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game of thrones si fanfic spacebattles

How could she behow could this happen? She would have felt dirty under his stare, but shed faced much worse than him. Regardless, the Starks maintain that the Dawntown is wholly independent of their rule, though the city-state had nonetheless sworn allegiance to the Starks. The comparisons between Ned and his daughter seemed to stop at appearance. It would avail them nothing, as all who dared to stand in the Spartans way were shot down and smitten by his legendary armament. It streamed crimson red. If hes suffering from stomach pain, you fed him too much and too quickly. He cast his eyes towards his shelves of medicine. "Ah, yes, this form is a black holenow back to business, I will be giving you 2, you can call it powers, but-" said (?) Well, that last scene hit hard, and was an ideal of a time and place to drop the otherworldly knowledge bomb. she screamed. Aegon then shouted that there would be war between them, and that as long as he lived, he would not rest until both the Spartan and Cortana Stark were dead. Offering no disrespect, Your Grace, but you could have sent someone else to fetch this medicine., Andacceptingno disrespect, Daenerys replied levelly, this man is under my special protection and I would see to his recovery personally., Ah. The maester gave her that same up-and-down look, knowing. Am I keeping you from another mud puddle? he wondered, watching as her jaw clenched and overly thick eyebrows knitted together. But of all of Rickon and Rhaenas children, it would be their second childand eldest daughterthat would by far have the most intriguing of lives. One civil engineering project at time. Some Maesters and people who believe the fool Mushroom may claim that Lady Naerys desired it for herself, but they could not be more wrong. But, much like his father, his arrogance would be his undoing. The Spartan also sensed that, despite the wars end, the sentiments of the blacks and greens still lingered among many nobles, and he deemed it unsafe for the children to be left vulnerable to the Souths intrigues. Whilst this history is meant to be focused upon the Spartan and the Starks, it is important to remember that King Jaehaerys I was greatly influenced by the Spartan and the Maidens work, and is thus relevant to understanding the full measure of just how those two enigmatic figures have so thoroughly changed the realm as a whole. Enter name _________. At first, she wished only to avenge her husbands death at his hands, and did not heed his warning, which would cost the Westerlands dearly when the Red Kraken fell upon Lannisport and sacked it, and proceeded to raid the coasts with no significant force to stop him. Hers was called Lady. He summarily pardoned Cortana of all charges put against her, and received both her and the Spartan back to the Red Keep and seeing that both were treated for any possible injury. Though the first few years were spent in repairing the damage Maegor the Cruel had done to the realm, and reconciling with the Faith as well as the North, this was only the beginning of a long, illustrious career for the monarch. Basically Outlander but in a Westeros where Stannis is firstborn and Robert is his younger Brother and a Sansa from "modern" times gets sent back in time. Westeros has had vicious kings, and it's had idiot kings, but Joffrey? Not only as a warrior, but also when some of the wildfire buried under King's Landing explodes, causing a large fire. How could she be how could this have happened? It would avail him nothing but the death of many riverlords. But then he opened them again. Thus ended the Dance of Dragons, and with it the apex of House Targaryens might. What will he do to not only survive but thrive in a brutal realm like . Anything else is fair game. It takes little to be the brutal dictator amongst the masses, but far more to be the manipulator behind the scenes, and the hidden piece in the game. That's how A Game of Kings and SIs by gladius begins, with the author writing about what would happen if he suddenly woke up as . He filled his courts with sycophants, granting titles and fortunes to men who could satiate his lusts, and soon the court became as bloated and corrupt as Aegon had become. To those ends, he first assigned seven regents from both sides to govern the Targaryen regime, while the young King Aegon, his brother Prince Viserys, and Aegons only surviving daughter, Princess Jaehaera, were transported to the North by the Spartan himself, to be fostered by King Cregan Stark until Aegon was old enough to return to the capitol and rule the South in his own right. Between the string of defeats the Spartan rendered them, the bitter power struggle that followed the death of Lord Dalton, and the threat of a Northern invasion, the ironborn at last conceded to peace, and withdrew back to the Iron Islands, with nothing but bitterness and humiliation for spoils to take home. Youre to come to Kings Landing.. Ice was simple, a grey blade and a plain handle. Arya touched the lion head and then said, I may take this to Gendry, get rid of this part., You could have it turned into a wolf, like your brothers sword.. All of the South, save Dorne, stood behind the Targaryen banner, and they came to bring fire and blood as never before. His interference changes the direction of Westeros, and its fate, as the dark night closes in and yet another war threatens. To Tango With Dragons: An Aegon II SI (ASOIAF/House of the Dragon) While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Tyrant Dragon and the Wild Wolf met in personal combat as the battle raged around them, Rodrick wielding Ice and Maegor Blackfyre. Can this change Dorne's fortunes or is the tale of the Martells doomed to be a tragedy? But until he could come of age, a regency needed to be formed to govern in his stead. She shifted her eyes to the high table, wondering if the queen could see this occur, when she smacked right into someone. He eyed her up and down in a way that was not entirely appropriate. But this shall change, when a person from Earth, is fused with Doranin 296 AC, two years before Jon Arryn's death. On that, the Spartan agreed, and accepted Coles challenge. Its called Widows Wail.. The full fruits of his labors would ripen during the reign of his grandson and heir, King Viserys I, who completed his grand-sires endeavor of building the Realmroad, and would come to rule the Five Kingdoms at the very height of the Targaryen dynastys power. =========={}========== Whether or not the crash had killed him, or if he drowned in the Blue Forks waters, is unknown; but smallfolk downriver would find his bloated corpse days later, still strapped in his riding chains atop his dead dragon. Now she is a daughter of a whore and destined to become one herself. The Longest Day She had too much else on her mind, though, to hold any anger for a dying man. A volley of flaming arrows streaked through the air. Histories and legends alike told that in ages long past, the Kings of Winter would come to this mysterious hall of steel and sorcery in times of utmost peril for the North, begging the Spartan to awaken from his deathless slumber and arise once more to protect them. . She did. Everything all right here? Aryas voice had Sansa turn around, seeing her sister stand behind her watching with an appropriate amount of suspicion, reading the tenseness of her posture and of her expression quite accurately. As Maegor marched northward, he and his army found Moat Cailin guarded by a lone wardenthe Spartan himself, wielding the legendary Hammer of the Smith, and the fabled thunder weapon called Sniper Rifle. Rich people could die of illness or in an accident, their money worthless once they're several feet under the ground. When the Andals came, King Theon the Liberator rallied the North behind the Spartan, and marched south of the Neck to aid their First Men brethren in the south. I shouldn't be happy that I died. Dany sat next to the dying Stannis Baratheon in a room that smelled of blood and rot. Not but a few days before her birth, a most peculiar event had taken place in the Dawntown. Sansa Stark had been eagerly counting the days until she would be going to Hogwarts for the first time. Together with the remaining First Men kings, including King Monfyrd V Durrandon of the Stormlands, King Trystifer V Mudd of the Rivers and Hills, King Tybolt Lannister of the Rock, and King Gwayne IV Gardener of the Reach, as well as what few Children of the Forest remained, Theon and the Spartan drove back what Andals resisted them back into the Vale of Arryn, where legends state the Spartan took the Bloody Gate alone, and the Andals fled in terror of him. If you're into Game of Thrones at all, I highly recommend making an account on (you need one to view the 'fandom' subforum) and looking at the ASOIAF fic section.So many self-inserts. What followed was a duel immortalized in song, chronicle, and shows alike. Not even deigning to kill Daemon, the Master Chief simply left the Rogue Princes fate to the fall, and when all three impacted the ground, Damon and his dragon were both dead, while the Spartan landed on his feet, seemingly unharmed even from so great a fall. Her sister was gone. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [Fief Builder/Riot Quest], And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare), The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story (ASOIAF/GOT), Under the Ice Dragon's Eye (ASoIaF x Walking Dead ISOT), Aegon the Arrogant - The First Dornish War Analysis, Playing with Dolls (BlackRock Shooter/A Song of Ice and Fire Crossover Fanfiction), The Longest Day: a War of the Five Kings Quest, The Seven That Would Be One: An Asoiaf/MtG Draft Quest. I'd like too see SI's on Avatar:TLA or Korra (maybe some toph romance, I've never seen that), Adventure time would be cool, I've read tons on HP and Naruto but I can always read some more. That's how A Game of Kings and SIs by gladius begins, with the author writing about what would happen if he suddenly woke up as Robert Baratheon the day he married Cersei Lannister. It is unknown what transpired withing that ancient hall, but when King Torrhen emerged, out came with him was two figures; one, clad in the legendary armor and bearing the fabled thunder weapons of the Spartan, and the other a beautiful maiden who glowed like the full moon. It is widely believed by scholars that it was indeed fear that kept the South in line, as many believed that disunity among the Andal kingdoms could very well render them vulnerable to invasion and subsequent conquest at the hands of the reinvigorated and undoubtedly mighty North. Many thought the boy king craven for doing so until he reemerged with the Spartan and his companion, the Maiden of Light, at his side. While he was handsome and charming in his youth, he was a man ruled by his desires, and proved to be a depraved, glutenous, and lustful man. Aegon would eventually marry Jaehaera to unite the greens and blacks, and the Spartans medicines saw to it both she and her future children would be healthy and of sound mind. Still, somehow or another I ended up being reborn as Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen. The only thing more noticeable than his soaked person was the immense pain that wracked his body, rivaled Threadmarks: Succession CrisisChapter One: The Afterparty. Dany climbed up to the top of the inner wall, where Sycorax was laying on the rampart, looking out at the surrounding land. She could hear Robb calling after her but ignored him, desperate for the cold air to clear her head and ease the knot in her stomach. The only thing worse than this fic existing is that it is the longest Game of Thrones fic on The Stranger I apologize for having written so little since the last update. Others stated that he was drawn to her intelligence, and that he had found a kindred spirit whom shared in his ideas and machinations. The Warhammers, a professional force loyal to the crown, established by Robert, trained by Ser Vollen Tyrek and comprising of Pikemen, Crossbowmen and Longbowmen. The Black Dragon - a Daemon I Blackfyre SI, The Savior of Ice and Fire (Rhaegar Wins AU), A Princess of Thunder in Westeros (AOIAF Crossover). His uncle and successor to the Iron Throne, King Viserys II, was swift in undoing the damage of his nephews ill-begotten zealotry, immediately releasing Prince Rickon. Maegor, arrogant and bloodthirsty in his triumph, then declared he would finish his fathers work and take the North, vowing to raze Winterfell to the ground and snuff out House Stark. It was a dark and stormy night. However, Joffrey, the character, has a terrible reputation and now is up to Kim, also known as Lloyd Frontera, to fix that. Was it even possible he was unaware of the atrocities his formers lords had committed in this very castle? Rickon and Rhaenas relationship was strained in their first years of marriage, primarily due to their differing religious beliefs. And honestly, Martin likes sticking puns and references into his houses, so Casper is par for the course all things considered. This golden age would carry on after the Old King passed on after many years on the throne. I had to suppress a sigh; I wasn't really cut out for this whole motherhood thing. Arya looked sadly down at the wolves. We Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Going to Hogwarts. Endless streams of nothingness. When he refused to convert to the Faith upon Baelors instruction, he was purportedly stripped of his cloths, made to wear the garb of a begging brother, and confined to Baelors recently finished Great Sept, made to do menial work as any common septon. He invited the Stark princess to his court, allegedly to hear her harp music and to share the knowledge she had learned from the Spartan with the Souththough King Rickon feared this was little more than a veiled attempt for Aegon to try and ensnare his daughter, as he had heard of the Targaryens debauchery. For the second time, he entered the Forward Unto Dawn, and news quickly spread that the Warrior Made Flesh and the Maiden of Light had emerged from their slumber, and coming out the Dawntowns great ironwood gates, led at their head by the Spartan himself, was an army unlike any Westeros had ever seen. For in his pride and in his cruelty, and in his intent to see the North burn, and the Faith bent to its knees, he awoke that sleeping giant that he had overlookedthat enigmatic warrior whom he believed would not oppose him. The truth was, she hadnt bled since shed miscarried, and the reminder from this man that she would never have a child from her own flesh set her off-guard. It was an arduous, tedious task, as it required in many cases the utter demolition of entire sections of the city, but here, too, King Brandon came to his aid, loaning great sums of money to the Targaryen coffers to see to the restitution of those dispossessed of their homes, and commissioning the Dawntown to quarry the materials Jaehaerys would come to need. "The Stranger was neither male nor female, yet both, ever the outcast, the wanderer from far places, less and more than human, unknown and unknowable." With growing unease, I note that the so venerated Maesters at Oldtown have started to adjust the events of my reign in a nearly utopian narration. 1 year ago. He awoke coughing loudly into the cold salty night air. Those who somehow managed to evade the Battle Rifles fire were received the Spartans fists and kicks, each so powerful they sent men flying through the air or crushed them within their own armor. Indeed, the Spartan never professed any romantic love for the princess, though the actions he would take on her behalf nevertheless indicated an astounding care which he held her with. King Jaehaerys would reign the longest of any Targaryen king, and while he sat the Iron Throne, the realm knew a time of unrivaled prosperity and unabated tranquility. Indeed, it would not be until the Mad King murdered King Rickard and his son, Prince Brandon, near three hundred years later, that the Targaryens would eventually fall. The Extraordinary Life of Awed by the sights they saw there, Jaehaerys and Alysanne were eager to bring similar prosperity to the South, and they began regularly corresponding with King Brandon Stark, who would come to be one of their closest friends. I'm withholding any relationship tags or archive warnings to avoid giving too much of the game away. Pardon, she muttered, barely loud enough for him to hear it as she moved to go around him. Ah, said Arya, her eyebrows rising and falling. The maester had cleaned Stannis wounds with boiled wine, but an infection had set in. In an occurrence far too convenient for many to believe was mere coincidence, King Cregan Stark dispatched Lord Mormont and his great fleet southward from Bear Island, under the pretext that he did not wish to leave the Northern shores at risk of the now-unleashed ironborn. When Daeron asked for the North to aid him in his campaign, Cregan plainly refused the boy of fourteen, seeing little reason to involve House Stark in affairs that were so far removed from the North. I sat on a bed and stared at the words floating in front of me. So passed Aegon the Unworthythe third Targaryen king to fall at the Spartans hand. The North had, for thousands of years, been the most advanced of all the Seven Kingdoms, due to the great knowledge passed to them from the Maiden of Light. Disclaimer: I don't own any GOT characters or the cover. And true to his word to Kermit Tully, he took up the task of defending the Riverlands when an army of westermen, led by Jason Lannister, a supporter of the greens, came from the River Road with the intent of taking the Trident in King Aegons name.

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