established in-country by 1965. The people came from all over the Delta to harvest the wood and fish of the area. The records in this collection were collected at the naval headquarters in Saigon by naval officers who acted as historians and were assigned to the staff. The combined operation, called Sea Float by the U. S. Navy and Tran Hung Dao III by the Vietnamese, began with the towing of the first Ammis up the river to the vicinity of Old Nam Can on 25 June 1969 by U. S. Navy YFUs. At 1030 on 16 February 1965, Lieutenant James S- Bowers, U. S. Army, while piloting a UH-1B helicopter on a medical rescue mission from Qui Nhon, sighted a camouflaged ship lying in Vung Ro Bay on South Vietnams central coast. Task Force 115 operations at this time were divided into nine patrol areas, 30 to 40 miles deep and 80 to 120 miles long, stretching from the seventeenth parallel in the north along the coast to the Brevie Line2 in the Gulf of Thailand. DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. "Doctors and Dentists, Nurses and Corpsmen in Vietnam, by Commander F. O. McClendon, Jr., Medical Service Corps, U. S. Navy, in Naval Review 1970. Permission to conduct these operations was granted. Naturally, stand-off weapons, frequently command-fired from concealed positions well inland, became more attractive to the enemy. Drastic defoliation of the banks of the Long Tau made the planting and the firing of command-detonated mines extremely hazardous for the enemy. Many of the records were referred to other agencies for further declassification review and some records remain exempt from declassification. Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft supported the Mobile Riverine Force. Two months later, the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), recently reorganized from an infantry formation, reported in country, and the rest of the 1st Infantry Division arrived in October. The mooring of this large complex of Ammi barges in tidal currents, which frequently reached velocities of six to eight knots, proved to be a considerable feat in itself. During the long months of the northeast monsoon the climate is probably the countrys worst, with cold, grey and rainy days following each other in seemingly endless succession. Meanwhile, to the despair of U. S. Navy advisors, the Vietnamese River Assault Groups frequently found themselves involved in logistic support and static defense roles assigned them by ARVN ground commanders. The Rung Sat was the one area where the Navy had, so to speak, a piece of the ground war (responsibility for military operations there rested with the Vietnamese Navy), and as Senior Advisor to the Vietnamese Navy the Admiral considered his position to be somewhat analogous to that of a Senior Advisor to one of the Combat Tactical Zones. The Naval Advisory Group reported that "there were cases of failures to carry out orders and missed commitments, but not as many as might have been predicted.. If the war, or domestic political considerations, made it necessary to turn over less American equipment fractional Vietnamese crews could be collected from our boats and brought together to form crews for a lesser number of boats. At this time Admiral Ward was both CNAG and CTF 115. In addition to the headquarters offices, the complex included a barracks, a mess hall, a refrigerated storage building and its own power plant and telephone exchange. John George Graf | American Battle Monuments Commission In the absence of ground forces, the enemy could employ a further application of the strategy of sanctuary, for our boats could pursue" only to the maximum effective range of their installed weapons. All U.S. Army units in South Vietnam, excluding advisory attachments, were assigned to the Army Support Group for administrative and logistical needs. American-furnished material doubled and redoubled the Vietnamese Navy inventory. Vietnam: Naval Advisory Group Vietnam: Naval Forces Vietnam (NAVFORV) Lessons Learned and End of Tour Reports Vietnam: Navy Research and Development Unit (NRDUV) Vietnam Operational. By the fall of 1965, U. S. Navy units in Vietnam included: (1) the Marines in I Corps; (2) Navy support personnel under ComPhibPacs command at Da Nang and Chu Lai (on 1 October Naval Support Activity, Da Nang, was established under ComUSMACVs operational control and PhibPac support terminated); (3) Construction Battalions in I Corps and Seabee Teams throughout the country who also worked under the Military Assistance Command Vietnam; (4) the Officer in Charge of Construction and his organization; (5) the Naval Advisory Group; (6) the Headquarters Support Activity, Saigon (whose responsibilities were being phased out and taken over by the U. S. Army); (7) the Military Sea Transportation Service Office, Vietnam; and (8) numerous smaller activities. The concept of sequential turnover was the keystone of the Navys ACTOV plan, and it called for a gradual phasing in of Vietnamese personnel in all U. S. craft and facilities to be turned over. They agreed that a study should be conducted on the subject. It was decided, therefore, to shift to a standard family of small arms, using the same caliber of ammunition, and provide more modern supporting weapons. They were given hot meals, small gifts, and services which ran the gamut from sampan motor repair to the grinding of woodcutters axes on a wheel specially acquired for that purpose in Nha Trang, and shipped to Sea Float by CTF 115. When President Diem was overthrown, Captain Quyen, who was closely associated with the fallen President, and who had been instrumental in defeating several previously attempted coups, was himself murdered by a subordinate officer sympathetic to the incoming regime. "Application of Doctrine; Victory at Van Tuong Village, by Brigadier General O. F. Peatross, U. S. Marine Corps, in Naval Review 1967. River Assault Groups seldom went on combat missions. Such patrols were considered tiresome, time consuming, and virtually devoid of the tangible results obtainable from "search and destroy operations. Naval Advisory Group Vietnam - Navy Veterans Finally, the Report indicated that U. S. Navy forces might have to ' be deployed in the Delta rivers to stop Communist infiltration, thus anticipating later Game Warden operations. In spite of greatly increased levels of military assistance, the situation in South Vietnam continued to deteriorate. With few exceptions, the Coastal Groups (the Junk bases) are located in areas considered undesirable for duty. On 11 May the Government of South Vietnam granted formal authorization for U. S. Navy Market Time units to stop, search, and seize vessels not clearly engaged in innocent passage, inside the three mile limit of the Republic of Vietnam's territorial waters. 4 Operational Control is the authority to direct forces assigned. The RAG was not provided with a permanently assigned landing force, and, for all practical purposes, operational control had been surrendered to regional Army commanders who employed the river craft almost exclusively in logistic support of encamped ground forces. The situation, in the fall of 1968 was not one for faint hearts. When the III Marine Amphibious Force moved to Da Nang on 6 May 1965, its commanding general, Major General William R. Collins, was designated MACV's naval component commander. The Brown Water Navy in Vietnam - In March 1965, Westmoreland began a search for a new location large enough to accommodate the entire headquarters. The Bucklew Report was critical of the sea patrol then in effect, and recommended augmenting it with U. S. forces. Once U. S. involvement in the war terminated in 1973 it became clear a more useable arrangement of the records was necessary. Within a short time of its capture by the Viet Cong, Old Nam Can presented a scene of the utmost devastation, and it was literally true that scarcely two stones were left piled one upon the other, save for the brick heaps of the ruined charcoal kilns. The force levels decided upon in September 1965 were later increased, and thus it may be assumed they were not in themselves sufficient. A sapper group, Doan-10, had been identified. Truck convoys valiantly crossed streams, mountains and forests; drivers spent scores of sleepless nights, in defiance of difficulties and dangers, to bring food and ammunition to the front, to permit the army to annihilate the enemy. Vice Admiral Zumwalt decided to concentrate his efforts on three principal tasks. In the IV Corps Tactical Zone, the Mobile Riverine Force was the only friendly force that retained the ability to mount sustained and effective counter-offensive operations. Some of the unsung heroes of this war are the captains who guided low-powered and frequently age-weakened ships and craft through the treacherous white water of the Cua Viet inlet, and other equally hazardous channels in northern I Corps. As a result, the 1st Logistics Command was established. The first permanent United States naval presence in Vietnam was established in August 1950, soon after the outbreak of the Korean War, when the Navy Section of Military Assistance Advisory Group, Indo china, was formed in Saigon with Commander James B. Cannon, U. S. Navy, and seven officers and men. Many of these vessels, of course, have been, and are being, transferred from our inventory to that of the Vietnamese Navy through the ACTOV program. Hard intelligence had repeatedly confirmed that the bulk of enemy war material for the III and IV Corps areas entered Cambodia from the sea, in Communist Chinese and Eastern Bloc ships, primarily through the port of Sihanoukville. Well documented infiltration routes had been traced, and it was one of the three aims of Sea Lords to bar these where they crossed or followed navigable water. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Provision for systematic screening of materials declared excess by all military commands. Thus, the American sailors who realized that a member of their "team" was going to be replaced in a short time could be expected to see to it that the new replacement really did know how to operate, for example, the after machine gun. Naval Advisor Vietnam | Proceedings - April 1969 Vol. 95/4/794 "Fighting Boats of the United States, by Captain Richards T. Miller, U. S. Navy, in Naval Review 1968. PRICE Tet1968. The companion piece to this tragedy, often conveniently forgotten by later critics of the war and self-styled pacifists, was the liquidation of perhaps 50,000 "enemies of the people, by the Communists own estimate, during the consolidation of Viet Minh rule in the North. Advisors were assigned to the Sea, River, and Junk Forces, to the Naval Shipyard in Saigon, and to the Vietnamese Navy Headquarters. By 1 April 1970, 242 craft, worth more than $68 million, had been turned over under the ACTOV program. [5] Initially, Westmoreland exercised this command through the Chief, Naval Advisory Group. The military impact of harassing attacks on Long Tau shipping was virtually nil, but the Viet Cong derived great propaganda value from their efforts. The Archives Branch originally filed the records in the order in which they arrived. During the first five days of the Sea Float operation, an average of 102 sampans per day was sighted on the Cua Lon. The Junk Force put only an average of 40 per cent of its available boats to sea on any given day. It is probably correct to state that few, if any, of those recruited desired to serve in the Junk Force. USSAG was activated on 11 February 1973 under the command of commander of MACV. In December, an operation called Silver Mace, involving the first open sea transit of heavy riverine assault craft, struck at these barricades and in three days removed them. An observation plane reported lights and activity near the stricken ship, and on the adjacent beach. One of this officers very first acts was to remove French officers from the Vietnamese Navy and Marine Corps Headquarters. Edit: not mirrored, onset of Vietnam when UDT teams became SEALs. His command and control decisions were shaped by the following principles: (1) U. S. Navy operations in Vietnam would be coordinated with Vietnamese Operations, allowing integrated operations to be instituted as soon as practicable; (2) facilities required for U. S. naval operations would be located with Vietnamese naval installations so that support operations could be integrated, and later turnover of the facilities more practically achieved. In October 1962, the President's Special Military Advisor, General Maxwell Taylor, arrived in Vietnam to assess the situation. As a result, on 1 April 1966, Naval Forces, Vietnam, was established to control the Navy's units in the II, III and IV Corps Tactical Zones. An extremely interesting and ingenious operation occurred on 22 February 1968, in the Phung Hiep district of the Delta. In the North, warnings were scrawled on the walls of public buildings, urging the populace to flee in advance of the Viet Minh Army. The catch is salted and dried in the sun prior to shipment to market. There was a general reluctance within the Sea Forces to maintain active patrols. Operation Search Turn was launched on 2 November 1968 and succeeded in establishing the first of the interdiction barriers, on the Rach Gia Long Xuyen and Ca San Canals in the upper Mekong Delta. The "Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam" was known by the abbreviation COMUSMACV (/km.jusmkvi/ "com-U.S.-mack-vee"). The Naval Advisory Group (NAG) of MACV assumed the responsibilities of the old Naval Section. In that month U. S. Navy Oceangoing Minesweepers (MSOs) joined Vietnamese Navy ships in barrier patrols near the seventeenth parallel. The Vietnamese Navy and the advisory effort had expanded sharply. Citation 26 - The Mobile Riverine Force Association - MRFA U.S. This peculiar command structure was not destined to last, however. Cooking, medical work, transport, and the like were carried on right in the trenches, under enemy bombing and crossfire. This "hot-house" growth was the more notable because it was accomplished in conditions of near constant crisis in the senior Vietnamese Navy leadership. In part, this name change reflected the fact that the United States now sent aid directly to the Vietnamese rather than to the French. Captain Chon brought dynamic leadership, a new sense of purpose, and, perhaps most important, a period of much needed command stability to the Vietnamese Navy. This "balloting by feet was acutely embarrassing to the Communists, and during the latter part of the regroupment period the agreement on freedom of movement was openly violated and would-be refugees were prevented from leaving. The effects this development had on the U. S. Navys role in Vietnam were extremely important and resulted in the eventual substitution of American for French influence in the shaping of the young Vietnamese Navy. Hundreds of sampans of all sizes, hundreds of thousands of bamboo rafts crossed rapids and cascades to supply the front. The proposal to establish a permanent base in the Nam Can met with little enthusiasm in IV Corps Headquarters. Most of its people were removed to a site roughly ten miles to the north which was named "New Nam Can to distinguish it from the old district capital. The Naval Forces Vietnam command had its origins in the Navy Section of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Indochina, which was established in 1950 to provide supplies and equipment to the French. [2]:59, MACV was disestablished on 29 March 1973 and replaced by the Defense Attach Office (DAO), Saigon. Minimum training requirements for the buildup were estimated to be: (1) Recruit training increased by a factor of four; (2) The Vietnam Navys advanced school capacity tripled; (3) A four-fold increase in offshore training; and (4) English language training expanded by almost thirty times. The swampy Rung Sat controls the waterways connecting Saigon with the sea. . Until March 1965. The second aim was to "pacify" certain vital trans-Delta waterways,7 and the third was "to stir up the enemy and keep him off-balance" by Market Time raider incursions into the rivers of the Ca Mau peninsula. 1 The patrols along the seventeenth parallel, and near the Brevie Line in the Gulf of Thailand in late 1961 and 1962, in which U. S. Navy MSOs and des participated in a very limited way (using their radars to vector VNN ships to suspicious contacts), did not indicate large scale infiltration from the sea. The Naval Advisory Group continued its advisory role as a subordinate command under COMNAVFORV. Naval Forces in Vietnam and the Naval Advisory Group, Vietnam, was so impressed with SEAL successes that he wanted "hundreds" of SEALs in Vietnam. A new family of fighting craft appeared, newly built or adapted from older boats in our inventory. The insurgency problem in South Vietnam began to assume serious proportions late in 1959, when it became apparent to many observers that increased U. S. military aid would be required if the independence of the South was to be preserved. Interim Game Warden bases were established at Nha Be and at Cat Lo. The "Vung Ro Incident," as it came to be called, led directly to Market Time, the U. S. Navy's first large-scale operational participation in the Vietnam War. At peak strength in 1968, the American naval advisory . "Pigs and chickens programs were initiated at most bases to provide the necessary protein that was often lacking in the diet of the Vietnamese dependents. In January 1964, a team of eight naval officers, headed by Captain Phillip H. Bucklew, met in Saigon to study the infiltration problem. After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. "Marine Corps Operations in Vietnam 1965-1968, by Brigadier General Edwin H. Simmons, U. S. Marine Corps, in Naval Reviews 1968, 1969, 1970. Until 1964 the Viet Cong were not equipped with standardized weapons and fought with a large variety of French, Russian, Chinese, and captured American arms. As was proven time and time again in Brown Water Nan operations in Vietnam, cooperation with trained and aggressive ground forces was the real key to success. The arrival in March of elements of the second River Assault Squadron, RAS 11, permitted the deployment of the first units of RAS 9 to other parts of the Delta. As is true for much of the Delta, waterways are vital routes to and from markets, and roads are virtually non-existent. He found himself the victim of a mutiny on 8 April 1965, when his Force Commanders and other senior officers rose against him, charging him with graft in the operation of a fleet of coastal freighters, which had been seized by the Government at the time of the 1963 coup. The NavForV program did not stop with the construction of shelters. RPG-62 Vietnamese crews had only been at the base since June 1969 when they arrived with 10 PBRs that had been turned over from USN River Division 554 as part of the U.S. Navy's Accelerated Turnover to the Vietnamese (ACTOV) program. At about this same time public statements by Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford signaled the changing U. S. policy on the war. When the Navy became involved in port security (basically an Army responsibility), the incidence of minings at anchor fell off. (3) That NavForV not include III MAF, which would continue under the operational command of CinCPacFlt and operational control of ComUSMACV. Song Ong Doc U.S. Naval Riverine Operational Base (1970) Command then passed to the Commander USSAG/Seventh Air Force at Nakhon Phanom. The facilities at Cua Viet were almost constantly subject to enemy artillery and rocket attack, and the pressures and rigors of life at this exposed forward base were extreme. Our operational boats would be the first to complete turnover. The U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff approved the proposed operating concept on 16 March, and on that very day the first U. S. Navy ships reported for duty, the destroyers Higbee (DD-806) and Black (DD-666). A span of the Phung Hiep bridge was raised early in the morning with the assistance of the Army Engineers, and two River Assault Divisions with troops embarked passed 14 miles up the supposedly "inaccessible" Cai Con Canal for an assault on Viet Cong positions. NAVAL ADVISORY GROUP VIETNAM? - VetFriends Thousands of bicycles from the towns also carried food and munitions to the front. The Roman Catholic Church advised its adherents to abandon ancestral homes and fields and seek sanctuary in the South. That afternoon, additional caches were uncovered. [6]:2 Naval Support Activity Danang (NSA Danang), provided logistic support to all American forces in I Corps, where the predominant Marine presence demanded a naval supply establishment. In the fall of that year a joint State-Defense Survey Mission visited Vietnam. NAVAL ADVISORY GROUP, VIETNAM? - VetFriends On 21 February 1965, the Commander of the U. S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam requested the Commander-in-Chief Pacific and the Commander-in-Chief Pacific Fleet to send representatives to Saigon to plan a combined U. S.-Vietnamese Navy patrol effort. In April the operation expanded rapidly. Task Force Clearwater. There was a need for "an accelerated progress in improving Vietnamese capabilities in order that U. S. forces could, in fact, be withdrawn in significant numbers. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Secretary was further quoted as saying that "our orientation seems to have been more on operations than on assisting the South Vietnamese to acquire the means to defend themselves. While this may not have been intended as criticism of the past conduct of the war, it was unmistakable direction as to where future priorities were to be placed. Naval Forces, Vietnam Monthly Historical Summary for July 1969 Descriptive Note: Corporate Author: NAVAL FORCES VIETNAM FPO SAN FRANCISCO 96626 Personal Author (s): Report Date: 1969-10-01 Pagination or Media Count: 117.0 Abstract: Although numerous MAAGs operated around the world throughout the 1940s-1970s, including in Yugoslavia after 1951, the most famous MAAGs were those active in Southeast Asia before and during . While some additional men were absorbed by the training program and by the Sea Forces, many names simply appeared on a padded payroll, or belonged to a disproportionately growing shore establishment. (6) That ComNavForV administer all naval construction in Vietnam. The task force was organized into two groups, the Hue River Security Group and the Dong Ha River Security Group. On 29 April it was announced that Coast Guard Squadron One, with seventeen 82-foot cutters (WPBS), would be lifted to Vietnam for Market Time operations. Transfer of the main body, drawn largely from the operations and intelligence sections of MACV and Seventh Air Force, began on 10 February. On 16 August 1954, the first U. S. Navy transport to be assigned to Operation Passage to Freedom loaded refugees in Haiphong. Combined operations in November and December 1968 cleared the important Cho Gao Canal and swept through the Can Tho Crossing corridor and the Dung Island complex in the Bassac River. As provided for in the organization of the task force headquarters in the contingency plans, MACV's commander was also his own Army component commander. Fish from the rivers and seas are an important staple in the Vietnamese diet. Only 11 were confirmed Viet Cong. Vice Admiral Zumwalt and the New Strategy. The interdiction effort that had been directed against these routes was concentrated on the major rivers, and might be likened to an attempt to stem the flow of water through a sieve by the tactic of inserting a limited number of needles in selected openings in the sieve, effective locally, but virtually useless overall. On the basis of the evidencethe 17 infiltrators identified in two yearsthere was little to support the claim of large-scale sea infiltration. Second, there was (and to a degree there continues to be) a profound reluctance on the part of Vietnamese ground force commanders to commit their troops to the aggressive river bank patrols essential to the effectiveness and safety of naval operations on narrow and restricted waterways. It took a great deal of persuasion and strong representations at the highest level, before the shotgun wedding was brought off. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) is a designation for United States military advisors sent to other countries to assist in the training of conventional armed forces and facilitate military aid. The enemy was unable to infiltrate and stockpile sufficient material in the Delta to sustain any significant offensive action, much less repeat the violence unleashed in the 1968 Tet offensive; Enemy forces in the Delta were gradually starved for supplies and ammunition, and hard pressed to maintain themselves; and. PC 04 and LSM 405 immediately began a run to the beach, but at a range of about 500 yards encountered small arms and automatic weapons fire. The Naval Advisory Group was a division of the MACV staff organization and Chief, Naval Advisory Group was therefore without command authority, including disciplinary authority, over any naval personnel in-country. Under the terms of the Geneva agreement, a military demarcation line was established near the seventeenth parallel in Vietnam. [4]:327 With the eviction of Viet Cong "tax collectors" from the principal water routes, civilian traffic on the rivers noticeably increased. The Ammis were fitted out at Nha Be.

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