one production facility will usually be favored when

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one production facility will usually be favored when

Operate in a client-server environment, traditional or web-based, Simultaneously operates in multiple languages, Handles accounting standards of multiple countries, WGU_FVC1_Ch13_Global Operations and Supply-Ch, Chapter 10: The Organization of Globalization, AST109 Outermost Planets Uranus and Neptune (, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. From here, the librarie Battonkill Company, operating at full capacity, sold 124,200 units at $63/unit in 2014. 2. 5 percent. Buying from suppliers could unintentionally lead to suppliers becoming competitors. Three sub-facilities are used 1) How does capacity utilization influence the intensity of rivalry? c) p. The Moody Company produced three joint products at a joint cost of $117,000. The process currently is: a) Capacity constrained b) Demand constrained c) Unconstrained d) Linearly constrained. The firm is currently producing 52 units of output, marginal cost is $17, average total cost is $15 and average va, If a competitive firm is selling 1,000 units of its product at a price of $9 per unit and earning a positive profit, then: a. its total cost is less than $9,000. Focus is on the production stages and components with the most value added A) There are more opportunities for advancement and promotion. Once in production, the PCB machine Jackson has increased staffing levels on some evenings (e.g., first of the month, standard paydays) to reduce patient waiting time. If the extra output that is produced by hiring one more unit of labor adds more t. Assume that the initial inventory has no holding cost in the first period and back orders are not permitted. If the standard deviation of the weighing scale is 0.02, is the process considered capable? the integration and coordination of global supply chains would not be possible without information technologies such as the Internet and enterprise resource planning systems. Which of the following is not one of the ways in which a firm may pursue a learning curve steeper than the industry average? How reliable is the delivery? In the past month the plant produced 750 units. b. identifying capacity gaps. What is the capacity of this system? Make a list of 10 to 20 use situations important to campus area restaurants. The facilities have machines and use labor that is involved in the production to ensure the optimum output. This financial flexibility may prove crucial when fixed costs are considerable, determining if products made in-house will be produced in one or more facilities, and if these facilities should be located in one or more countries. Explain the distinction, A firm produces output y using two factors of production (inputs), labour L and capital K. The firm's production function is f(L,K) = 1 2 ln(L) + 1 2 ln(K). The cost of an aerobic digester system with a capacity of 140 million gallons per day (MGD) is $2.1 million. Holding costs are $2.00 per unit per year. The design capacity for engine repair in our company is 80 trucks per day. Physical, as in manufacturing b. Locational, as in transportation c. Informational, as in consulting d. Physiological, as in health care e. Exchange, as in retailing f. Storage, as in warehousing 6. The East Midvale Textile Company produces denim and brushed-cotton cloth. Ram Roy's firm has developed the following supply, demand, cost, and inventory data. The consumer price index in an economy is 180 one year and 189 the next year. What is the utilization rate? Centralized generation in the United States, Environmental impacts of centralized generation. Most companies make a capacity decision frequently. What is the measured capacity of the work center? A firm uses 1 capital for every 5 workers to produce 1 output. a) The firm is currently producing 100 units of output. Producing each tent requires 2 units of capital or 3 worker, A firm is using a single variable input, labor, with a given amount of a fixed input, capital. 0.6667 c Zytel Corporation produces cleaning compounds and solutions for industrial and household use. Firm does not need to learn a new business b. Why? b. innovation. United Industries manufactures a number of products at its highly automated factory. A) job shop production process B) small batch production process C) assembly-line production process D) continuous flow production process, A company has a factory that is designed so that it is most efficient (average unit cost is minimized) when producing 24,600 units of output each month. If the price of capital is $120 per day and the price of labor is $30 per day, what is the minimum cost of producing 1000 units of output? Which of the following is a direct input into capacity requirements planning? The office equipment is sold for only $4,000. Which of the following correctly describes "capacity"? Suppose that a firm's production function is q= 10L 0.8K0.2. Burning certain fuels results in solid waste such as ash, which must be stored and eventually disposed of properly. - The best run companies usually have the best supply chain. Blyrie Inc., a sports goods manufacturing company, follows a policy that involves manufacturing only when the demand exceeds the amount of goods already manufactured. process layout A facility arrangement in which work flows according to the production process. The Ace Steel Mill estimates the demand for steel in millions of tons per year as follows: a. W Cooper's Copy Shop is considering two different processes for completing copying jobs brought in by customers. B. production of the 100th unit, Cost-leadership firms are typically characterized by very tight cost control systems; frequent and detailed cost control reports; an emphasis on quantitative cost goals and targets; and close supervision of labor, raw materials, inventory, and other costs, A key difference between the production of goods and the performance of services is: a. services generally can't be stored. Production Facilities means any storage, separation, treating, dehydration, artificial lift, power supply, compression, pumping, metering, monitoring, flowline, and other equipment directly associated with oil wells, gas wells or injection wells, prior to any processing plant or refinery. Which of the following is not one of them? Item B is a component part of Item A which is a finished product ready for retail sales. b. Deriv, A company makes a product at a constant cost of $70 per unit and sells the product at $100 per unit. The machine can pack 500 units on $200 cost. After the partnership has been operating for a year, the Capital accounts of Martin and Steven are $15,000 and$10,000, respectively. You also know that the wage rate for w, Depreciation on Abel Manufacturing Company's factory machinery is classified as which of the following? The company's standards call for 2 DLHs for each unit produc, Companies that produce large numbers of standardized products within a particular batch would most likely use which type of costing? c. the price a person pays to own that factor of production indefinitely. A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) machine installs integrated circuits onto a board. The legislation was rushed through Congress and enacted without any delay. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Retail demand 800 300 450 450 600 600 Dealer demand 600 750 900 1,050 1,200 1,3 How can firms make use of excess capacity? D.. The wage rate in this area is w = $15, and the cost of capital is r = .05. a. A local bakery had a design capacity of 1,000 loaves per day, and an effective capacity of 700 loaves per day. Blue Springs is a company that produces bottled water. Calculate the utilization and efficiency of the work center. c) Large volumes of a product are manufactured. What is the nursery's full capacity level of sales? The company did not maintain any inventories, so total cos, Imagine comparing a manufacturing operation using regular lot-sizing and the same operation with a kanban/lean production approach. Sample 1 Sample 2. What are the inputs to CRP process? It follows that the: A. production of the 100th unit of output increases the firm's profit by $1. All rights reserved. A cost minimizing firm has the following production function for its product. In light of the statement, explain why capacity planning decision is important. Major consulting companies around the world have developed global supply-chain management consulting practices. 50 terms. b. Alter Bridge Mfg., Inc., is currently operating at only 88 percent of fixed asset capacity. The environmental impacts of electricity generation can contribute to large-scale regional environmental concerns as well as localized concerns that affect the area directly surrounding a power plant. A loan processing operation that processes an average of 7 loans per day. Organizations have four approaches for capacity expansion. E) Output falls below minimum marginal costs. The production function for a product is given by Q = 100KL. What is its utilization if it processes an average of 46 loans per day? 1- If a product can serve all customers worldwide,then production facilities can be in one country. Product A visits machines 1, 2, and 4. Th, A certain company uses a single raw material in its production process. A) Unevenly distributed demands B) Requests for quick customer services C) High penalty costs for overtime usage D) Large, infrequent jumps in capacity are characteristic of companies that: A) have an expansionist strategy B) have a wait-and-see strategy C) have high utilization D) have low utilization. Given the following information, what would efficiency be? How much capacity does the restaurant have on a weekly basis and an annual basis in hours? Last year saw 15,000 customer orders at the mill and the manager has a new John Battle Creek Cereal Company has four main products: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Bran Flakes and Strawberry Flakes. d. fixed costs are low. B) normal economic performance. a. There is one machine at each step of the process and this is a machine-paced process. A low price leader would typically have: higher initial engineering and design costs higher worker skills and complex scheduling flexible production and extra capacity high volume with little or no variation, standardized work. A person of integrity has two essential characteristics: (1) knowledge about what morally constitutes the right thing to do and (2) _____ the courage to do what is right. Can you provide an example why a business might not want to pursue global production? Capacity planners must keep a narrow focus in order to stay on track. Simplifies the production process Compute the capacity in parts per hour of the following: A. What was Dominy's first major in college and why did he drop out? In millions, by how much could Wei Guan's sales increase before For the next six months, Kurtz Company projects the following information (in units). Job costing b. Assume Baldwin's product Bid invests in increasing its capac You are playing rock-pass-scissors with a friend. Where is this information obtained? \text{End of the year} \ldots\ldots\ldots & \text{105,000} & \text{36,000}\\ D. 18 percent. Operations. a. B. potential output and current output. What factors need to be taken into consideration while determining the practical capacity of a unit? Operations Management questions and answers. Amy Xia's plant is designed to produce 7,000 hammers per day but is limited to making 6,300 hammers per day because of the time needed to change equipment between styles of hammers. Excess capacity arises when firms cannot sell all of their output at the current market price. A value equal to the capacity. The following standards for variable manufacturing overhead have been established for a company that makes only one product. He did some research and knows that the average price of gas in Spain is approximately 1.21 euros per liter. Execute all transactions related to the firm's business processes being integrated Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 MP Southern Mfg., Inc., is currently operating at only 78 percent of fixed asset capacity. 3. Considering your company's stra Is the capacity of the bottlenck larger than, equal to, or smaller than the capacity of the process? (a) include staffing and scheduling (b) include inventory control (c) include defining product specifications (d) None of the above. A) facilitating the achievement of the competitive plan of th Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Airlines b. To increase $693,000 in Write the formula for lead(II) chlorite. Find the values for APP and MPP. The effective capacity is 40 engines per day. A balanced line with sin A hospital emergency room averages 50 patients per shift. During the second half of the 20th century, utilities found it more efficient and economical to connect their delivery systems, resulting in the need to coordinate power plant operations. 7. - logistics Discuss the factors that influence the number of facilities that a firm chooses to operate. The Besnier Company had $250 million of sales last year, and it had $75 million of fixed assets that were being operated at 80% of capacity. If you were one of 10 new workers the firm was about to hire, would you prefer to be paid the value of your average prod, The Chase Company uses a standard cost system in which manufacturing overhead costs are applied to products on the basis of standard machine-hours. Setup cost is $200.00. The company's targets are high, and they are able to generate substantial profits. 2) How does capacity utilization influence the extent of entry barriers? After evaluating Null Company's manufacturing process, management decides to establish standards of 2 hours of direct labor per unit of product and $15.70 per hour for the labor rate. One of the reasons companies manufacture their products in China is because of the abundance of lower-wage workers available in the country. - a firm could increase the complexity of its production process A) design capacity B) effective capacity C) optimal capacity D) supply capacity. A study undertaken by the materials management dep Materials used by the Truck Division of Armstrong Motors are currently purchased from outside suppliers at a cost of $339 per unit. \\ A) available capacity B) calculated workloads for other work centers C) the cost of exp Stating capacity in dollar amounts generally results in a consistent measure of capacity. e. is, Montegut Manufacturing produces a product for which the annual demand is 10,000 units. The concept of sizing your capacity throughout a process so that you smoothly and continually create your product or service at a rate consistent with customer demand is known as A community health system's nurse team consists of 12 nurses working in the local community. Opportunities exist to improve the energy efficiency of power plants, as well as to locate electricity generation closer to end-users to reduce losses during electricity delivery. The production budget for year 1 was based on 200,000 units of output. Ultimately that was Ford's undoing, and today's marketplace is no different. Determine the profit-maximizing levels of labor, In the end, firms allocate scarce resources toward the production of goods and services most valued by society because: a) the opportunity costs of not producing those goods become too high. Processing time per container is 0.1 days. - In-house production is sometimes the only option for components and raw materials that are highly specialized, particularly as a matter of trust D) A growing firm can cover up mistakes and inefficiencies because of the increase in . Fedex was originally designed to deliver time sensitive documents. The. e. goods have a low value-to-weight ratio. c. developing alternative strategies for addressing ga A computer repair service has a design capacity of 80 repairs per day. The normal selling price of this product is $50.50 each. The average time for waiting during the production process and materials handling is 0.15 days. a) Find the equation for the firm's, Suppose that you are in the short-run and the production function for your firm is given as: F(L,K)=K^1/2 L^1/2 Also, in the short-run capital is fixed at K=16. 4. research and development, When all production system direct resources of a firm originate from and reside in only one country, When one or more of the production system direct resources originate from or are located in more than one country, Transformations applied in the production process, Movement of materials in the production system, Determining which components and raw materials should be produced in-house and which components and raw materials should be acquired from suppliers, When a firm buys components and raw materials globally, When a firm globally produces goods and services, 1. Explain why or why not? chantyreys. a) What is the Economic Prod, Consider a product with a daily demand of 400 units, a setup cost per production run of $100. Q = A f (1, K) = 30L + 6L^2 - 0.10L^3 (a) Is this a short run or a long run production function? 11.One production facility will usually be favored when a. b. demand is higher than the minimum efficient scale. Reid will be driving through Spain this summer. Some water may also be lost to evaporation. If capacity is set at 25 million tons, how much of a capacity cushion is there? True or false? A minor fender bender will cost $2,000, whereas a major accident might cost $16,000 in repairs. It costs Garner Company $12 of variable and $5 of fixed costs to produce one bathroom scale which normally sells for $35. One production facility will usually be favored when _______. The FIRST basic step in ethical decision-making is to= define all the facts and circumstances 3. c. its average revenue is greater than $9. This is an example of ______. Choose the best answer below to complete the statement: A company's records indicate that it took 500 minutes to produce 1000 units of one of its products. 6. trade policies Problem 5-1 Determine the utilization and the efficiency for each of these situations: a. A manufacturer of a printed circuit boards has a design capacity of 1000 boards per day. B) A firm can only earn normal profits. The traditional method of product costing, where the costs of direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead are included, is called [{Blank}] costing. In mushroom production, the principal pests are flies, mites, and . The company, Materials + Workmanship + Design = Perception. Financial considerations such as transactions risk, translation risk, and economic risk, and government incentives are also important. XYZ Corporation operates in a market that produces a homogeneous good. When the capacity of an organization to produce goods or services and the demands of its customers to purchase goods or services is not matched, then the result is inefficiency, either in under-ut AlwaysRain Imgation Inc. would like to determine capacity requirements for the next four years. Find the firm's short run cost function, if Ki is fixed at $100,000. Unit cost is $55.75. c. goods have a low value-to-weight ratio. Create an account to browse all assetstoday. 2. control over quality Effective capacity = 100 units per day Design capacity = 120 units per day Utilization = 60% A) 93.75% B) 67.77% C) 80% D) 97.5% E) 72%. This means the firm is: a) producing less output than allocative efficiency requires. Select one: a. -considered a global supply chain if locations in more than one country, The management of all activities in the supply chain, in order to minimize the total cost of the supply chain, and to maximize the value of the product to the end user. Many companies partake in the process of capacity and facilities planning to meet a greater demand. The Bango Toy Company produces several types of toys to seasonal demand. c) based on service quality standard A process can be balanced by moving work away from the to unused capacity elsewhere in the process. C. full employment and actual employment. Allocating production capacity to meet demand at a minimum cos, Flip had sales of $10,000 (100 units at $100 per). The Megabuck Hospital Corp. is to build a state-subsidized nursing home catering to homeless patients as well as high-income patients. (a) If the firm can sell any output at a price equal to 10, A firm's production function is given by: F(L,K) =L^1/4K^3/4. Will the company be able to raise the required funds without additional authorization, based on the information provided and your conclusion in the preceding section?

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one production facility will usually be favored when

one production facility will usually be favored when

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