dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

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dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

others can see no way to win this war without violating Belgium's neutrality. Both sides in the US civil war used, but about one thousand, two hundred pound cannon. The best history podcast out there, thank you Dan. their eardrums and potentially worse than that. But then you take, really nasty ferocious intimidating army. It's fan, big leadership and the Kaiser at one point thinks the war with Britain's off and he says great. small way. The british government couldn't declare itself out right, and sort of draw a line in the sand and tell the Germans listen if you invade Belgium, it's on no ifs, Minister. we'll demonstration of how this stuff can be used is lacking, and the military powers of the world. It was inevitable that something like that would break down the, and that the Austro Hungarians didn't just, They found out that the service will responsible for killing their heir to the throne is, they knew that would mean war with Russia. the high number you usually see, is seven hundred and fifty thousand men. It flowed gray and ghost like then as dusk came in Caymanas, thousands of horses, hooves and thousands of iron boots continue to tramp forward they. U S, public figure! There's a. it's only if you were reading the morning papers every morning in that period there be war scares and comments here, and there would be something new everyday to keep. Imagining sixteen year old, girls being quote, forced to drink and quote and then, what violated successively and quote on the lawn before having their breasts quote, pierced with bayonets and quote, bayoneted baby Ferguson says was another favorite image. It was just narrow down to just Belgium, and the Germans were sort of naively hoping that the Belgians would just step aside, line there army up on both sides of the street and watch the Germans March through the british. Just have these guns on the way from Berlin which, even design, some of them for range at all the large, to these as a siege cannon, so it doesn't even have to fire very far has, Sometimes the range of that french cannon that was designed in its state issued shoot far. What really happened just like it isn't so important whether or not Oswald was working for the Soviet Union. Stations of the thirty years war, condensed, to three or four years and spread all over the continent. The, 19th century. Again. Do I really want all those emails? It's. Nobody wants to hear that machine guns just rip guts out. They knew, that the Belgians might resist and they knew if they did, they had to have a weapon, that was greater than anything the people who built these forts ever envisioned in the, aids, although some of these four states in the 1890s in that era, the, it's more basically guaranteed to the belgian government to be, invulnerable to any Canon, then known in the world, The cannons that were then known in the world are no longer the maximum size cannons available in the world, and no one even knew it until they first showed up on the scene and they. You know. What changed that the invasion of Belgium. As we said earlier, the german diplomat told, diplomat this you're going to go to war over a piece of paper. December 29, 2014 1 Song, 4 hours, 29 minutes 2014 Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. That way, on June 28th, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen Gavrilo Princip and, from, six to some sources, say twenty assassins, In Sarajevo with murder on their minds. It's a function of modern civilization. All you have to do is hand us the keys to all your forts on our fortified border until the war in the east is over that, as. Although the Entente press wildly exaggerated what went on in Belgium, there is no question that the german army did commit atrocities there in one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen, according to evidence from the diaries of german soldiers, another reliable sources. Search the history of over 806 billion We have an advantage now we won't have later in the friend, felt. You shoot a few of these people that snipe at your troops and then they stopped doing it. West Germany invades the neutral country of Luxembourg, the tiny little neutral country, Luxembourg. Archduke is killed by Prinsep. The french, Calvary heading off to war, as I said earlier, but you have to imagine this. Its sold effectively as our version of The 4th of July (the BlueJays surely have the date booked with MLB as a perennial home game). Accuracy is not guaranteed. My throat as an advice, end quote. How many times do assassins in a failed assassination attempt getting. What angle was saying is that anything you would gain by launching a war would be dwarfed by what you would lose by destroying the system that was allowing everyone to make so much money, there's an old line that, opposite situation. Why? The Americans are coming, but will the war be over by the time they get there? So if you go into war with Russia, you get to attack France as part of the bar again. You can again something that the Germans weren't quite getting when the 20th century was brand new, that they would get. Ive listened to it 3x already. I mean, if, if Gov, a nine hundred eleven attack ever and if that was, all he did wouldn't be important. And mechanization that can be brought to bear, stating when used against tribal peoples and nations, that, things going to show what a tiny little army of chocolate soldiers is, what the Germans thought they were going to face, a tiny little armia chocolate soldiers can do to the greatest army in the world because of the deadly, the interesting sort of sub themes of this whole upcoming conflict is how long it takes some, old, to absorb the lessons that are being taught in this conflict. All that was lacking. Perhaps, Princep in his compatriots would have thought that you know. hang a few of these saboteurs. This is the part of the story after to where we are. There's never been a human experience like it and it changes a generation. The Russians were dealing with it in Central Asia. They will remember that these men were sons of their nation. Who's already got an inferiority complex. You know now when you look back on. You had to assume that the French would come in at some time, and the only thing you had a plan to deal with was to attack the french first. There's been a lot written about this. waiting to find out what modern warfare is really like. Growth in industry I mean the Germans were, So they figured the same thing if war going to come, let it come now n, amidst. Sometimes you had shells that you could shoot, into the air that would illuminate the night sky and you have to imagine bunches of those shells going off. Just like the government always said it happened, and I, asking a bunch of questions about conspiracies and, this or that aspect of the Kennedy assassination and only one of his answers. would have found a way to avert in what ended. Sarajevo is slavic and should be part of at least a pan slavic country or me, You know concern with many of these nationalistic questions, who should only these areas and it's been in the hands of the Ottoman Turks who the Slavs death, mentally feel shouldn't have been running the place and it was transferred to the hands of the Austro hungarian Empire, which the serb Nationalists still don't feel should be running the place. The alliance with Germany, hungry later Turkey and some other countries will be called the central powers, and so it's the triple on, papers and pillagers an looters, and it will be, the Germans will provide their opponents with the raw materials to not, to exaggerate too much at all. reading, but I wouldn't have wanted to live under it in Germany. Maybe I mean you create your top ten list of the greatest armies throughout all history, and I put the Kaiser Reich Army on there. The, in the cavalry commander still have going in their favor. But if you're, These many military staffs that are absolutely sure war is coming in you, you can read, accounts from every major military, the time period, where numbers of their military planners thought war was inevitable, the question is: if it's going to be inevitable, is it better to fight it now than later the, Men's were under the impression that the Russians were on their way to superpower status, which, if you look at what happened in the 20th century, is, exactly how it turned out. You'll have rail guns that are that large to same problem, though, how do you get him from place to place they're, so big they're, so heavy the larger? Neil Ferguson when he addresses this issue, is based, we've all lived through when we're. That was sort of the silver lining in this coming Armageddon angles wrote quote, I see a world war of never before seen, extension and intensity. We figure, the assassin is working with the intelligence service for most, that outrageous, a thing to consider when you. mutation in terms of global public opinion, I mean there's always been people who call Germany, this evil malevolent militaristic country and what have you, but on the world stage as soon as the Germans invade Belgium, they partici, right in the most aggressive act so far by any of the major powers in this conflict. because this army was so intimidating, so scary. Those guys in that cafe very well may have been working for the serbian intelligence service. the potential for someone like a princess, 19th century Europe, perhaps the greatest diplomat, Germany ever produced famously said that if there was going to be some giant global, I'm, I was going to probably break out because of some damn fool event in the Balkans, covering the Princip shot. Paranoid about being encircled, they were being encircled. German, hire that will be blamed for everything. I mean no one had any idea, show a bunch of dead civilians and say this is what the Germans are doing. By continuing to browse or closing this banner, you consent to our, Show 59 - (Blitz) The Destroyer of Worlds. Maybe you can't win a war against someone like the Germans, but you can. Some, The great battle is the only battle wars are won or lost on one big battle: 'cause the nation states couldn't take too many punches. Germany's name was mud and now that she had condemned herself out of her own mouth, no rumor of beastial outrage was too vile to be believed. country they were really hoping to keep out of the conflict was great Britain. Julius Caesar is our travel guide as he takes us through his murderous subjugation of the native Celtic tribal peoples of ancient Gaul. Imagine if you're in am, fomenting subversion and revolution in places like Southern Texas and Southern New Mexico and Southern Arizona, Southern California and then eventually these in a revolutionary that have been egged on by the mexican intelligence service, kill a major. When these belgian forts are built this, the period where it looks like modern tech is going to make these things like space age like something out of star wars, one of those planetary defenses, and they build these wonderful. What does it do that? talk about boldness talk about gambling. The Russians are in Berlin, So there's only one thing that Germans can see their way to doing as part of this plan to win the two front. Here is often referred to as one of the great irresponsible responsible gambles and all german history and, the key element in the whole affair was Britain's, Asian to involve itself in the conflict, because one. In such a way that the crown's role in the gutter by the dozens and there will be nobody to pick them up, absolute impossibility- differ see how all this will end and who will be the victors in that struggle. wants to get more involved in this looming war because of the handshake deal with France. How much that had changed the age old equation of war machines have been taken over for a long time becoming more and more important. You cannot. So this guy, this staff officer, who has, dead, general five or six thousand men in the dark. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. To view this and other transcripts, as well as support . Well now, and they begin going to everyone else in saying. 94 votes, 22 comments. We were seeing the most professional armies. Seven hundred and ninety three said quote. And Principe comes yet another example in history proving to us that, sometimes when it comes to something like terrorism in this. general in the? From Biblical-era coup conspiracies to the horrific aftermath of ancient combat this second installment of the series on the Kings of Achaemenid Persia goes where only Dan can take it. German are, at the beginning of the war, has more than eighty of these imagine, trying to control eighty Norman armies and it, not just about getting each division where it needs to go it's about sinking what they do together and when you start, organizing divisions into Coors and Coors and armies, then these armies have to support each other. That was like one of the main things in his diplomatic alliance system. to give orders and saw some soldiers whom I mistook for belgian gendarmes. The problem is, is that sometimes history, where the logical part of at least my brain wants to flip sides and, still logically defend what I consider to be the more illogical point of view in this case the logic. This. Show 50 - Blueprint for Armageddon I The planet hadn't seen a major war between all the Great Powers since the downfall of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. The second world war. could survive on a modern battlefield and, of course, the battlefield that Nathan Bedford Forrest was. His jockstrap is what we used to say. This show examines the dangerous early years of the Nuclear Age and humankind's efforts to avoid self-destruction at the hands of its own creation. Hatched in an obscure cafe in the capital of Old Serbia have led to the independence of the New Yugoslavia. Officers respect for those wonderful Germans, as he called them, The military virtues of valor that were so celebrated during this period. his sword hilt. just sounds weird in the twentieth century shows you. become to inter in that time period. because the mounds of bodies become places. This army, he writes, has been on active service for three weeks, and so. Machine guns, barbed wire and millions upon millions of artillery shells create industrialized meat grinders at Verdun and the Somme. As, Michaels, you run up against him in there tough and that, used to shatter all the propaganda, it's better to say that these evil? They they had more staying power. this new deadly machine that the napoleonic wars in the french revolution created was the. When he decides to write a book on naval history, Kaiser like Roosevelt Reddit, was enthralled with it made all as you apples read it and then decided he was going to build this fleet to compete with Britain so that they, you know, wouldn't, Now, of course, all the governments in Europe that matter, keys and autocratic governments. Holy freaking amazing! Meyer says that on the night of July 2,1916 on The Somme near a place called Beaumont-Hamel, while the British Army was out in the dark in you-know-where-land retrieving their dead and wounded, German soldiers recognized the unmanageability of the task and without a word, slipped out of their trenches to help. The gun itself weighed about one thousand two hundred pounds the same gun, essentially in in one case that. The Archduke, by somebody in the motorcade that he's made a wrong turn and he has to back up. Think, That's a neolithic weapon! Eastern border, Austria possessed in an ox horrible and mortal enemy. Like you would in Napoleonic times, but marched and equipped an organ. basin entire defense strategy on. Terranean Forts Barbara Tuchman said like castles. And then, something that the Austro Hungarians were not prepared for at least, without checking with their main friend on the world stage and finding, You know what they would do in that situation, Now the german empire's attitude is very interesting. That's a stone age machine that made man a more efficient killer, both in hunting but on the, one hundred roll around the machines killing power skyrockets, but, because there is no major war involving all the great powers between Napoleon in the first World war. Show 54 - Blueprint for Armageddon V. Politics, diplomacy, revolution and mutiny take center stage at the start of this episode, but mud, blood, shells and tragedy drown all by the end. When does it get too real? It's the response of the victims. One the most fortified borders throughout world history. that none of the major european powers seem to be. The planet hadn't seen a major war between all the Great Powers since the downfall of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. It is. There's never been a human experience like it and it changes a generation. In? They were during this time period. And then having the world spiral out of control, despite what the major players may have wanted. hundreds of years before this time period. Think about how the american people would have reacted, regardless of what the facts were if they thought that was the case, it's only a year after the cuban missile crisis a year after World WAR, three is potentially dodged. the first shots that started a chain of events that, while. russian forces in the Franco Prussian WAR of eighteen, seventy eighteen, seventy one by this, period he's retired and he's on the speaking circuit in one thousand nine hundred and six, he speaks to the german legislature and he warns them what a modern war is going to be, like quote, the age of cabinet war is behind us. Smack dab in the Balkans. wonderful navy of Great Britain's can shut down german shipping? Its 2018 and Im still coming back to listen to this entire thing. In the early Middle Ages Pagan Germanic-language speakers like the Vikings are a dying breed. This is from part three of Blueprint for Armageddon which you can listen to here: http://www. The biggest thing that Germans need to do here is keep the british out of this war, but the war plan, the British into the war, the Germans can't. Nowadays we have these. The other thing that Prinsep did was, find, an opportunity for a lot of these leaders who thought war was coming anyway. It's a different game, continue to wear them because they're not strong, fundamentally at the core, sort of an uneven foundation that was really where the strength of the first world. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Podcast reading list - Blueprint for Armageddon by jaydekens - a community-created list : Reading lists supplied by Dan Carlin from the popular Hardcore History podcast. think of what nation state on the planet could put. Regis Gamble right to invade Russia. Pushing the Combatants to the Breaking Point. I actually agree with that, and it makes me uncomfortable because the, tree and writing that statement after the first World WAR. That was a long quote, but that's, That's the german army of the Kaiser right on campaign. Ferguson is forced to deal with the reality of the situation that this. There is something very crude. if you imagine it magnified thousands of times. It was if anything. It actually fluctuates in different, militaries and whatnot, but just think fifteen thousand men a fish. Go directly to shout page. It looks like a stupid reason. France Ferdinand, is one of the best friends the Slavs ever had, and in effect, Ferdinand actually was counseling his government to treat the serbian problem more lightly because he was worried about it sparking a general war when he, perfidious act because the slavic folks had killed a person, there better friends in the austrian government, the Austrian that I. telling you about a second ago after the First World WAR wrote this quote. So maybe a little extra protection turn, out, though, that the driver in one of his you know little screw. The commander of the belgian forces that were resisting this german assault by General VON Emack and his special brigades, Tuchman writes, quote on August fifth, It makes brigades open to the attack on the four eastern, most sports of the edge with a cannonade by field artillery followed by an infantry assault. from the crowd with a bomb really more of a hand. Once a professional radio host, Carlin eventually took his shows to the web, and he now hosts two critically acclaimed independent podcasts: Dan Carlin is an American podcaster, political commentator and amateur historian. No one's quite sure what happens, and then you know later on all, while the assassin on the grassy knoll is probably trying to just figure out. Uploaded by It doesn't matter how much effort they put into defense, they can't win, You know the Belgians, totally unprepared for warfare lose only a little bit faster than the Belgians obsessively prepared for warfare they put, trust in these international agreements. and they were going to have to learn how to deal with this new reality. It's not mechanized, like the Second World WAR, everybody's using horses, even, Chiefs of wheat being sized down. of one of the main reasons. Chal, of the old states in their traditional wisdom. The pub, building shall be turned into barracks. Class of hot house plants, which can only thrive in an aristocratic and qualitative civilization. Freaked out, he wrote that the meeting was, excellency at once began a harangue which lasted for about twenty minutes. make a very good case that if Britain stands aside, Germany, Is this war that's about to start? Most militaries are moving away from that the Germans use. You know happening. And so thirty thousand men have been training for years. by people who were there that what happened. the Russians say we're only doing this again: do you doesn't matter. This is a country that you know it's funny, they've, lost this reputation due to two world wars and their involvement in both of them, but they use, be considered an absolute hotbed of human culture, richer and thought philosophy. You know through, entire history. by the way have lived long enough have seen. Thirty, nine? If you want or cosmic hypothesis concerning, you do it enough. 30,000 Germans specially trained to assault fortifications being obliterated by the lightweight Belgian chocolate soldiers. Two thousand. Politics, diplomacy, revolution and mutiny take center stage at the start of this episode, but mud, blood, shells and tragedy drown all by the end. You think it's magnificent in and Bray, a doomed sort of attack on the part of incredibly courageous men. The Kaiser will turn to VON Moltke and he's panicking at the last minute, the Great Supreme WAR leaders, not so tough when it all looks. The frame, Foreign minister will sit down and discuss. It's one of the fine things we have lossed as a result of the french revolution. Now the weapons are destroyed a lot, cavalry, could do so forest strip down the, with cavalry to the bare minimum. I take taken hold. She writes everything. That would turn the Germans into Genghis Khan, basically, which is exact, Woodland Mcdonald compares it to when she writes quote in the, kingdom, Germany's on honor had already been tried and found guilty. In the early Middle Ages Pagan Germanic-language speakers like the Vikings are a dying breed. If any of the major powers, except maybe Russia, in. Now, Imagine a guy like Alexander the great who I love to mention all the time, but you can imagine Julius Caesar two guys, Probably never commanded more than eighty thousand people ever and, staff. days that hostilities commence. tended to you know, set examples of people that did things that the Germans had said. There in Central Europe, they've got. And as a way to sort of prove that the old ad, is that one man's terrorist is another, man's freedom fighter is true, you have. it could not compete with them. Twelve pound cannonballs, twelve pound cannonballs. I mean in to understand how big of a deal this could be in a year, That was already kind of unsteady and stressed in terms of stability, imagine the United States president. seized with worry that the bullets may have been shot from the pistols of german students who want of indignation at the heirs apparent, continuous work of slav ization want. Because he had a new kind of army, he had a, Countries of Europe had to do the same thing as, german field, Marshal blue shirt, told the Prussian. Cookie Notice the order was given. You know once you violate Bismarck's dictum of you- know, keep the Russians on your side and then the Russians and the french ally with each other and war breaks out, you're going to be fighting the French in the west and the Russians in the east. If you did that the other thing that men-. This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. If you're looking at this. The only problem is that those highways neutrality is guaranteed by the british government and, have been for seventy five years. You know, stands out in my mind now, because it seems in a, was so hard for some people to accept what this guy was purporting. No military genius is going to save Belgium from Germany, the Germany, the differences between, potential of the two sides is just too great between, totally equal are only moderately unequal powers. about seventy percent of the world at this time period. deployed where the Yamato, Japanese, super battleships and there's were eighteen point. the Russians can expect from him very very soon. That's when the British draw up the official sort of ultimatum, which, we'll? Stuff wasn't manufactured out of whole cloth and that be. What's interesting is you could conceivably put the name down of somebody who was historically speaking, you and nobody. It's hard core history. Great job, Dan! The, ventless approaching footfall of the detonations spoke to the paralyzed defenders of the devastation to come. That happened before the war and then just you know, 'cause it's from this war. This episode was awesome, as are all the others in Blueprint for Armageddon. They were, after all.

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dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

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