richard hakluyt reasons for colonization

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richard hakluyt reasons for colonization

In essence, he argues that both the economic and social ambitions of England can be pursued via religious strategies. This was presented to Queen Elizabeth I, who rewarded Hakluyt with a prebend (ecclesiastical post) at Bristol Cathedral but took no steps to help Raleigh. His medieval polemic concern becomes clearer when he mentions non-Christians who need to be defeated. Knowing so many languages helped him to read all types of works that recorded the adventures of travelers. In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. ), David Armitage (ed.) While in Oxford, Hakluyt worked with foremost geographers such as Abraham Ortelius and Gerardus Mercator. Hakluyt was concerned with the activities of Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Martin Frobisher, who were both searching for a passage to the East; was consulting Abraham Ortelius, compiler of the worlds first atlas, and Gerardus Mercator, the Flemish mapmaker, on cosmographical problems; and was gaining approval for future overseas exploration from such politically prominent men as Lord Burghley, Sir Francis Walsingham, and Sir Robert Cecil. in history, and a doctoral degree in interdisciplinary studies with a focus on early modern Scotland. Richard received a good education first at the Westminster School, and then at Christ Church, Oxford. Richard Hakluyt, frequently referred to as Richard Hakluyt the Younger to differentiate him from his older cousin who was also named Richard Hakluyt, was a 16th-century English geographer and minister. He also translated numerous works on the subject into English. Westminster School named a house after him as recognition of achievement of an Old Westminster. This period included also the voyages of Christopher Columbus that opened the way for discovery and brought the 'Old' and 'New' Worlds into contact with each other. [10], Hakluyt was ordained in 1578, the same year he began to receive a "pension" from the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers to study divinity. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. That this western voyage will yield unto us all the commodities of Europe, Africa, and Asia, as far as we were wont to travel, and supply the wants of all our decayed trades. Both of his parents died when he was quite young, leaving Richard and his siblings in the care of an older cousin. Hakluyts conception or misconception of indigenous people plays a key role in this text. He also published numerous geographical works describing North America and early English exploration of the New World. Hakluyt's friend Alexander Woodson had sent the foot-and-half-long tusk to Hakluyt from his home in Bristol, about one hundred miles west of London. IV ("The Literature of the Sea") of vol. (2021, April 8). Of chief concern would be for ''the enlargement of the gospel of Christ,'' in converting the natives to the Anglican religion. What type of colonization does Hakluyt imagine occurring? Hakluyt justifies the latter by claiming that colonization will limit the spread and expansion of the Spanish territory and subsequently jeopardize the interests of England. (Cambridge: 1877), 1-5. Some of the gentlemen of her court wished to pursue opportunities to colonize, and Hakluyt wrote Discourse on Western Planting to encourage her to lend her support to men such as Sir Walter Raleigh. Readers loved these accounts, and Hakluyt's work helped to promote interest in England's colonization, or settlement, of North America. This book describes in detail the life and times of Hakluyt, a trained minister who . In a number of popular pamphlets they made the . He also became a minister in the Church of England. The process transformed the diets, economies, and cultures of both continents. In particular, he emphasizes that the economic challenges faced by Britain can be eliminated through colonial means. He argues that the expansion will not just provide England with peace. Richard Hakluyt, a remarkable clergyman-scholar-geographer who lies buried in Westminster Abby, deserves high rank among the indirect founding fathers of the United States. The increase of the force of the Christians. This will be made possible because England will easily secure raw materials and control strategic ports. [10] These religious occupations have occasioned reconsideration of the role played by spiritual concerns in Hakluyt's writings on exploration, settlement, and England's relations with its Catholic rivals. discussed in biography In Richard Hakluyt a report, known briefly as Discourse of Western Planting (written in 1584), which set out very forcefully the political and economic benefits from such a colony and the necessity for state financial support of the project. As such, his version of colonization simply includes settling on the shores of a selected nation and exploiting any resources required by England. Richard Hakluyt, Reasons For Colonization, 1585 - Read more about rivers, commodities, vent, sundry, thence and hakluyt. What arguments does Hakluyt present in making a case for colonization? In the licence of Hakluyt's second marriage dated 30 March 1604, he is described as one of the chaplains of the Savoy Hospital; this position was also conferred on him by Cecil. That speedy planting in diverse fit places is most necessary upon these lucky western discoveries for fear of the danger of being prevented by other nations which have the like intentions, with the order thereof and other reasons therewithal alleged. Learn More. April 8, 2021. When Hakluyt was only five his father passed away. That this western voyage will yield unto us all the commodities of Europe, Africa, and Asia, as far as we were wont to travel, and supply the wants of all our decayed trades. Was it the description of the place that made you wonder what it was like there? These latter writings, together with a few letters, are the only extant material out of which a biography of him can be framed. [10] In 1599, he became an adviser to the newly-founded East India Company, and in 1601 he edited a translation from the Portuguese of Antonio Galvo's The Discoveries of the World. In 1584 he wrote the promotional piece known as Discourse of Western Planting to urge a reluctant Queen Elizabeth I to support English colonies and to convince rich businessmen to invest in them. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. [18], On 20 April 1590 Hakluyt was instituted to the clergy house of Wetheringsett-cum-Brockford, Suffolk, by Lady Stafford, who was the Dowager Baroness Sheffield. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by natural reason.15 The elder Richard Hakluyt was the first of a long series 15 Sir George Peckham, A true reporte, of . A brief collection of certain reasons to induce her Majestie and the state to take in hand the western voyage and the planting there. He is known for promoting the English colonization of North America through his works, notably Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America (1582) and The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589-1600). Richard Hakluyt lived at the time when the first phase of the Age of Discovery, during which mainly Southern Europeans attempted to discover a new route from Europe to Asia, was coming to an end and the era of Northern European exploration began. The inter-European rivalry appears to be the main theme in this literature. How does Hakluyt justify British claims to territorial possession in the Western Hemisphere? Shortly before its completion, he was granted by the queen the next vacant prebend at Westminster so that he might be at hand to advise on colonial affairs. The first fruits of Hakluyt's labours in Paris were embodied in his important work entitled A Particuler Discourse Concerninge the Greate Necessitie and Manifolde Commodyties That Are Like to Growe to This Realme of Englande by the Westerne Discoueries Lately Attempted, Written in the Yere 1584, which Sir Walter Raleigh commissioned him to prepare. (2021, April 8). He took his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) In Hakluyt's argument for colonization, religious considerations are entwined with political and economic ones. Secondly, he was a persistent and able propagator of colonization and, through his numerous works, inspired many early English explorers. Retrieved from He is known for promoting the English colonization of North America through his works, notably Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America (1582) and The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (15891600). In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. That hereby the Revenues and customs of her Majestie both outwards and inwards shall mightely be enlarged by the toll, excises, and other duties which without oppression may be raised. That the Queen of England title to all the west Indies, or at the least to as much as is from Florida to the Circle arctic, is more lawful and right then the Spaniards or any other Christian Princes. 3. Instead, he stressed the importance of occupation, which was favourable to the English as they and not the Spanish had occupied Virginia. He spoke possibly four languages (including Greek, Latin, French and Italian), and his love of geography, many scholars say, was influenced by a large map he saw as a child. A Briefe declaration of the chief Islands in the Bay of Mexico being under the king of Spain, with their havens and forts, and what commodities they yeide. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. That this action will be greatly for the increase, maintenance and safety of our Navy, and especially of great shipping which is the strength of our Realm, and for the supportation of all those occupations that depend upon the same. The manuscript, lost for almost 300 years, was published for the first time in 1877. Why European States Wanted to Colonize the World? Firstly, his geographical studies were useful to merchants and explorers as guides to America. He also mentioned that ''this enterprise will be for the manifold employment of numbers of idle men'', which would bring great relief to those who without work. In this document, Hakluyt outlined particular points highlighting the benefits of colonization for the English people. While at one point he petitioned for and received a grant to travel to America he did not, in the . He received his Bachelor of Arts in 1574, followed by a Master of Arts in 1577. [25] The translation may also have been part of the propaganda encouraging English people to settle in Virginia. That this enterprise will be for the manifold employment of numbers of idle men, and for breeding of many sufficient, and for utterance of the great quantity of the commodities of our Realm. Hakluyt understood that in order for England to be successful and remain powerful, they would need to find new markets in which to trade goods. Among them were Humphrey Gilbert, an explorer and businessman; Gilbert's half-brother, Walter Raleigh (1552-1618); and writer and geographer Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616). His published collections of documents relating to early English explorations are regarded among the "great books" of American history for their stimulation of interest in New World colonization. Though he never personally took part in any expeditions, Richard Hakluyt greatly advanced the cause of English exploration in North America.One of England's first geographers, he collected and disseminated information, and promoted the colonization efforts of Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) and others. The pension would have lapsed in 1583, but William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, intervened to have it extended until 1586 to aid Hakluyt's geographical research.[10]. In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. . gradually changed in the direction of large and widespread colonization. 808 certified writers online. Criminals will be effectively used in farms and industries to offer free labor. Though Hakluyt neglected to mention its origin, the . He is known for promoting early English exploration of North America. His objective was to recommend the enterprise of establishing English plantations in the unsettled [by Europeans] region of North America, and thus gain the Queen's support for Raleigh's expedition. The possibility of the enlarging of the dominions of the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, and consequently of her honour, revenues, and of her power by this enterprise. George Bruner Parks has theorized that publication at that time would have been inconvenient to England because after England had successfully helped Holland and Spain to negotiate the Twelve Years' Truce during the Eighty Years' War, the work would have supported English claims for free seas against Spain, but not its claims for closed seas against Holland. 12 (11thed.). Though Hakluyt neglected to mention its origin, the . That speedy planting in diverse fit places is most necessary upon these lucky western discoveries for fear of the danger of being prevented by other nations which have the like intentions, with the order thereof and other reasons therewithal alleged. That this voyage will be a great bridle to the Indies of the king of Spaine and a means that we may arrest at our pleasure for the space of time weeks or three months every year, one or two hundred sail of his subjects shipped at the fishing in Newfoundland. Historians generally recognize three motives for European exploration and colonization in the New World: God, gold, and glory. 2021, In that year, Hakluyt was a consultant to the Company when it was renewing its charter. IvyPanda. Reasons for Colonization 1. Urging their countrymen to join in the race for the colonization of the New World were two men, an uncle and his nephew, each named Richard Hakluyt. I feel like its a lifeline. In 1583 Walsingham, then one of the most important secretaries of state, sent Hakluyt to Paris as chaplain to Sir Edward Stafford, the English ambassador there. The year was 1591 or 1592. [5] His last publication was a translation of Hernando de Soto's discoveries in Florida, entitled Virginia Richly Valued, by the Description of the Maine Land of Florida, Her Next Neighbour (1609). It is evident that religion can be used to colonize the native people by championing the ideals of peace and God while exploiting resources at the same time. What special means may bring kinge Phillippe from his high Throne, and make him equal to the Princes his neighbours, wherewithal is showed his weakness in the west Indies. [5][8], Richard Hakluyt, the second of four sons, was born in Eyton in Herefordshire in 1553. Hakluyt's friend Alexander Woodson had sent the foot-and-half-long tusk to Hakluyt from his home in Bristol, about one hundred miles west of London. must. He also remarked that it would greatly annoy the Spanish king that England was encroaching upon land that Spain wanted for itself. That the limits of the king of Spains dominions in the West Indies be nothing so large as is generally imagined and surmised, neither those parts which he holdeth be of any such forces as is falsely given out by the popish Clergy and others his suitors, to terrify the Princes of the Religion and to abuse and blind them. What made them exciting? [10], While a Queen's Scholar at Westminster School, Hakluyt visited his guardian, whose conversation, illustrated by "certain bookes of cosmographie, an universall mappe, and the Bible," made Hakluyt resolve to "prosecute that knowledge, and kind of literature. April 8, 2021. Queen Elizabeth was under great pressure to provide for her people. This was the time when English attention was fixed on finding the northeast and northwest passages to the Orient and on Francis Drakes circumnavigation of the world. Richard Hakluyt was not an explorer nor a colonizer. In accordance with the instructions of Secretary Francis Walsingham, he occupied himself chiefly in collecting information of the Spanish and French movements, and "making diligent inquirie of such things as might yield any light unto our westerne discoveries in America. Until after the death of his wife in 1597, little is heard of any geographical work, but he then completed the greatly enlarged second edition of the Voyages, which appeared in three volumes between 1598 and 1600. The increase of the force of the Christians. That this voyage will be a great bridle to the Indies of the king of Spaine and a means that we may arrest at our pleasure for the space of time weeks or three months every year, one or two hundred sail of his subjects shipped at the fishing in Newfoundland. This implies that they are used to advance the ideals of the English population. Hakluyt interested himself in the publication of the manuscript journal of Ren Goulaine de Laudonnire, L'histoire notable de la Floride situe s Indes Occidentales in Paris in 1586. Hence, religion is a careful strategy aimed at providing compassion and hope for the poor natives and the low-class English population while punishing the wicked through doctrinal or religious teachings. These views are first set out in the preface he wrote to John Florios translation of an account of Jacques Cartiers voyage to Canada, which he induced Florio to undertake, and are further developed in his first important work, Divers Voyages Touching the Discouerie of America (1582). who was a lawyer and also an advocate of English colonization. That the Queen of England title to all the west Indies, or at the least to as much as is from Florida to the Circle arctic, is more lawful and right then the Spaniards or any other Christian Princes. One of the issues discussed is the expansion desire for English citizens. This work was intended to encourage the young colony of Virginia; Scottish historian William Robertson wrote of Hakluyt, "England is more indebted for its American possessions than to any man of that age. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Hakluyt served in Paris also as a kind of intelligence officer, collecting information on the fur trade of Canada and on overseas enterprises from French and exiled Portuguese pilots. 21 chapters | A particular discourse concerning the great necessity and manifold commodities that are like to grow to this Realm of England by the Western discoveries lately attempted, Written In the year 1584 by Richard Hakluyt of Oxford at the request and direction of the right worshipful Mr. Walter Raleigh now Knight, before the coming home of his Two Barks: and is divided into xxi chapters, the Titles whereof follow in the next leaf. Bod. It has been asserted that the income of the East India Company was increased by 20,000 through a study of Hakluyts Voyages. While in France he was able to expand his knowledge of foreign places which inspired him to write and publish books on the subject to encourage colonization. [10], In the late 1590s Hakluyt became the client and personal chaplain of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Lord Burghley's son, who was to be Hakluyt's most fruitful patron. Missions became the engine of colonization in North America. English colonization and the introduction of new crops took place alongside a wider process now termed the Columbian exchange, the exchange of plants, animals, microbes, and people between Europe and the Americas. This articleincorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Coote, Charles Henry; Beazley, Charles Raymond (1911). In addition, the indigenous people, including Indians, are mere tools that serve the interests of the English people. An ordained priest, Hakluyt held important positions at Bristol Cathedral and Westminster Abbey and was personal chaplain to Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, principal Secretary of State to Elizabeth I and James I. What is the importance of Richard Hakluyt to the history of early English colonization then? [10][19] In the following year, he was elected archdeacon of the Abbey. How did Richard Hakluyt contribute to English history? IV of, This page was last edited on 30 March 2023, at 03:18. The same year, his edition of Peter Martyr d'Anghiera's De Orbe Nouo Decades Octo saw the light at Paris. Around that time he became a minister. . Learn about the English scholar Richard Hakluyt and his reasons for colonization and exploration. English Geographer. In the dedication of the second volume (1599) to his patron, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Hakluyt strongly urged the minister as to the expediency of colonising Virginia. In 1588 Hakluyt finally returned to England with Douglas Sheffield, Baroness Sheffield, after a residence in France of nearly five years. He thus embarked upon his career as a publicist and a counsellor for present and future national enterprises across the ocean. His policy, constantly expounded, was the exploration of temperate North America in conjunction with the search for the Northwest Passage, the establishment of Englands claim to possession based on the discovery of North America by John and Sebastian Cabot, and the foundation of a plantation to foster national trade and national well-being. That the limits of the king of Spains dominions in the West Indies be nothing so large as is generally imagined and surmised, neither those parts which he holdeth be of any such forces as is falsely given out by the popish Clergy and others his suitors, to terrify the Princes of the Religion and to abuse and blind them.

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richard hakluyt reasons for colonization

richard hakluyt reasons for colonization

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