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scary 911 calls transcripts

In keeping with his FCC like devotion to family friendly emergencies, he made sure to bring up the cursing when putting in the call. Due to the numerous daily calls, working as a 911 emergency operator can be very demanding, with long shifts answering calls from terrified and desperate individuals in need of help. Theres a bat in my house. A loud scream came over the speaker. Dispatch: Um, what is your name again sir? Ithad beena very quiet night. If you call today, we'll ignore your plea for help for 15 full seconds, responding only with dead silence! However, several officers have claimed this recording is presented as genuine in dispatcher training and is used to demonstrate what not to do. Oh, thank God! I took a second to catch my breath. Dispatch: (Talks on police radio.) He becomes audibly distraught when he realizes his parents arent coming back. This celebration was unfortunately short-lived, since on arrival at the scene, police confirmed that he was dead. ** ***** MO *****. You would think this would not be the case for, say, a 911 operator. The operator dispatched the sheriff to the area, and sadly, it is said, that up to date, none of the men havebeen found. A traffic stop, of course! He was immediately fired. 911 operators of Reddit, what's the most disturbing or scary call you Berkey did not face charges. Please tell me so I can let the officers know. I took a deep breath, determined to stay calm. Final Words From 9/11 Victims - CBS News Jerzak: (Talks to boys.) You took too much fucking time.. CALLER: Its something demented and wicked. Again, so taken back at the thought of a frantic teen having the audacity to curse, the officer still didn't ask what she was calling about and disconnected the call. Look for something to use as a blunt force weapon if need be. Then silence. Dispatch: OK. I tried calling her back but I got no answer, I said into my headphones. Teachers Share Their Most Disturbing Days, 911 Operators Describe Their Creepiest Calls, Airline Pilots Who Were Spooked Mid-Flight, Real Dispatchers Share Nightmare Calls They'll Never Forget. Perhaps she was overly tired and thought she saw a person; maybe it was an animal that got in the house? Dispatch: He had a mask on? Thanks for the update. Looking in the mirror, I could tell that my color changed. Dispatch: (Talks to officers on police radio.) 911 Calls Gone Tragically Wrong - Reader's Digest Who will hear you, Olivia? I managed to ask, a moment before the phone went dead again. Dont play this game with me right now. Screams of horror from teenage girls as they try to help their friends. The one I had this lady was screaming. The operator on duty was suspended for seven days. ITS GOING TO FIND ME! I finished making my list, folding it into my jeans pocket. Most of the time people that call 911 are victims or witnesses at the scene. Jerzak: Yes, they did. Hell hear me! she cried out. The remains have to be at least twelve months old. My chest grew tight and the room started spinning. It looked like half man half and half something elseOH MY GOD ITS GETTING CLOSER! Adrianne Ledesma of Lincoln Park, Michigan learned this lesson the hard way. Even worse, when officers arrived at the house, he began stabbing himself in his chest, forcing the police officers to taze and disarm him, before rushing him to hospital. You have to call me all the time? He tried to make a joke, but soon realized I wasnt playing around. This woman could hear pounding on her door, and immediately knew someone was trying to break into her house. Perhaps the scariest part of this story is that Charles Foster made all three 911 calls that night while sitting right next to the wife he was threatening to kill. I looked up as a name and number flashed on the screen in front of me. She mentioned it having teeth like a sharkdid it bite her leg off? Trevor: OK, good. The time 12:00 a.m. 911 OPERATOR: 911, fire, and police. The description in the notes is what really made my skin crawl, though. After a chaotic, rapid-fire series of events that included a $1 million ransom demand, a 911 call and a frantic effort to reach Brianna, the "kidnapping" was exposed as a scam. A girl called saying she was hiding in her dorm room closetbecause the girl that had been 'stalking'her had just broken into her room. The vehicle rolled, and two girls were ejected from the vehicle before the car rolled on top of them. At the very least, they'll call you back in an effort to find out what the fuck you're up to. They were travelling at 120mph and they could do nothing to stop the car. Knowing that the kidnappers were looking forher, shenarrated to the operator how theyhad beaten her, and would kill her if they found her. this is the most Scariest And Disturbing 911 call ever made you'll watch in your lifetime How to Get 911 Transcripts | Legal Beagle Could have a DOA, Jenkins. Jerzak: Yes. Stay on the phone with me. 911 OPERATOR: Eileen. As you can see in the video, upon hearing a frantic, screaming woman on the other end of the phone, the 911 operator attempted to get the woman to speak to him by threatening to hang up if she didn't stop being beaten and attend to the matter at hand. Are you okay?. His daughter, who had been babysitting at the Wetterling house, called him to come to the Wetterling house when she learned of Jacob Wetterling's abduction from Jacob's brother, Trevor, and their friend, Aaron Larson. This wasnt the first 911 call young Lisa Floyd made over the abuse her mother faced at the hands of her stepfather, but this particular call has become a key factor in bringing awareness to the impact of domestic abuse on children. On the bright side, Officer Friendly finally did put in the call for help, although he was still unable to tell them exactly what they were being dispatched for. Trevor: In the house here right now. "My mom is a dispatcher for Phoenix. Same weight? When he's not busy here, Adam fields calls for help at Well, he did, but he didn't hang up, and legally you're not allowed to hang up unless there's some very specific circumstances, so she had to sit there and listen to him die.". I sat in my cubicle, doodling withmy ballpoint pen on a piece ofblank white paper. Jerzak: He was wearing a red hockey jacket that had "Police Department" on it, and it has his name on it. I said clearly to the person on the other line. !The skin is dangling off, and theres purple flesh exposed! She proceeded to explain that it was her pet chimpanzee and not a human behind the attack. While officers were searching for him, the operator got a call an hour later from a man lying down on a garage floor saying that he had been attacked, and he assumed that it was Maggies husband who had attacked him. You've got to help him! Remember when we mentioned hanging up on 911 and ending up with police at your door? Please verify I have this correct: 913 Kingman Drive ** ***** MO *****? Required fields are marked *. He has a gun.I heard a door open as a loud scream came over the line. 911 OPERATOR: OK. Your email address will not be published. Dispatch: "Police Department" written on back? 12 Chilling Stories | Disturbing 911 Calls - YouTube Unfortunately, 911 doesnt get there in time. It was eerie because it was just soabnormal. It turned out that the childrens aunt and uncle were babysitting the night before, when unexpectedly, the aunts ex-boyfriend stormed into the apartment, shooting them both, then proceeded to the kids rooms, and stabbed them both so that they wouldnt identify him. Jerzak: What, our, our fire number is, my fire number is AJ80 and theirs is OK, I'm right next door, my fire number is AJ80. Dispatch: AJ? Sheer terror. CALLER: Its making a weird noise. The transcripts also detailed the frenzy of phone calls that followed the terrorist attack on the trade center: Trapped workers begging for an escape route from its 106th-floor restaurant . Our map shows streets, but it doesnt pin point the exact spot. His last words were actually the brief conversation he had with the operator when he requested for a second ambulance. She called 911, but they didnt get there in time. Domestic Violence Through the Eyes of a Six-Year-Old. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. At some point, while still describing his situation on phone, he passed out because of the massive blood loss. Something so evil that I feel I need to break my code of conduct to share with you all. I heard the sound of the lights turning off down the hallway. Dispatch: Wetterling. The story we linked to doesn't give any specifics on what happened to the woman, but we take heart in knowing that, if she lived to complain about it, she at least wasn't killed. Jerzak: (Asks boys) Yeah, he was, he was riding his 10-speed bike, Dispatch: No vehicle was seen. Dispatch: Did they see any weapons at all or anything like that? Jerzak: Pardon I can't hear you? CALLER: I thought it was a man at first. Jerzak: Just missing one. Kevin Cosgrove's 911 call from the 105th floor of the south tower during the attack on the Twin Towers documents one of the most tragic and pivotal events in American history. He makes good on this threat. Alex Crain shot both of his parents to death in the early morning of December 9th, 2010. She runs to her room, locks the door, and calls 911. He gets his .45 and shoots himself in the head. In light of that, it's no surprise that when Adrianne Ledesma called 911, it took a few rings before someone was able to answer. CALLER: No. Dispatch: Merlyn, how big are you? 911 Operators Share Their Funniest And Stupidest Calls - Bored Panda Your fire number is AJ 80 right? Although she and the rest of the family had managed to promptly and safely escape the house, the door locked behind them as they ran out, trapping the kids in the burning debris. They have been published by Rutgers Law Review ahead of the 10th anniversary of the attacks. It was right at ah, the Urban Schreifels ah, ah house. Compiled are the most disturbing and frightening calls operators and dispatchers have received on the job. 911 dispatch, whats the exact location of your emergency? I looked up as the name and phone number flashed on the screen. He was half-way though chopping off his legs, using a Stanley knife and a blunt hack-saw, and had reached his thigh. Ron Swanson CARED about his job in Season One?!?! It turned out that the caller was actually Maggies schizophrenic husband, and he had hit himself with the machete. Trevor: Yeah, I, just a second. Merlyn Jerzak calls 911 about the disappearance of Jacob Wetterling, Illuminating Journalism from American Public Media. Ive debated whether or not to share this story because it is still very upsetting to me. Real 911 Dispatchers Share Nightmare Calls They'll Never Forget - Ranker As I turned on the light, it flickered to the sound of my heart beat. Then I heard someone in the background screaming 'he's stabbing her he's stabbing her!' She died. It takes some seriously shitty luck (or excellent luck if you're the person handing out the beating) to have your call answered by that one out of 100 911 operator who sees no cause for alarm upon hearing a woman screaming amongst a room full of children. As for him, the county sheriff recommended that the operator be fired. Dispatch: OK, you guys ran off into the woods, but nobody knows what happened to Jacob right? Trevor: Hold on, I'll run out. Jerzak: OK, I'll put Trevor on. These are all reasons why I needed to get my hands on that police report. I thought I had heard it all, and although each call was an emergency, I wasnt as affected as much in the hours following my shift. Dispatch: I have where you're at and everything now. John frantically calls 911 after losing his leg in an industrial accident., A woman reports somebody trying to break into her house. 911 OPERATOR: Whats your current location? Being in this building at night all by yourself, the imagination can get the best of you. This accident actually happened before Toyota recalled over five million cars that wassaid to have had an anomaly with the accelerator pedal. ROSALES (voice-over): But a couple of moving boxes and a medical emergency mark the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Dylan Farley and Judy Groover. Because of her injury, Hall was unable to escape when the man appeared in her kitchen and punched her in the face. Trevor: He was about the size of Merle, the guy that you were just talking to. As anyone who has ever worked a customer service gig can attest, the general public is, for the most part, pretty damn boring. Seconds before plummeting to their death, someone in the car yells to hold on and pray before screams are heard and the call is cut off. Who will hear you? No, the horror stories happen when regular folk in an emergency call 911 and find the craziness happening at the other end of the line. A 7-year-old boy calls 911 after three armed gunman storm the house through and unlocked door. 913 Kingman Drive. At least we hope it was immediate, but don't count on it. 911, whats your emergency? I said clearly to the person on the other line. Dispatch: And he's 11. I also want to get Early Bird Books newsletter featuring book deals, recommendations, and giveaways. My heart was pounding a mile per minute. Where were they at about? As soon as he removed it from the case he hit the bolt on the side of the table by accident, and this caused the gun to fire, hitting his mom, who was less than 30 feet away, in the stomach. Rather than just accepting blood curdling screams as an acceptable alternative to a detailed description of the horrors that are afoot, the operator pulled one of the biggest dick moves in the history of dick moves, and told the woman to call back when she was ready to talk. The 8 Most Chilling 911 Calls - The Lineup Karen was alone with her baby when somebody tried to force their way into her home. Love's Eternal Flame. He then ran into the woods with the machete. Jerzak: We've got him pretty well calmed down here. Not normal person behavior at all.". 3. 911 tapes - The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance. "Afriend of mine who used to dispatch has the worst story I've ever heard. CALLER: I hear it breathing on the other side of the wall. CALLER: This Eileen! I heard her crying on the other line. I can see my flesh and muscle! Two cars full of girls that had just come from a soccer team pasta dinner decided to go ghost hunting in our town late one night because we had an old abandoned mental hospital in our area. He bled out and died while my friend was on the phone with him.". If you don't answer that call back, there is an excellent chance you'll have police at your door in a matter of moments. Which makes it hard when you work the night shift alone. And it's clear from every story that working dispatch and helping people in life-threatening situations is one of the toughest jobs. Just then the screen started lighting up again. We reached the cabin. Realizing that the woman was, in fact, on fire, the operator quickly ordered her to drop to the ground and roll around until the flames were extinguished. . Stevens was inconsolable as her car was stranded in the rising water in unfamiliar territory and the police struggled to locate her. Dispatch: OK the far, can you guys open up the door and yell at them? Jerzak: And he can you can, he can answer your questions. Call me once you get to the property. When Hurricane Katrina hit an operator got a call from a woman who was trapped in her house. After the teen called back, the officer continued on the moral highroad by asking if she was going to swear again before adding a nice pot-calling-the-kettle-black moment when he called her "a stupid ass.". The whole top of the hill is on fire now! I'm good. Jerzak: OK. Dispatch: In the meantime I want to compile as much information as I can. I wrote down that I needed chicken, vegetables, toilet paper, wine multiple bottles of wine. Scared, she begged the police to shoot the chimpanzee, which thankfully, according to FOX News, did not kill the victim but severely injured her face, eyes, scalp and hands, causing her to lose a lot of blood. I looked up from my desk confused.. Dispatch: Did the guy have a deep voice? One of the hardest and emotionally tasking things they have to deal with is the fact that they never get to know what happened to the callers, or how the emergency situation ended. Carrey's cartoon practically started an international Twitter incident. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Have you reached the destination or not? ILooked at the screen in front of me. Im not sure if it was a man now. A mother desperately called 911 reporting that her house was on fire, and that her two children were trapped inside. Amazingly, their car was spotted, and the police pursued them on foot until they were caught. But one had a cordless phone in their hand. Watch previous "Creepy. Fortunately, Jones's boyfriend never did get around to actually killing her, presumably because even he started feeling sorry for her after the police failed to show. I sat back in my chair looking at the right hand screen. She was in an office park, but didnt know the exact location. The woman filed a complaint, which didn't amount to anything more than the operator receiving two letters of reprimand. "A murder Has Been Committed" Checkingson Sinclair calmly tells 911 that a murder has been committed. Cry? But enough about that until our lawyers are present, we're here to talk about 911 calls, and as shitty emergency response service goes, this call is pretty fucking awful. (Asks Aaron.) CALLER: . My arm. But it gets much worse. New 9/11 Tapes: Audio And Full Transcripts - Sky News Transcript of a 911 call. : scarystories - Reddit The call came in at 5:47 p.m., and responders were dispatched within 38 . "Guy shot his wife after he found her cheating. Theres so much blood! BF: It's getting bigger! What can I help you with? I said back to the frightened young girl. He becomes increasingly disheartened as the smoke gets thicker, his breathing audible and labored. But as I saw the name on the screen, my stomach immediately dropped. And check out's Top Picks because it's the least you can do for a company that will save you whenever you call on us. Who thought a simple caterpillar could throw us into an existential crisis? At this point the coffee was only doing so much to keep me awake at 1am. He tells 911 that he will give someone a chance to take their child, and then he promises to turn the gun on himself. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. Time To Drink From Gold Chalices Love Is Blind Season 4 IsHere, Chris Rocks Selective Outrage Is A Masterclass OnRevenge, Why Horror Is So Much Scarier When Its Located In A BigCity, The Teaser Trailer For Daisy Jones & The Six Just DroppedHeres Everything We Know SoFar, The Barbie Teaser Trailer With Margot Robbie Just DroppedHeres Everything We Know SoFar, 11 Christmas Movies To Watch If Youre Dealing With Heartbreak Over TheHolidays. Officers had been dispatched, but another more important call came in, so they answered that first. 911 OPERATOR: Do you think it was a woman then? OK, what was Jacob last seen wearing? Dispatch: It was, OK, did you notice any jeans or anything? Real 911 Calls & Police Dispatch Audio Dispatch: OK, can you tell me how big, compared to your dad or somebody, how big would you say this guy was? Those screams that rattled my ears will never be forgotten, and those ripping noises will haunt me for years to come. 911 OPERATOR: Just stay on the line with me and be quiet. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. ISABEL ROSALES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): There's a half a century between them. It should go without saying that she was hung up on that time also. 4 Heartbreaking 911 Calls - YouTube I spend a solid twominutes on the phone, trying to get her to calm down enough that I can understand her, and the whole time I hear someone screaming in a language I can't recognize in the room with her. Trevor: Uh-huh, just a second. In fact, I know that there was an intruder because I heard the brutal mutilation happening to her right over the phone! Sign up forThe Lineup's newsletter, and get our most terrifying stories delivered straight to your inbox. Where did that thing go? Dispatch: OK. A spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owned the buildings, says some of the victims identified themselves by name on the tape. The husband and wife were arguing; thehusband was drunk. Real 911 Calls & Police Dispatch Audio Documenting Reality Police, Fire, & Government Real 911 Calls & Police Dispatch Audio Real 911 Calls & Police Dispatch Audio. Naturally, she was especially irate by this point. Chris Lastrella was in the car with his sister, brother-in-law, and 13-year-old niece when their accelerator jammed and sent the car out of control. I heard our dispatcher answer the call, but all that could be heard on the other end was screaming. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This display of pointless bickering even continued through a third call in which the officer called her "a buffoon." Dispatch: OK, and that's Dr. Jerry Wetterling? Trevor: Uh-huh. I think Im good. I held up my now cold coffee. 8 Real-Life 911 Calls That Will Shock And Scare The Shit Out Of You Sir, your number is Adam John right? What, Kara, you cant handle being in that place by yourself? Featured photo: George Chandrinos / Unsplash. This is part of the job requirement. As anyone who has inadvertently done it before knows, a funny thing happens if you call 911 and just hang up.

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