power bi filter visual based on selection

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power bi filter visual based on selection

In this article. Keep an eye out for the buttons. In the Check Filtered measure, I had to test different columns of the master table ISFILTERED(MasterTable[FindTheRightColumnHere]) and all of a sudden it worked. Thanks for the workaround. Hi Poojitha, Im glad there is some conditional formatting available. Thanks million times! Thank you so much for this ! Hi Veronica, Can you please suggest? Dang: This doesnt work for me when saved to the PBI service and rendered in IE (version 11.0.120). Excellent point. IF ( HASONEVALUE( Table'[ColumnName] ), VALUES( Table'[ColumnName] ), [AlternateResult] ) This is important as it means that the visual will render larger than the card when displaying information, which will enable click interactivity with the displayed data for further cross-filtering of the report. Has anyone had a similar issue or a way to work around this problem? @Matt Allington, can you please guide me on how to use this technique on donut charts and bar chart? What if we use SELECTEDVALUE, what is the difference? You would have to test it. I have included an example solution in this workbook. ,[Matrix Measure] c. Format the chart X-axis and Y-axis title text colour with [Hide Labels]. Another way to accomplish this is to use visual level filters combined with dynamic titles. I see in your example that you can happily select rows that are sat under the hidden card. The Check Filtered Measure is only necessary if you want to have the visual appear blank prior to your selection. Any thoughts from you is really appreciable. When you refresh the data, the relative time period . MS is working on expression based formatting. The process is the same in the Power BI service Editing view. A DrillThrough can just as easily be the source of the filter. As you say, this isnt necessary for the invisible card to work. Hi Raj, Hi Jason, great content. Write a measure to check if there is a filter on the desired column (type Boolean) Write a measure to display a user message on the card based on the user selection . My trick: I just added ANY normal table field to the visual and then hided it, in my case it was a grid so I just hided it by reducing the with of the column to zero Thanks for sharing! bikes as an option) Hi Matt, Very creative solution but the problem is that my table visual has a border on it so I have to cover the entire height of the table with the card which then results in no rows being able to be clicked on once the user makes a selection and the data in the table visual appears. This is a hack and it has consequences including that you cant interact with the header. Moreover, if I change the values 0 and 1 in Check filtered, the matrix will be hidden forever without any reaction to check boxes. SubCategory, You could try sensing a filter on the fact column, I guess. I guess yo could add 7 text boxes manually, and conditionally for at each of them to have the text transparent or black. I want hide a report page. Make sure you have the Message card selected, then on the background settings, click the fx button. Hi Matt, Great Article, just one question does it work with live connection? When a Part Number is then selected from the slicer, it will also be filtering the Part Type field, and thus invoking the Check Filtered measure. Of the top of my head, the and effect is caused by the relationships, so you would need disconnected slicer tables. It was all going well until I got to the last step. In order for the Conacenatex formula to work the desired selected values must be listed in the same order they will appear in the concatenated text string when the values are selected in the slicer. So basically Im trying to do the same as your example with a few differences : I have 2 slicers that must influence the message and the blank visual : Country & Customer What visual are you revealing? This is achieved simply by holding CTRL down when you click between the charts. Also I land on my Visual via a Drill through that brings that filter with it. In my case I have a bar chart that I just want to show if a particular element of a dropdown is selected. Example: I want to be able to filter by Part Number, but I also want to display which Part Number each row of the matrix refers to. Yes, this is a potential issue with using standard visuals as the trigger rather than using sticky visuals (slicers). Could this work to highlight a sub-group in a scattergram? Could you please share your sample pbix file if you don't have any Confidential Information.? adroll_adv_id = "SL2RPW5XMVH4XEWMDBMJGV"; As consequence, is always showing data (Check Filtered always == 1). I used this to allow for a dynamic axis generated from multiple slicers and a categorical measure. example : I have one mesure Avg_order_value = Total sales / total orders. Please see the link in my reply to Jace. Another good idea would be to share a small example final. You should be able to set most visuals up this way, but there are a few that wont work unless you fully cover the visual (see my Final Thoughts above). Thank you, Matt. Excellent!! Thanks! If so, this will count as True for the [Check Filtered]. How can I use the same approach but with multiple filter selection and not only one? I mean in my case it may happen some time data will come some time it will not. And I also understand the limitation now (for slicer: drop-down and single selection will be less interacting than list and multi-select). Do you have an updated explanation based on the latest Power BI verion (March 2022). Interesting. Thanks! Can you please share a video of this steps ? You never showed it in your video, but I assume having multiple categories selected would also trigger the transparency? The || is a logical OR, but gives you the flexibility to move beyond a binary condition. Thank you Jason for responding. That means a potentially large DAX query is still running in the backgroundpossibly slowing down other visuals. This almost worked for me, but then it seems that all these solutions almost work. I used that technique, and it is working, but I cannot interact with those visuals where a card is implemented on top. Ive been trying to find a way to do this as well, the treemap approach is pretty brilliant. Thanks for the response and options here! Selected Calendar = SELECTEDVALUE(YearType[Type]) Power BI adds filter and highlight icons to all of the other visualizations on the report page. the check Filtered and the Message work fine, however I am not able to select the Make Transparent measure as a field in the background color conditional formatting options. You may want to adjust your matrix measure to the following: I was wondering whats the reason to cover the title when one can easily see the visuals lol. This is WAY WAY harder than it should be. Screenshot attached for reference. Any workaround tips will be much appreciated. Hi, Instead of Slicer selection, I tired with Matrix row selection. It will be tough. But, I do know that you wont be able to select the Make Transparent measure as a field value unless you have first changed the Format By bucket. The final requirement is to apply the [Make Transparent] measure to format the background colour of the masking Card. https://ideas.powerbi.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=b05ea746-910f-ec11-b76a-281878e6855d, response to Pam regarding the Gauge visual below, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/plotting-2-fields-on-the-legend-of-a-chart/, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/items-not-selected-slicer/, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/expression-based-formatting-in-dax/, https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNzg2YWJlNTAtMDI0MC00OTVlLWE5YmEtMmJjMTY5YjIxNTU3IiwidCI6ImZmMTA1ZDRmLTAzOWYtNDQ0Zi1iZDZmLTBlZDFlMzVkYWVmNCIsImMiOjh9, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y3kDvtsWiI9uDiBOUbutEEdXkBi9PUsX, https://exceleratorbi.com.au/conditional-formatting-with-a-text-field-in-power-bi/. I assume that changing the cross filter behaviour between slicer and visual will not work in this case, but I cant be sure. This works well, but can you recommend anything that would allow the user to be able to scroll up/down or drill down on the visualization that is shown after the selection? Be sure you are only putting the Message card over the top of the Table. I have a scenario when I have three constant lines (they do not come from Analytics) but rather a data columns (temperatures like extreme heat, comfortable low, comfortable high). The solution to solve this problem (when trying to Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection) involves: Create a card to work as a mask for the visual. To do this, click on the Card, then select format\Background and switch it on. I had a master table and a child table and I wanted to show no data on the child table unless I click on a row in the master table. When I put the Hide Visual into the Filters on this visual, the only option that it will give me is less than and I cant enter any values. 2. Even if you can't edit a report, you can select a visual and filter it. In the case of the matrix being used in this example, this results in the matrix being rendered with just 2 rows visible. @JarroVGIT, you're a life saver! Ive a requirement where specific chart/s in a page shall be available to the user based on user role. adroll_version = "2.0"; Your email address will not be published. Can you tell me how you fixed it? If Check filtered == 0 the matrix is showing data. CheckFiltered = SELECTEDVALUE(YAxis[Column]) in {Sessions,Visit}. Many thanks! is there a way of using this method for 2 or more slicers returning visuals for selected slicer? The first measure that is needed is one that can return a True or False response based on the selection in our slicer. i.e. I can set up slicers to select either Occupation or Group, but I could also use for example, a Pie Chart of Total Sales by Territory[Group], or a Matrix with Customers[Occupation] on rows and Total Customers on values to the same effect. Quick edit to add if I set the filtering relationship so that graph B highlights graph A it does what I need it to on graph A, but still removes the selection and re-hides graph B. Hi Caitlin, In the modified [Check Filtered] measure below, each of these scenarios is available to experiment with, simply uncomment the logic to test. Good instruction on how to hide/display visuals. Thanks. Completely cover the map with your Message card, effectively hiding the map. does the same work for a table visualisation ?I am using the text filter from the app store -and the check fiklter does not seem to work for this . When certain conditions are met, you could display the appropriate instruction by changing the transparency. I cant think of any way to selectively show or hide one of the labels. Hi Miguel, I hate to not understand the reason but it is working now. I like this trick, but ran into a quick issue when trying to incorporate my tooltips. HI, everything works great but I want to drill through to additional details from results and it seems to be covered by the card, did I do something wrong with layering or how can I get by this? CONCATENATEX(VALUES(Products[Category]),Products[Category], ) = Clothing Bikes, The hidden visual now only appears when both Bikes and Clothing are selected in the slicer. Interesting question. They hold different years e.g. Options: If that is the issue, change edit interactions to filter. For example, if I put [Total Sales] onto Values of a column chart, then [Hide Visual] is (All) and I cant adjust it, but if I put Territory[Country] onto Axis of a column chart, then I can set [Hide Visual] is 1. For customer presentations? I have also the similar issue like need to show error message when theres no selection of filters but when I am throwing the error on top of graphs , wont be able to hover over tooltip after selection of any filter. Hi Matt, is it possible to made same hiding technique to the below scenario Since that time, the article has become the most in-demand solution encountered on our website, and hence deserved a redeux. What this does is if the PO number is filtered then it sets it as Y else as N. 5. Can you pls help me on below senero: It seems to be grayed out. Despite the fact that this feature has been released in early phases of Power BI, there are Read more about Visualization Tip: Change to Filter instead of highlight . If I understand your scenario correctly, then you will need to make separate measures for the separate show/hide conditions. So I adapted your approach: I made the background of the grid 100% transparent and then put the treemap background behind it that responded to the filters via DAX formula. The visual is a line and clustered column chart with 2 categories (Country & City) in the shared axis (theyre linked by a drilldown, Country > City ), So i created these 2 measures : Anybody have a fix for that? also let me know is there any other alternative to face this issue. Its all great until I try to make the visual disappear. Thanks for your thorough write up. I wanted to create a splash screen based on row level security. Yes, this logic will solve your challenge also. Power BI service. appear but conditional formatting seems to not be an option for my version of Power BI Desktop. This was really helpful! All you could do is put a card over a picture, and hence show or hide the picture. I have tried with || but it doesnt seem to work for me. This is now fixed. The answer is simple: Power BI is 4 years old, Tableau is 16 years old and Business Objects is 26 years old. Write a measure to display a user message on the card based on the user selection (type Text). I have 2 visual independently (and 2 on exactly on top of them) Hi Jason Thats fantastic! i.e. Alternately, given that the visual you wish to hide is a Matrix, you could set up the matrix something like this: So while you could use HASEONEVALUE as a solution, it would be easier to use SELECTEDVALUE. But just now, it came to mind and I had to test it out and it works! It helped me conditionally hide the line/column charts (by placing the message card over title of the original visual). Simple answer is it depends! I had same problem. It is only necessary if you desire to have a visual that can be clicked after the initial selection has been made. Is this possible using Power BI ? Any tips? The desired outcome is to show the matrix when the user has selected an item in the Product[Category] slicer and hide the matrix otherwise. Did you ever figure this out? Place [Hide Sales] on your chart X-axis (values) Solution Overview. Im trying to create a mock example . SELECTEDVALUE(Products[Category]) = Bikes, If you want the visual to only appear if a set of specific values from the slicer are selected, then you will need to replace ISFILTERED() with a measure that yields a True/False response to a returned text string of the columns values. Place the measure to Filters on this visual tab and in Show items when the value: is 1, I experimented with your hack to show or hide some menu buttons based on certain values in a table, to restrict access to certain pages in my report I had a project where I needed the background color of a matrix to be controlled by filters. Great article, I am uunable to locate ellipses on the right-side of Color on card visual. I am having the same problem as Sergei. It sounds like everything is working as expected. Sales line2 joined with date and customer 2 table This meant both my slicers were independent of each other and when either is used it displayed the relevant data on the table visual. Well Done! And it works great! For this to work, Territory[Region] would need to have the necessary data to allow a differentiation to the appropriate countries when the chart materialises from a Customer[Name] selection on the slicer. Nice blog, Brief information is provided regarding Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection. See my response to that. Very Clever its too bad PowerBI doesnt simply have a conditional show option as an attribute of all visuals, instead of needing a kludge (clever as it is) like Qlik has had for over 10 years. Is it because the category Country can not be the filtering/blank condition while being an axis of the chart ? Thanks for your article, its really useful and well thought ! the Title. In the Gif above, the button is always present, but I have used Expression Based Formatting to make it visible and give it a navigation action. 1. Hi Jason! it doesnt seem to let me add any visual filters onto it, the drop down menus dont populate and I cant click in the boxes to enter text. Wonderful idea and smooth execution, thank you for sharing. Using a numeric column in a calculation. Combining Matts solution with Maxims [Check Filtered] measure, allows for a more interactive experience for some visuals. Hi Marcos, I also found just now the solution in the comments below. Subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive an update whenever a new article is posted. Write an additional Message measure, that renders a blank card. So one idea would be to set the background colour of the matrix to be read if it is not correctly configured. Jason I love this solution and have used it successfully. how would that work? This seems to be catching a few people off guard at the moment. Microsoft is already working on further establishing expression based formatting across the breadth of Power BI, and currently allows one to change a number of settings ranging from the header in a chart to font colours, backgrounds and data colours. One thing to note regarding optimization: the matrix is still calculating even though you cant see it. This was frustrating me for quite a few minutes until I realized what was going on. Updated: 27 Apr 2022 Walkthrough Video Added. The Card should be displaying the message. a. In the Power BI service, select a drillable visual to make it active. Report filter applies to all pages in the report. In my case, there is not 3 ellipses in the background format section. Power BI does not allow me to set the background conditional formatting (Field Value) to to Make Transparent. I think the cleanest way of achieving your goal would be using Bookmarks. However if I add a slicer . In other words, if there is a value selected in the slicer, make the colour transparent, otherwise make it white (the colour of the report background) so that it hides the matrix. I can currently select multiple filter options but when I select all nothing shows up. Drill through will take you to a new report page. In query I duplicated the column and used it for the slicer so the data is not used in the filter and in the bar chart. Well, conceptually I see no reason why it wouldnt work for any number of visuals. how can I achieve this ? You need to make sure it is something that can be sliced by a column of data. It took me some time to discover that you need to set the data type of the measure to text, but now it works perfecty. Thank you for verifying and for posting this blog! Here is the link to the dashboard I created using thes tips: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNzg2YWJlNTAtMDI0MC00OTVlLWE5YmEtMmJjMTY5YjIxNTU3IiwidCI6ImZmMTA1ZDRmLTAzOWYtNDQ0Zi1iZDZmLTBlZDFlMzVkYWVmNCIsImMiOjh9. Hi Pam, If Check filter is = 1, the matrix is showing data. Hi Abi, The bolded icon is the one that is being applied. Do you have any idea which works the same but with filters? I followed all the steps and all the cards work just fine. The solution only works when the trigger column does not form part of hidden visual in any way. I am not 100% sure but I think you can do this with a matrix and table (you definitely can with cards), you would have to check. I searched in the Microsoft Power BI visual marketplace but didn't find it . Find out more about the April 2023 update. Ugh. Again, many thanks for the new ideas. You still need the [Check Filtered] measure to return a True/False response in order to work as expected. If anything on the slicer has been selected, then Show the visual. However, it is not working. Then when you select a value in your slicer, the Message card and the Message Blank cards will become transparent, so your Bar Chart will appear to have materialised based on the selection, and your bars will remain fully interactive, allowing you to mouse over for tool-tips, or click a bar for cross-filtering. Also, read my blog from this week here. Now Im trying to hide that visual or have a message No access to this visual as a card for that same ROLE/group for a better user experience. Page filter applies to all the visuals on the report page. The trick seems to be working slicers are used but not when a search bar is used. No idea how to make the . You might find the reply to Rajib above has the answer you seek. Hi Raju, Turn on the drill-down feature by selecting the drill-down icon. If you would like the Power BI development team to include this feature in their plans, be sure to vote for the idea. The format of Hide Visual is Whole number. Hi Paula, any idea why? Under Home tab > Click on Table icon > table dialogue box opens. This may be what you are after. I believe this is what you are seeking. Thanks for sharing. APPLIES TO: Is it possible to solve it? Hi Ibs, but I have one of the slicers which has the option select all and it must show the graph with all data I was stuck in the same issue. The first type invokes the drillthrough. Yes, its not perfect by any means. Providing the column you are using on your slicer has a relationship to the data being evaluated by the measure, the values will be evaluated under the context of the selected value. This show visual option does not work for card and donut chart. The measure again follows the same pattern as the previous measures. But the final result video above is working fine. Awesome! Im guessing that is the reason why the Show items when the value is dropdown box is not enabled. Solution work great, but there is one issue: if i want to hide matrix table, and show only if filterred, matrix table is not clickable (stepped layuot) or cant export to excel. Thank you again. I would like to keep graph A showing as a highlighted selection. If I have time, I may try it out and write a blog. Then click on the fbutton on the right-side of Color as shown below. ISFILTERED(Products[Category]) && ISFILTERED(Products[SubCategory]) && ISFILTERED(Products[Color]), really great approach and demo video! Im currently having this issue. level 1 four options (i.e. In my example, the card is just covering the top two rows of the visual, so that the matrix is still able to be interacted with once the visual is rendered. 04-18-2023 02:09 PM. You cant use this technique because of the invisible box will cover the slicer and hence you cant click the slicer even when the box is invisible. Here I have an example where [Check Filtered] is leveraging SELECTEDVALUE. I hope this helps everyone. Select a data point or a bar or a shape and watch the impact on the other visualizations. Great thanks, I solved it as you say by overlaying two scattergrams with the same set axes and one which has an inactive relationship to the slicer.

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power bi filter visual based on selection

power bi filter visual based on selection

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