which of the following does not describe culture?

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which of the following does not describe culture?

Which of the following is a common characteristic of unhealthy corporate cultures? 62. For example, Christmas trees can be considered ceremonial or. D. a deep commitment to pioneering new best practices, a preference for being a fast-follower as opposed to a first-mover or late-mover, and across-the-board bonuses for all personnel when the company meets or beats stretch objectives. A company's culture is in part defined and identified by: 5. Culture is the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics shared by groups of people. There is a high willingness on the part of organizational members to accept change and take on the challenge of introducing and executing new strategies. Changing a problem culture to create better alignment with strategy generally does NOT involve: C. steer company personnel toward doing the right thing and convince outsiders that the company is socially responsible. A. relying on word-of-mouth indoctrination and the power of tradition to instill the culture's fundamentals, as well as frequent reiteration of core values by senior managers and group members, and regular ceremonies honoring members who display desired cultural behaviors. Which of the following is NOT an integral part of transforming core values and ethical standards into cultural norms? When Europeans talk about coffee, they are most likely thinking about little espresso cups filled with strong coffee. Q: It's time to look back at the Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) in this course and assess what you have learned. Which of the following is NOT a common trait of an unhealthy company culture? D. Periodically having ceremonial occasions to recognize individuals and groups who display the values and ethical principles A. 58. 14) Which of the following does not describe a factor? As well, the exception does not wipe out the rule. D. Managers being well-advised People tend to be self-reliant. The first step in fixing a problem culture is for top management to: identify facets of the present culture that are conducive to good strategy execution and those that are not. D. Talking openly about the problems of the present culture and how new behaviors will improve performance Which one of the following best describes core American values? Solved Which one of the following statements about human | Chegg.com Question: 11. 4. Organizational culture does not directly impact or influence a company's success. Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe corporate culture? D. having the analytical skills to separate the problems due to a bad strategy from the problems due to bad strategy execution. B. E. Multi-business walking ahead, 77. Explain this apparent contradiction between the loss and the positive cash flows. e) The manner in which the company deals with external shareholders, 20) A work environment where the culture is in sync with the chosen strategy and is conducive to good strategy execution is considered a valuable managerial ally because C. A sincere, long-standing company commitment to operating the business according to established traditions, thereby creating an internal environment that supports decision making and strategies based on cultural norms A company's culture is typically grounded in and shaped by: 9. D. An aversion to incentive compensation and overemphasis on working in teams, B. Direct link to ff142's post "can you tell me why you , Posted 7 years ago. B. Validating the integrity and above-board nature of the company's business principles and operating methods When a company's culture is out of sync with what is needed for strategic success and good strategy execution: C. Appointing a team of key managers and employees to design a plan for cultural change and then lead the internal effort to change the culture A. typically opposed to performance-based incentive compensation and employee empowerment. A. Insular and inwardly-focused 6. It is very true. c. If appropriate, use the Marascuilo procedure and alpha=0.05 to determine which age groups are different. MGMT 490 CH 12 Flashcards | Quizlet A. D. Companies adopt accounting principles that make their financial performance appear better than it really is. B. being good at figuring out whether to arrive at decisions quickly or slowly in choosing among the various alternative adjustments. 18. C. Unethical and greed-driven Rule of Law B.) Would that make sense to you? C. follow by example. C. Promoting individuals who are known to possess the desired cultural traits, who have stepped forward to advocate the shift to a different culture, and who can serve as role models for the desired cultural behavior D. writing a new value statement and describing in highly motivating terms the kind of culture that is needed. 12. Which of the following does NOT describe the deaf culture? D. give big pay raises and bonuses to individuals and groups who display the company's core values and observe its ethical standards. The two culture-building roles of a company's stated values and ethical standards are to: Question 3 (1 point) Which of the following does not describe how the culture of US schools reflect mainstream middle-class values? example, workers who lose their jobs due to foreign E. A dedicated sense of teamwork, 35. Which of the following does not describe europe after that fall of the western roman empire? C. Barring dealing with suppliers that employ child labor or engage in other unsavory practices Hostility to change and a wariness of people who champion new ways of doing things B. it provides company personnel with clear guidance regarding "how we do things around here" and produces significant peer pressure from co-workers to conform to culturally acceptable norms. 13. People love to argue anytime they feel that socialization, prejudice, discrimination, relativity, and so on takes the power away from the human. Is ethnocentrism bad or good? Citing reasons why and how certain behavioral norms and work practices in the current culture pose obstacles to good execution of new strategic initiatives B. lead by influence. Learning the obstacles in the path of good execution and clearing the way for progress D. A commitment to the types of core values and ethical standards that make a company a great place to work d) The legends and stories that people repeat to illustrate and reinforce the company's core values, traditions, and business practices E. management insists that official policies and procedures be followed religiously. 42. It is the belief that one's own culture is better than others. A strongly implanted culture provides a huge assist in executing strategy because company managers can use the traditions, beliefs, values, common bonds, or behavioral norms: D. Weeding out managers who are consistently in the ranks of the lowest performers (the bottom 10 percent) and who are not enthusiastic about the strategy or how it is being executed Tribes that only have words for "one," "two," and "more" do not see a difference between 5 or 7. Many Americans Say No Thanks," The New York Times, September 30,2009 , p. B. Immediately dismissing any employee caught violating the company's code of ethics or disregarding core values In moving to alter a problem culture, management should do all of the following EXCEPT: Change-resistant cultures encourage all the following undesirable and unhealthy behaviors, EXCEPT: executives exuding an "ends-justify-the-means" mentality in pursuing overambitious revenue and profitability targets. D. Politicized E. A strong preference for performance-based compensation systemsespecially the payment of bonuses and stock options. The characteristics of a strong-culture company include all of the following EXCEPT: The topic, subtopic, and section number for the recognition of stock compensation. Are there cultural practices that should not be considered to fall under cultural relativism? Which of the following does not describe europe after that fall of the However, higher order thinking is a direct result of language. Explaining how new behaviors and work practices that are to be introduced and have important roles in the new culture will be more advantageous and produce better results youngster had disordered hearing present at birth Which of the following techniques abbreviated as MBWA is utilized by leaders to stay informed on how well the strategy execution process is progressing? The mere necessity of uniformity in the interpretation of the national laws, decides the question. B. a. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. B. spending heavily on programs to train employees in the ways and beliefs of the new culture to be implanted. E. No strong employee allegiance to what the company stands for or to operating the business in well-defined ways. cultural customs and taboos. E. In a weak-culture company, there is usually a dearth of intellectual capital and inattention to building core competencies. The famous but controversial Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, named after two linguistic anthropologists, Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, argues that people cannot easily understand concepts and objects unless their language contains words for these items (Whorf, 1956). B. there is wide support for high ethical standards among both managers and employees. E. co-worker peer pressure to challenge cultural norms. How a language affects the way we think about the world is called, Lets think about another everyday example. 10 which of the following does not describe culture a B. is best done by instituting an aggressive program to train employees in the ways and beliefs of the new culture to be implanted. In a strong-culture company: E. Following a must-be-invented-here mindset. Norms that you are used to are neither right nor wrong, just different. The single most visible factor that distinguishes successful culture-change efforts from failed attempts is: Use your knowledge to complete the following exercise. E. both symbolic and substantive actions by executives to implant new cultural behaviors. Determine the specific citation for each of the following items: 1. Senior executives that walk the talk of high ethical standards Depreciation Expense, If there are such things as political axioms, the propriety of the judicial power of a government being coextensive with its legislative, may be ranked among the number. A. D. Treating employees as valued partners in the drive for operating excellence and good business performance A. strictly enforced policies and procedures. In practice, it is not always D. requires writing a new statement of core values, having a series of lengthy meetings with employees to explain the new culture and the reasons why cultural change is needed, and then having both employees and shareholders vote to ratify and adopt the new culture. Consider American Sign Language (ASL) to be the natural language of the deaf culture. This was a surprising discovery. D. there's a spirit of doing what's necessary to ensure long-term organizational success provided that core values and business principles are not compromised and provided top management undertakes the changes in a manner that exhibits genuine concern for the legitimate interests of stakeholders. How should cultural practices be viewed when they conflict with Universal Rights or Natural Rights? In the 1930s, two anthropologists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, noticed that the Hopi Indians in the United States had no words to differentiate between the past, present, and future. The political infighting that consumes a great deal of organizational energy b) Company personnel share a feeling of impeding doom if they don't deal with whatever threats are posed by competitors 18) In high-performance cultures 3. Another person walks up and tells you off for being rude. a) High-performance cultures are inwardly focused and discount the capabilities and accomplishments of rival companies. E. Shift from decentralized to centralized decision-making so as to give senior executives more authority and control in driving cultural change. E. the company's track record in taking market share away from rivals. C. delegate little to subordinates and, instead, personally exert a strong, highly visible influence on the company's approaches to strategy execution. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. A deeply embedded culture tightly matched to the strategy aids the cause of competent strategy execution by steering company personnel to culturally approved behaviors and work practices and thus makes it far simpler to root out operating practices that are a misfit. Which of the following is NOT a substantive culture-changing action that a company's managers can undertake to alter a problem culture? On the one hand, ethnocentrism can lead to negative judgments of the behaviors of groups or societies. E. The taking of positions on issues. D. foster a work climate where company personnel share common and strongly held convictions about how the company's business is to be conducted and to provide them with guidance about how to do their jobs, steering them toward both doing things right and doing the right things. Which of the following statements about a strong-culture company is NOT true? 25. C. Visibly rewarding those who display cultural norms and penalizing those who don't 3.2 The Elements of Culture - Sociology A. values and behavioral norms are like crabgrassdeeply rooted and hard to weed out. B. typically tightly linked to its strategic vision and strategy. Which of the following contribute to the emergence and sustainability of a strong culture? Suppose that the survey was based on 200 respondents in each of five age groups: 18 to 24,25 to 34,35 to 49,50 to 64 , and 65 to 89 . according to Kant, human being are ends-in-themselves because the are autonomous according to Kant which is an unqualified good a good will According to Kant, "autonomy" refers to our ability to make and obey laws for ourselves according to Kant, a hypothetical imperative has at its end a goal that is subjective Self-Quiz B. We interact with others not in isolation but in a specific setting. D. is usually easier than it is to instill a strategy-supportive culture from scratch. (10 Points) varies from place to place preserves tradition embraces conformity exists in rural areas 9. B. designing compensation incentives that boost the pay of teams and individuals who display the desired cultural behaviors and hit change-resisters in the pocketbook. D. Revising policies and procedures in ways that will help drive cultural change I really enjoyed the example of the two people from different cultures discussing fried crickets. d) Its internal work climate and personalityas shaped by its shared values, work practices, traditions, and ingrained attitudes and behaviors that define "how we do things around here." A. B. multiple cultures (or subcultures) rather than a single culture. When a company's present work climate promotes attitudes and behaviors that are well suited to first-rate strategy execution, its culture functions as a valuable ally in the strategy execution process. In this. Culture is an organization's value system and its collection of guiding principles. B. d) The standout traits of high-performance cultures include taking pride in doing thing right, adopting no-excuses accountability, and having a pervasive result-oriented work climate. 13) Which of the following is NOT an integral part of transforming core values and ethical standards into cultural norms? Codes of ethics and statements of core values: a. Embodies shared adaptive values b. B. being able to discern whether to emphasize adjustments that will promote better achievement of strategic performance targets or whether to emphasize adjustments that will promote better achievement of financial performance targets. e) A high-performance culture is a valuable contributor to good strategy execution and operating excellence. 45. E. there is little need for policies and procedures because group members willingly accept experimentation and innovation. Using empowerment to help create a fully engaged workforce For an enterprise to execute its strategy in truly proficient fashion and approach operating excellence: top executives must take the lead in the implementation/execution process and personally drive the pace of progress. D. there is reduced need to employ benchmarking, best practice programs, reengineering, Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve competitive advantage. ), Cost of new laptops: $569,$478, $620,$515, $598. E. the culture can be readily incorporated into the company's strategic vision and facilitate the achievement of stretch objectives. D. When they embrace conflicting business philosophies that are inconsistent with superior strategy execution They argue for universal thoughts, emotions, impulses, etc. Which of the following situations would make him eligible ? B. a) There is much less risk of embarrassing ethical violations C. is best done by selecting a team of key employees to lead the culture change effort. B. is always a short-term exercise. Thats great ! A. is one of the toughest managerial tasks because of the heavy anchor of ingrained behaviors and ways of doing things. 69. b) High-performance cultures are characterized by a results orientation and a spirit of achievement in beating performance targets. 46. A. Identifying which aspects of the present culture are supportive of good strategy execution and which ones are not Solved Which of the following does not describe a | Chegg.com Solved Which of the following statements does NOT accurately | Chegg.com B. confirm the integrity of company personnel and signal the above-board nature of the company's business principles and operating methods. B. I'll point you to PubMed and ask you to type in language relativity and Whorfianism and see for yourself the overwhelming evidence. C. often overly gung ho about looking outside the company for best practices, new managerial approaches, and innovative ideas. B. reinforcing and celebrating culture-change successes. C. talk openly about the problems of the present culture and how new behaviors will improve performance. Which of the following does NOT describe the deaf culture? Imagine that we are watching an American teen movie on TV. View the full answer. D. employ visible, forceful actionsboth substantive and symbolicto ingrain a new set of behaviors, practices, and cultural norms. a. The correct answer is C) The culture of the Byzantine Empire became less diverse. 34. People love to ask for citations. A. be very personable, effective communicators, and skilled in the empowerment of company personnel. B. Weak-culture companies do not usually have a code of ethics and have little regard for high ethical standards. C. undertaking a thorough analysis of the situation, exercising good business judgment in deciding what actions to take, and then ensuring good implementation of the corrective actions that are initiated. A. D. over time achieving low-workforce-turnover is a catalyst for conformity and acceptance. See answers Advertisement andriansp D. need to be personally written and presented by the CEO to reinforce the company values and convictions so that employees will take it seriously. Picture walking into a nearly empty movie theater when visiting another country, and not sitting next to the only person in the theater. Cartoon showing two people in an empty movie theater. It was heavily influenced by religious belief. words and their referents. A. communicate the company's good intentions and establish a corporate conscience. Symbolic culture changing actions include all of the following EXCEPT: in a pleasant tone vs a tone with disgust thats is what should be considered. Which of the following is a hallmark of adaptive corporate cultures? B. monitoring progress closely. Making champions out of the people who spearhead new ideas and/or turn in winning performances 78. D. be creative in establishing policies and procedures that will instill high standards of operating excellence. c) The work practices and behaviors that define "how we do things around here" D. reflect an aspect of company culture no longer current. C. a decision-making effort that is subject to pressure from many different cliques. E. A genuine concern for the well-being of the organization's three biggest constituenciescustomers, employees, and shareholders. 67. A. leading by example. Communicating the company's good intentions E. In high-performance cultures, there's a strong sense of involvement on the part of company personnel and emphasis on individual initiative and creativity. d) The culture can be readily incorporated into the company's strategic vision and facilitate the achievement of stretch objectives There is one thing that has been on my mind when it comes to cultural relativism though. Is whaling immoral? D. Centralized decision making, strict enforcement of company policies, and a strong commitment to being the market share leader Making a compelling case for why the company's new strategic direction and culture-remodeling efforts are in the organization's best interests and why company personnel should wholeheartedly join the effort to doing things somewhat differently D. Typically, key elements of the culture originate with a founder or certain strong leaders who articulated them as a set of business principles, company policies, operating approaches, and ways of dealing with employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, and local communities where the company has operations. The standout cultural traits are a "can-do" spirit, pride in doing things right, no-excuses accountability, and a pervasive results-oriented work climate where people go the extra mile to meet or beat stretch objectives. The man who is being offered the crickets says "um, I think I'll pass.". C. gathering information firsthand and gauging the progress being made. If you went to an American high school, you may immediately understand what the groupings mean. Long-term industry success can give rise to a(n): are predominant in companies that are run by executives driven by arrogance, ego gratification, and an "ends-justify-the-means" mentality in pursuing overambitious revenue and profitability targets. A. Managing business with action In a weak-culture company, there is virtually no employee support for the company's strategic vision and strategy. E. deciding whether the company would be better off making adjustments that curtail the achievement of strategic objectives or that curtail the achievement of financial objectives or that curtail the achievement of some of both. Individualistic Culture: Definition, Traits, and Examples c) The work climate focuses on not tolerating any mistakes For example, during the World Cup or Olympics, you may tend to root for your own country and believe that the players or teams representing your country are much better. D. Few widely revered traditions and few culture-induced norms A tendency among employees to view their jobs as just a way of making a living Making the display of core values and ethical principles a factor in evaluating each person's job performance To avoid judging the cultural practices of groups that are different to yours, we can use the. b) The atmosphere and spirit that pervades the work climate E. deciding how to identify the problems that need fixing. B. If the President (Executive Branch) vetoes a bill made by Congress (Legislative Branch) this is an example of: A.) 47. B. D. deciding whether to try to fix the problems of poor strategy execution or simply shift to a strategy that is easier to execute correctly. If so please give some examples. Which of the following managerial practices is NOT used to lead the effort to foster a results-oriented, high-performance culture? A secondary focus on values and goals is a more beneficial way to impact culture. A company's corporate culture is BEST defined and identified by: 2. a) Replacing key executive who are stonewalling needed organizational and cultural changes b) Appointing only insiders to high-profile positions c) Promoting individuals who have stepped forward to advocate the shift to a different culture and who can serve as role models for the desired culture A. 38. a) Inwardly focused cultures e) A bottom-up approach is needed to change the culture; having top management out in front leading the effort tend to be counterproductive. Which of the following is NOT particularly helpful in perpetuating a company's culture? D. developing a new value statement that inspires company personnel to put forth their best efforts to achieve performance targets. 33. b) There is reduced need to incorporate negative motivational practices and punitive-type incentives into the reward structure and in the company's approach to people management Which of the following topics would least likely be contained in a company's statement of its core values? C. putting constructive pressure on the organization to execute the strategy with excellence. D. often preoccupied with making sure the company has an aggressive strategic vision that embraces risky business strategies. C) A person is given a numeric score to indicate how much of a factor the person possesses. People often place a greater emphasis on standing out and being unique. E. Identifying how best to adapt to changing market conditions. 61. D. A lack of values and principles that are consistently preached or widely shared For example, in some countries like China, it is acceptable to stare at others in public, or to stand very close to others in public spaces. Encourages individual employee ownership of bottom-line results c. Encourages individual employee ownership of organization's cultural backbone d. Has a singular focus on business results e. possible to compensate the losers in a country, for E. revising policies and procedures in ways that will help drive cultural change. B. d) Having senior executives frequently reiterate the importance and role of company values and ethical principles at company events an internal communications to employees. 80. E. a strong leader can use coercion and the threat of punishment to enforce norms. The first step in fixing a problem culture is for top management to: identify facets of the present culture that are conducive to good strategy execution and those that are not. 22. 3. 7. The firm never underestimates rivals because of their proven track record in defending challenges. All other conditions of employment, including salary, hours, and benefits, were the same for female and male employees. 32. b) A company's strategic approach needs to be revamped to better fit the company's desired cultural traits. e) Performance-resistant cultures, greed-driven cultures, and ethical cultures, 16) Technology companies, software companies, and internet-based companies are good illustrations of organizations with B. a preference for conservative strategies, an aversion to incentive compensation, and excessive emphasis on profitability. C. over time people who do not like the culture tend to leave. FINAL review - oiornQUIZ #1 Question 1 1. Which of the following Cartoon showing a person offering another man some deep fried crickets. D. Urging company personnel to search outside the company for work practices and operating approaches that may be an improvement over what the company is presently doing, and paying sizable bonuses to those employees who identify practices that the company ends up adopting When trying to change a problem culture, management should undertake such steps as:

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which of the following does not describe culture?

which of the following does not describe culture?

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