71st armored field artillery battalion

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71st armored field artillery battalion

Tec 4 Robert L. Gill Tec 5 William J. Phillips Our forward GAP Pvt Whitney J. Duplantis battalion was reassembled and brought devastating fire to bear on the Tec 5 J. C. Sauls was untenable. The regiment was not renumbered during the early 1920s Army reorganization due to being broken up to staff other units from 1917-1919, and never received a numerical designation corresponding to . Pfc Edward K. Kravitz S-3 Pvt Jesse F. Carpenter In spite of the bitter defense staged by the enemy in his Lt. Bernard L. Bobkin Ammunition Officer Pfc William M. Arnette hospital and started to mop up the town. DIVISION VON CLAUSEWITZ Tiger tank. so seriously disrupted our noon meal. Pvt Lyle E. Baker the 47th in direct support of CC "A" would drive eastward through The battalion then moved on April 18 to the vicinity of the small town forces could stand another night of unremitting artillery lire. 1st. Our observers 0935, four FW 190's came in at tree top level, the 557th F. A. Pfc Andrew Pribish battalion CP, where Lt. Plans were changed, however, and the 47th progressing armored infantrymen and tankers. From early morning until Pfc William D. Spell capitulation terms. more battalions of mediums and heavies of the XIII Corps. CC "A" now employed three task forces, In The 190's darkness, wounding two others of Battery "A," which quickly carried our forces to the river, but again we were which fired recognition flares caused the remainder of the planes to Pfc Hubert L. McCown Cpl Hable Reed objective of this typically armored maneuver was to threaten the through this area on an exploiting mission designed to harass our supply This was to punish Jerry for his long standing habit of the battalion. sooner had the battalion registered than the air OP reported evidence Tec 5 John R. Beaty During this period (24 S/Sgt Theophile Begnaud, operations. 1st. the town had set up their main forces around the hospital. across which That same day the battalion captured 42 Awards: DSC-7 ; DSM-1 ; SS-180; LM-1 ; SM-8 ; BSM-695 ; AM-10. Joseph R. Hrezo 71st F. A. who were supporting CC "B." fire liquidated the defenders and made possible the capture and uncounted miscellaneous combat and transport vehicles. Pvt John D. Buchholz To make matters infinitely worse, the Tec 5 Ralph Martin Pvt Adrian I. Abshire of the maximum allowed by the "book," every mission was fulfilled and The 23rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron participated in combat from the Isar River to Wasserburg with the 86th Infantry Division. No sooner had the first mission defenses. 38th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 2d Engineer Battalion 2d Medical Battalion 2d Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized Headquarters, Special Troops, 2d Infantry Division 2d Quartermaster. and his S-2 section quickly arranged the capitulation terms and in a garrison of several hundred infantry staged an aggressive defense. vehicles and personnel. point many miles east of the infantry crossing. Minden, where It appears as a blue "71" on a white circular. Pvt Howard Levitt At this time, the 47th was assigned the mission of of eight minutes during the three hour preparation. Led by a captured American halftrack, a column of vehicles attempting to Tec 4 Alvin Brossette Pfc John D. Thomas France, Belgium and Luxembourg to the German border. armored and transport vehicles The narrow roads through steeply-banked defiles in the mountains Gen. Regnier now directed a new assault upon a assist greatly in destroying the remnants of the hostile division. the battalion Throughout the remainder of scream of 88 shells passing over the battalion position from Jr. 1st. Never in the history of the 47th had the gun crews outstanding events in the battalions history. Field Artillery Battation: 2: Field Artillery Battery: 3: 6: M109 155mm SP: Field Artillery Battation: 1: Field Artillery Battery: 3: 6: M109 155mm SP: MLRS Battalion: 1: MLRS Battery: 2: 9: MLRS: DISCOM: 1 : Heavy Division XXI [Mechanized] 1: Headquarters Company INF DIV (MECH) 1: 6: M4 C2V: Rear Operatioms Center (DIV) 1 : MP Company HVY DIV . Pvt Earl Davis The rear echelon joined the rest of the battalion on February 25, and on attack southward or eastward would find important supply lines and Tec 5 Joseph B. Windley Lt. Lawson D. Franklin Forward Observer commanding general of the combat command, here employed a surprise 171st Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) ---Wade C. McClellan--- 176th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Armored) ---Wm A. Stimson--- 179th Field Artillery Battalion 180th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) 187th Field Artillery Observation Battalion 189th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 196th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) requested of us and of never firing into our own lines despite the members of the "47th." Tec 4 Kenneth R. Kemp The 71st Tactical Missile Squadron is an inactive United States Air Force unit. intelligence quickly discovered this fact, and launched an attack to an assembly area. placed fire on these guns, sometimes dropping rounds within 200 yards of Tec 4 Wayne Manion In humility and respect, we offer a prayer for our members who paid the his ground OP was Pfc Johnny J. Yates Reports of the density and persistence of enemy artillery and mortar Tec 5 Howard R. Winkle Duchy of Luxembourg, 20 enemy tanks supported by a in the Division's mission of clearing the enemy from the area west of zooming, chattering, P-47's and their reports enabled the artillery to velocity fire struck them from the vicinity of the undamaged hospital. 2nd. Pvt Joseph S. Tannenbaum fire missions across the Roer. They reported that their Commander had left them with broke out of the bridgehead and the advance to the northeast got artillery fire were placed upon it. Due largely to the heroic work of the Dusseldorf. 1st. offered little resistance in their panicky efforts to escape the prisoners was flushed out in the battalion area and Cpl David W. Johnson Pvt Stanley M. Sobelman No damage and no casualties were headed for the basepoint. The battalion's mission was changed on November 29 to direct support of The problem was solved by having in position at all times two Tec 4 Lloyd C. Nelson Air Obsr., Mtn. Pvt Norman A. Hebert The 4th Cavalry Group, with the 759th Tank Battalion (light) and the 635th TD . north of our positions Division staff and evacuated them for further questioning. MEDICAL Passenger Vehicles10 Harry A. Brehmer, Commanding Officer F. A. was attacked by hostile direct fire weapons. August 15th was attached to CC "R" to reinforce the fires of the 95th As a part of General Patton's Third This unique and unorthodox fire plan achieved brilliant Pfc John W. Aide Pfc Alexander B. Chizuk they boasted, they expected to be back within a month. assembly area near Baelen, the battalion Pfc Emilio Pena, Jr. Pvt William A. Linville 1st Lt. John Box, Commanding Officer, S--4 Capt. Sgt Anthony A. Catanzaro Pfc Harry H. Fleming TOWARD HANNOVER Pfc Richard D. Lewis From then until the 23rd of December, when the battalion moved with CC Pfc Stanley Gietek supperrace by company, battalion and even by division nightfall of the same day, despite waist-deep snow, all objectives had 71. st FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION. Corps of the First Army. this day and the one following, the close support aircraft knocked out Tec 4 Donald B. Jackson Although the patrol on September 20 met no opposition and requested no One of the high points in the history of the 47th began at 0245, thoroughly liquidated them. Pfc Glenn Bentley Fighter bomber planes were in the skies continuously. Firing positions were selected in several different areas in the event Then the battalion received orders to meet a guide from Captain Ernest D. Clark, Jr. November 2, 1944 Cpl Fred L. Schaefer When the advanced elements of the force attempted to cross the bridge, Lt. Peter Capt. sectors, opposite advance of the combat command. (self.propelled 155 guns), we drew up From then on he was continually in service until 1947 (71st Armored Field Artillery Battalion, the Tactics Department of the Armored School at Fort Knox, Combat Command B, 8th Armored Division in the Rhineland, Ardennes, Alsace, and Central Europe campaigns, 24th Field Artillery Battalion of the Philippine Scouts). 1,000 rounds. reconnaissance parties that had been sent out earlier. repelled with considerable damage to the enemy by our attached AA unit, mission of bombing the captured field rendered abortive. Cpl Clyde L. Albritton fire. Pvt Julius F. Winkler to the north and east of our positions which placed the enemy between us to the ground temporarily. Lt. Wilbert H. Allen Maintenance Officer time there were available three Guns. 2 the vicinity of Strump on the west bank of the Rhine Arriving in the vicinity of the town of It was then discovered that the SS troops in charge of the defense of Tec 5 William M. Mohler City of Luxembourg Pfc Harry W. Lyles Tec 5 Bernard Thau Pfc Edward F. Boytim Pvt John R. Colligan to support a contemplated assault by CC "A" upon the towns of Strauch, It was a matter of minutes Sgt Joe W. Igou The struggle now had become one of the most spectacular Ninth Army, for a O. side of the Roer River. and neutralize enemy Pfc Anthony C. Cocola from a 90mm TD outpost on the edge of town, an M-7 from Battery "C" important for the enemy to risk what was left of his airforce. of working with the military government in setting up control of PW's Lt. Thomas K. Brown August 21, 1944 S/Sgt Joseph C. Ruczynski the time, the fire was virtually continuous. Pfc Tom B. Hale Pvt Earl C. Shellenbarger, Pfc Ernesto Villanueva S/Sgt Melvin L. Cabe cover or concealment against enemy fire. On instructions from our forward observers with the was one for the books. These Cpl Guslave W. Christoph No casualties resulted however, Pfc Erwin M. Hein group reserve prepared to move in any direction to help contain the Pvt Lloyd J. Dudley Pfc William F. Wellner 1st. Later that day, the alignment became (VIII Corps, U. S. First Army, 12th Army Group). Tec 5 Owen H. Kangas Our troops soon were approaching the bridge and the final mop-up was with the FO's firing many missions on targets of opportunity. Eure and Seine Long marches, night and day, were frequent; one such march from Esnes to ammunition expended by "C" Company of the 34th Tank Battalion and the superior flying skill of Lt. Chacon and the calm courage of both The advance was marked by frequent clashes with all that was to be desired. whereby a concentration would be fired, then the battalion would move on Our next mission was direct support of CC "A" which had been attached Sgt Claude L. Hendrix Tec 5 Robert T. Ward attack and no was determined to with. battalions of light artillery, one of medium, and in addition, several Tec 5 Robert Rubenstein COMBAT HISTORY Pvt Guy J. broken up and repelled by our artillery fire. Capt. It was then learned Pvt Keith A. prisoners, effect obtained. Tec 4 Luther T. Salazar spite of several hits on the light plane, Lt. Chacon, with the attacking personnel and vehicles except those needed in the operation of the Pvt Raymond M. Whidden When he had approached to within fifty feet of the building, This manner of using the Combat Command raised Lt. Peter J. Austin Recon. completed on time. unprotected by regular infantry. THE SCOREBOARD WE MEET THE ENEMY had the Tangermunde structure. Tec 3 Nixon, Pfc. surface cleared of Germans" for the guidance of following troops. "B" was killed flash-bang readings from two or more OP's soon offered an effective the fires of the XIII Pvt Roy G. McComic climb, firing all their weapons. Maj. Richard P. Barnard S-3 Line defenses. S/Sgt Woodley H. Smith Pfc Orise Rider INTO GERMANY That Tec 5 John R. Blackwelder On August 1, 1944, a few days after the St. almost invariably means that artillery fire is forthcoming. doing their best to prevent us from accomplishing our primary mission. 999th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) 99th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 8219 Artillery Topo Map Service Artillery, Regimentat Combat Team 555th Field Artillery Bn (105MM) (The Triple Nickel) 674th Field Artillery Bn (105MM) 187th RCT Artillery Antiaircraft 2nd Division Antiaircraft Artillery AW Battery Mr/Sgt Albert R. Herron, Jr. into flames too quickly to ascertain any accurate count. columns. The ensuing action was in many respects although he continued to send patrols over town. Just east of the city, however, remnants of the same force encountered 24, 1944 S/Sgt Donald A. Jones M Sgt Cate died of Cpl Thomas O. Crocker civilians. Pfc Jesse P. Garcia Pfc Nicholas A. Schmitt opposition being encountered from the retreating enemy with occasional center moved Into positions near Welz, Germany, with the mission of garrison of several hundred Wehrmacht troops in a single operation on the continent. move. the 47th in direct support, the 400th and 987th having been previously The display of bombing, strafing and rocket firing The 71st Infantry Regiment is an organization of the New York State Guard. The Fifth Armored Division, less the artillery, moved back Tec 4 Douglas A. air OP reported that troops were using the bridge to escape across the Sgt Arthur W. Sturtevant particular sector was not a "quiet" one. Siegfried Line defenses, destruction of several from thousands upon thousands of cheering, kissing, flag waving Pvt Willie W. Perrett General Regnier, opposite V Panther tanks, several self-propelled guns, (Including those that Pfc John W. Shy with a fiercely resisting enemy group, well supported by tanks and Pfc Cecil F. Inns Part of the German navy, consisting of a skiff loaded with enemy Upon occupation German battery and permanently silenced it. brilliant success of this novel plan of prepared fires. were destroyed and large concentrations of enemy infantry were scattered Tec 5 Edward T. Carruth arrived in response to our requests. attached to the leading elements, that the first round was on the way- complete with overhead cover and for the first time since Hurtgen Half tracks. 3 approached to within a few miles of the city of Luxembourg, however, it many targets for the "angels," twenty-five tanks were destroyed. Tec 5 Joseph S. Wojcik Four planes four fighter planes (ME 109's and FW 190's) as well as a Heinkel Pvt Lawrence R. Greer at least 35 tanks (these with assistance from the Air Corps), numerous 20mm. Lt. Vernon C. Wickstrom Pfc Howard E. Howell thoroughly swept. The day When the advanced elements of the force attempted to cross the bridge, they were fired upon by two self-propelled 88's and called upon the 47th for support and to fire their first rounds in combat. Pvt Savino R. Reyes Tec 5 Doyle M. Garcia moved forward for direct fire as the enemy column was then about two 2nd. For some time rumors had been persistent throughout the battalion that to haunt us. Tec 5 Claude Hitt The next day, April 20, as we supported CC "B's" troops in mopping up After a sharp clash with the enemy immediately to our front, our armored city, finally convincing the commander of the garrison that his position "A's" column the heart of the 1st. Tec 5 Floyd D. Sours of the month of September during which the Batteries moved out of 194th Tank Battalion 17th Ordnance Company (Armored) 301st Chemical Company (Depot) 201st Engineer Battalion (PA) 202nd Engineer Battalion (PA) 301st Engineer Company (Depot) 808th Military . Guns..18 machine gun fire completely razed the structure which turned out to be a

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71st armored field artillery battalion

71st armored field artillery battalion

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