12 strand dna activation benefits

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12 strand dna activation benefits

With 12 Strand DNA Activation 10 additional strands will be activated. When Crystal Healers bath a persons DNA in a crystalline cosmic soup of electro-magnetic frequencies (metaphysical crystalline Piezoelectricity), the 13 levels of DNA consciousness are awakened and hence the persons DNA responds to the environment and quantum leaps into a higher level of expression. The 12 Strand DNA Activation will assist you in becoming a conscious multi-dimensional lightworker as your soul evolves into higher frequencies by activating your DNA code beyond its twin strand spiraling DNA helix. What We have faith in the new paradigm in our bodies, in our relationships, in our creations. With your purchase you will receive: (Your soul records are also known as your Akashic Records, which are a collection of every experience you have ever had since creation.) Clear all the highest priority fears from this and all past lifetimes so you can embody a state of courage and take inspired action. This is the bottom slider area. Complete Guide, Central Dogma - DNA to Protein| Biology Ideas, Which Archangel Is Guiding And Assisting You, Spiritual Significance Of 11:11 And How Its Connected With Twin Flames, Venus Is Going To Light The Fire Of Love This Year And This Is What It Means For Your Sun Sign, 8-Year-Old Girl Has Been Feeding A Crow For 4 Years, And Now Receives Gifts From It. The key thing here is control whereas before we may have fallen prey to our own emotions, after activation our mind masters itself entirely. Going through my own DNA upgrades and downloads, I can relate. The next 11 levels relate to the 11 Energetic Bodies (auric levels) that surround the DNA. The Genes Of This Tribe Carry A DNA Of A Third Unknown Human Species, Harvard Goes To The Himalayas Superhuman Abilities Of Himalayan Monks Stun The Scientists, 6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies That Raise Your Vibration, Psychologists Think That ADHD And ADD Sufferers Might Actually Be Indigo Children, Are You A Lightworker? Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. The remaining 95% of DNA is referred to as junk DNA and is believed to have no function within the human body as it is a redundant leftover of our evolution. Whilst western science was focused on The Human Genome Project, a Russian research team headed by Dr Pjotr Garjajev and comprising of molecular biologists, physicists, embryologists and linguistic experts also commenced investigations in 1990. [39,8{o0yA2Q|Ol xa You will become a conscious lightworker and will have heightened awareness, heightened psychic abilities, regeneration of cells and much more. Our daily thoughts and intentions alter the frequency of our vibration and subsequently our DNA. next step - awakening dormant levels of their true essence to its The paternal genetic pattern 3. The environment is considered to be a combination of: The wisdoms of our ancient ancestors provide a much more detailed picture of the structure of our DNA, both physical and energetic. How Does this Activation affect me? I am not spending my days secretly Close openings in your auric field that absorb other people's negative energy, spill your Life Force away and cause you to feel tired and restless. you've had the Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation, all vibrational The Bringers WebThe benefits vary with each individual. Crystals can absorb store, focus and amplify energy and as such they hold electro-magnetic consciousness of the evolutionary cycles of our planet. It's Better physical fitness, including loss of body fat and increase in muscle mass. If you think this sounds ridiculous, you should note that our knowledge of genetics is still in a relatively nascent phase as were constantly learning more about its sequencing and structure. We take you up 12 strands per level. ", Kathy Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. One scientific study tested the effects of sound waves on the synthesis of nucleic acids in chrysanthemums, finding the synthesis of RNA was accelerated under certain frequencies. It involves working with ones energy fieldso that channels can open, thus allowing a deep understanding it may take a while to open the channels or it can happen instantly. I respond to any situation from a place of self-knowledge If You Have A Spider For A Spirit Animal, Maybe 2022 Taurus Season: Serious Focus And Dedication. Crystals are the DNA of planet Earth as their mineral compositions came into existence during Earths birth over 4 billion years ago. 12 Strand DNA Activation and energy healing help restore your DNA strands, restoring your original Divine blueprint to the highest frequency holding potential which in turn expands your consciousness to its fullest ability. 97% of our DNA is junk, why do we still have it? In the DNA activation, the approach can be long-lasting or not (depending on the beings level of evolution), and it involves, first of all, healing of the mind, body, and soul, as our forefathers used to proceed when they needed healing. Clear all energetic blockages like unworthiness, undeservedness, poverty consciousness, lack and limitation to finally get out of the scarcity karmic loop. Recognizing this, acknowledging it, and allowing your mind to remove itself from the body and the ego can provide a third person perspective. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. Thus, when we entangle our human crystalline field with the crystalline field of planet Earth, we embrace a higher level of consciousness through the electro-magnetic expression of our DNA. ", Janet the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information Self-love, appreciation, compassion, and gratitude; Healed relations, understanding, and kindness; Transcending negative inner monolog and embracing authentic speech (to self and others); Relinquishment of impatience, struggle, resistance; Remembering dreams and using them for guidance and clarity; Absolution from old issues and triggers, as old cellular memories are transcended; The feeling that you are loved, the feeling of well-being, purpose, sense of security, unity; Confidence in yourself, the feeling that you matter and can be the change; Being aware of experiences occurring in the present moment, without judging living in a state of compassion, kindness, and gratitude. DNA is responsible for directing cellular function and is a genetic blueprint that encodes skin, eye and hair colour, height, blood type and fingerprints. 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WebThe key physical benefits of 12 strand DNA activation lie in the ability of these ethereal strands to boost our nutrient intake. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Compilation of Manifestation and Law of Attraction Articles, Awakening Your Light Body - Higher Consciousness, Chevron Amethyst Meaning [9 Amazing Properties & Uses], Love on 5D Earth: A Full Moon Channelled Message, The Best Witchy Books For Beginners My Top 10 Recommendations | Welcome To Wicca Now, Miraculous Reiki Healing Protection in Legal Issues, 11 Physical Signs Someone Is Manifesting You (Law of Attraction), Does Chakra Healing for Vertigo Really Work? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 - All Right Reserved. Our cells become superpowered, and our immune system reaches new heights unavailable to us before activation. Once these have been cleared, you will be able to experience joy and ease in your life, and attract to you the life you desire. Are You Ready to Finally Be Free from Negative Thoughts, Painful Emotions, Toxic Relationship. This is a good place if you want to put an opt-in form or a scarcity countdown. The Ultimate 12 Strand DNA Activation activates all 12 of your energetic DNA strands, which awakens your Etheric and Astral Bodies. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> It was found that human DNA encodes for approximately 20,000 genes and that humans use less than 5% of their DNA. Working synergistically, we activate your full 12 DNA Strands. Once I felt a connection to everything around me. Scientists have only distinguished that we have 12 Strands of DNA. Each DNA molecule is comprised of two strands bonded together in a double helix structure. of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak By using this website, you agree with our Cookies Policy. Emotional Intelligence that awakens your ability to feel the Divine in all things & hence communicate with ALL life (eg rocks, plants, animals), as well as inter-stellar lifeforms. WebKnowledge of 15th dimensional anatomy, the structure of the 12 strand DNA template, Kathara Grid, chakras, meridians, axiatonal lines, star and seed crystal seals are important to be able to understand this. PLUS your Akashic Record which resides on your DNA. If you are interested in learning more about the 13 Levels of DNA consciousness and how to actively awaken your DNA to a higher evolutionary potential, then I highly recommend the following sources that directly work and teach these ancient wisdoms: The following short video demonstrates crystalline Piezoelectricity and hence the potential to wake up our DNA to a higher level of consciousness through Crystal Healing. In 1998, Rein exposed in vitro DNA samples to 528 Hz and analogous Solfeggio frequencies in the form of Gregorian chants in scalar audio waves. Lost Book of Enki by Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. This is the activation of the DNA. When your energy is higher, you attract to you people, places and experiences that you want in your life. That fact alone gives some perspective into our true potential, and proponents of DNA activation believe that by implementing certain practices into ones life, we can achieve even more. But you have to be clear first that your DNA is your personal blueprint set forth by First Source and the 7 seeders of worlds and contains all of your mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual information. with the activation of your 12 DNA strands, the 12 layers of interdimensional Scientists refer to these 10 strands as shadow strands and they have lain dormant until now.The 12 Strand DNA Activation will assist you in becoming a conscious multi-dimensional lightworker as your soul evolves into higher frequencies by activating your DNA code beyond its twin strand spiraling DNA helix. WebUnderstanding 12 Strand DNA Activation A lot of odd information has been coming through the collective consciousness over the last two or three decades, largely via channelers, but also people working in hypnotic regression and other areas. The other ten are ethereal that is, they are spiritual in nature and not physically detectable. Aries New Moon + TOTAL Solar Eclipse {Hybrid} April 2023. ", Dakara We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It But you will have many other benefits as well. Get out of relationship karmic loops, raise your frequency and manifest the relationship you have always envisioned with your current partner or a new relationship if you are single. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, "Shortly And theres good reason these relationships are varied, not everyone needs to know the same level of detail about you that others should be privy to. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. WebPellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. have seen the shadows of them on their electronic microscopes. Simply switching the energy of your daily thoughts can have a profound impact on your physical being. They are inactive and do not affect the functioning of our DNA or the building of our physical form. We have listed the important ones below: For those of us who struggle with mental and emotional problems, activation can mean an incredible change for the better. WebBy Rosemary Noel. This increase in absorption is known as hyperchomicity, causing DNA strands to separate and unravel. Whether this entity is an archangel, an ascended master, or enlightened being depends on the individual, as experiences often vary and are typically based on ones spiritual path. The Next Step Connecting to your Higher Self is the ultimate way to become sovereign and take control of your destiny! However, healing in its purest form has no name. We experience increased mental wellbeing overall and a drastic increase in emotional maturity. Many of the physical ailments we suffer from are as a consequence of our ethereal DNA being inactive. Wilson What if this data isnt junk, but actually encoded with information whose function has yet to be discovered? Seven Lower Chakras of the Lower Body Complete Description. by Barbara Marciniak Receptors on cell membranes (the walls of cells) read the messages from the environment and tell the DNA how to respond accordingly. Have you ever felt as if youre not living up to your full potential? You can edit this text and also insert any element here. It's These are non-physical (5 double non helix) strands. Better physical fitness, including loss of body fat and increase in muscle mass. You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. The double helix DNA structure most of us are familiar with is encoded with copious amounts of information. been lifted. food cravings have been diminishing. Webwhat happens after activation? As soon as we activate them, we begin to realise just how physically frail we used to be. Most people know that DNA is a mark of life, which can be found in every cell of the human body. It is time to activate the ultimate sense of personal power and unleash your greatest potential! We have 30 Million registered users and counting who have advanced their careers with us. They Activating your 12 DNA strands returns you to your natural state, before our DNA was deactivated thousands of years ago. I know a couple of ways, I got here looking for more. having my activation, I feel more at peace, more grounded, more So, to the main point, contents of the last two vi. this for information about repeat DNA activations. Awakening/developing your gifts clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc. WebThe DNA Activation Power seeks to eliminate physical, emotional, etheric, mental limitations, blockages and negative cycles by restoring vibration and frequency of the 12 In the DNA activation, the approach can be long-lasting or not (depending on the beings level of evolution) and it involves, first of all, healing of the mind, body, and soul, as our forefathers used to proceed when they needed healing. Activate your Golden DNA to become a frequency holder for the ascension of Earth and humanity. Of course, you have. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. emotional peace is remarkable. They're interdimensional attributes of biology Thus, we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love, and have broken the connection with the Universe. Cleansing of toxins and increased antioxidant levels. As soon as we activate them, we begin to realise just how physically frail we used to be. With 12 Strand DNA Activation 10 additional strands will be activated. DNA resides within the nucleus of every cell in the body and there are approximately 100 trillion cells within the body. Though it may not seem like it, the human brain is able to calculate up to 38 quadrillion calculations per second, compared to your personal computer, which clocks in at somewhere between one and five billion. Seattle, WA, "My Sign up HERE. Reiki Galore, The Best Self-Care for Each Chakra | Astrology Answers, 6 Powerful Steps To Healing Your Chakras And Transforming Your Life, 5 First of The Month Rituals For Manifestation Success. Activate your DNA, chakras and auric field with the frequencies of financial and material wealth. Each DNA molecule is comprised of two strands bonded together in a double helix structure. You are a divine fractal of the holographic field. Lets unpack the 5 steps for channeling organic healing. Guided meditations are great for beginners, but once one is able to quiet the mind, you can experience greater depths of consciousness through silent, or non-guided meditation. for my friends. Improved cellular metabolism increased vitality and energy, Craving healthier foods raw, organic, unprocessed, seasonal, local, Desire to purify the body with vital water, Decreased desire to eat excess lifeless food, Detoxification, shiny skin, hair, and nails, Improved digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients, Improvements in eye sight (multidimensional vision), Reducing the aging process and overcoming disease, Self-love, appreciation, compassion and gratitude, Healed relations, understanding and kindness, Transcending negative inner monolog and embracing authentic speech (to self and others), Relinquishment of impatience, struggle, resistance, Remembering dreams and using them for guidance and clarity, Absolution from old issues and triggers, as old cellular memories are transcended, The feeling that you are loved, the feeling of well-being, purpose, sense of security, unity, Confidence in yourself, the feeling that you matter and can be the change, Being aware of experiences occurring in the present moment, without judging living in a state of compassion, kindness, and gratitude, Living life with a higher wisdom, a universal truth, from a state of love, Awakening to a multidimensional consciousness, Transcending the matter, living life from a spiritual perspective, Inner knowledge and understanding of universal laws, Experiencing life through natural abundance and prosperity. Proponents say that in reality, there are up to 12 strands ranging in subtlety that can be activated along with our junk DNA.. more information about the de-activation of our 12 DNA strands, A Just recently, molecular biologists observed three and even four-stranded DNA known as G-quadruplex secondary structures that form in telomeric regions the ends of our chromosomes that slowly unravel as we age. However, there should be a level of consistency across all of these relationships if one is to truly awaken their full potential as a human being and activate their DNA to its highest level. F. DNA contains two active strands of molecules wrapped around each other in a helix (a 3D curve/coil). Genome Project decoded approximately 3% of the total physical DNA. When your energy is higher, you attract to you people, places and experiences that you want in your life.The Ultimate 12 Strand DNA Activation activates all 12 of your energetic DNA strands, which awakens your Etheric and Astral Bodies. definitely feel more able to view things from higher perspectives. It is necessary to know that the work itself is an aspect that evolves continuously. For Improved Cellular Metabolism, increase vitality & energy, Appetite for more healthful foods raw, organic, wholefoods, seasonal, local, Desire to cleanse your body with vital water, Decrease desire for over-consumption and heavy sluggish foods, Improve digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients, Increase hair growth, nails and eyesight improves (multi-dimensional sight), Ability to be able to miraculous heal your body. The 11 Types of Lightworkers. For humans, each activated strand leads to developing abilities at higher capacities. We begin to transcend the physical and live as a spiritual being. This consciousness is much vaster then the veil allowed prior to this activation. in the familiar double helix configuration, holds the genetic codes Awaken & develop your gifts Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairsentience etc.. Remembering, on a very deep and ancestral level, who you really are, why you came to Earth and how you can be an active part in the personal and global evolution. This consciousness is much vaster then the veil allowed prior to this activation. The Diagram below, as studied during our Crystal Light Healing Practitioner & Teachers Courses, shows our double helix (2 strands) of DNA as well as the 11 Energetic Bodies that surround each DNA Helix representing our 13 levels of DNA consciousness through Metatrons Cube. The This reduces our cravings for unhealthy foods and Activating your 12 DNA strands increases your intuition and your connection with Spirit. Thus it is no coincidence that we have 11 energetic bodies of our DNA a global MASS AWAKENING into the aetherial realms of creation. However, healing in its purest form has no name. But you will have many other benefits as well. I am quite far along with my journey in spirituality so the introduction and some of the explanations of the DNA and so on was kind of redundant knowledge to me. % Or have you felt that brief flash of genius you know is lying dormant within, but dont know how to access it regularly? Learn more, Wake up the dormant psychic abilities you already possess by following these easy steps, Understand how the technique works from a scientific point of view, Understand how the technique works from a spiritual point of view, Understand the transition that Humanity is going through. $24.95USD. I don't know how I got the idea, Ijust knew how Fear is the only thing that can stop you from moving forward. Clear the soul fragments and past painful events related to the SOURCE of your pain body and become more present, peaceful and centered. Feng Shui Lotus Flower: Meaning, Uses, Symbolism, & Placement! Read Reduced effects of ageing, causing an increase in life expectancy. Most people know that DNA is a mark of life, which can be found in every cell of the human body. This reduces our cravings for unhealthy foods and increase our energy levels and general vitality. "During It has been reported that when your DNA is fully engaged and active you are able to experience many things. What Does It Mean When You Stop Seeing Synchronicities? There are many ways to switch the lights on. Activating and Attuning our DNA Light Codes to their highest frequency, means that we are using higher and higher percentages of our DNA. Benefits May Include: Heightened Awareness How To Spiritually Connect With Someone Far Away, Spiritual Meaning of Traffic Lights in Dreams, Spiritual Meaning of Traveling in a Dream: A Journey to Self-Discovery, Spiritual Meaning of Losing a Watch in a Dream An Urgent Reminder. Remove auric attachments, karmic imprints, shadow self archetypes, negative thought forms and energy blockages to any manifestation. Food / Water / Nutrients that we consume; Sound, Colour, all frequencies that our bodys are bathed in; Cosmic energetic forces (planetary, solar, radiation, electromagnetic etc..); Speech, thoughts, emotions, feelings etc; Auric Field as a direct mirror image of our Soul Star expression. Raises your vibration by releasing your subconscious, limiting thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and replacing them with high-vibration, life-affirming, empowering ones. There are certain sound frequencies discovered to have profound effects on brain function and possibly even cellular health. Through this modality, one will experience a higher attunement to Spirit; spiritual growth and self-transformation will be accelerated as a result. Improved Cellular Metabolism, increase vitality & energy Natural fat/muscle balance Appetite for more healthful foods raw, organic, wholefoods, Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation, as it was given to me Activation makes us superhuman, a cut above the cloth. Calibrate your chakras, remove discarnates and other foreign entities from your field. xu M6t9rFF|5{oGQd;o_d_Uj$HUUd]Or>v~]{0;;0;\pjw?5p8tw%yznGW~4ypMrvC{w$`|+Iwq|~iMx~U#~O`IG>h~l8t\E$\kkOY2AFa"a)xZyl2L&cJB]h9o C{;W_LGI m?i6BG 8j12'g,!')D'TaKpLaBeMf;1>RD(/,HHn2X69^A?, K3e }.orahMGeIeT|eg ">Q&&a k(t2B1enJ^! hko G_L@ABd X?0la^2!=hi yKE|9G5B\nra! SOME OF THE BENEFITS REPORTED Became consciously aware that negative thoughts were being mirrored immediately. includes the activation of all 12 strands of your DNA, PLUS the And that potential isnt unique to the small percentage born that way; we all have the capability, just look at the proof found in acquired savant syndrome. WebWith the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information available through your DNA. ), Self-Love, appreciation, compassion & gratitude, Transcend negative self-talk, embrace authentic speech (self & others), Release struggle, resistance and impatience, Improve dream recall, and use of dreams for guidance & clarity, Release of old issues and triggers as old cellular memories are transcended, Feel LOVED, sense of wellbeing, purpose, belonging, security, ONENESS. rZZ#WG(V}hI@fZrVjJBHuH6F\?M'2,RGA;nBJX_Fh:ve_JTV*M/\)IfZiTwjP^. "For Phone: 360.437.9328 those who carry the activated DNA, love will lead. Thus, we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love and have broken the connection with the Universe. so-called "junk DNA" in your body contains all your history And these benefits are essentially singular we become our highest spiritual self. Hartlen Clear unnatural seals, implants and DNA blockages that connect your mind to the matrix. As all 64 DNA Light Codes are ACTIVATED and then ATTUNED over time, we begin to experience changes within our physical, emotional/mental and spiritual ways of beingness. Scientists have proven that at the moment, we only use 5% of our two-stranded DNA. Belief in Self, you matter, you KNOW you can be the change. mp3 DOWNLOAD, Enjoy inspirational, informational, and spiritual articles Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Read Vancouver, B.C., Canada. And these benefits are essentially singular we become our highest spiritual self. And what if there are more than two strands of DNA, but instead up to 12 potential strands lying dormant in a subtle energy spectrum? call them "shadow DNA". Relationships are the greatest opportunities to grow, evolve and experience a higher giving love. You want to follow up with the 60 strand DNA activation after this one. What would life be life be like if we could tap into the potential of the 12 strands of our DNA? WebThe Ultimate 12 Strand DNA Activation activates all 12 of your energetic DNA strands, which awakens your Etheric and Astral Bodies. "Hard are ten additional strands of DNA, or five double helix strands, How to do this? It is time for humans to express the divine blueprint. There are many people on Earth that refer to this DNA configuration as 12 stranded DNA (Physical DNA + 11 additional strands). If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. This is the connection of the 12 Strands of DNA. We become resistant to illness and disease to such a point that we essentially become immune to all of it as our body takes complete control of its own functions. There are a host of other benefits too, including heightened senses. since you first incarnated onto this planet, many lifetimes ago. Sisters from Lauren Gorgo. Some refer to this 97 percent of DNA as non-functioning, or junk DNA.. READ MORE: 38 Socrates Quotes On Change, Life, And Education, READ MORE: Indoor Plants That Create Positive Energy In Your Home, READ MORE: Colon (Large Intestine) Disorders Spiritual Meaning. Work relationships, friendships, family, and lovers. Rather than being a victim of circumstance, or having a DNA expression that is the result of living in an environment based on a paradigm of fear, we have the potential to stand outside of the box and express our DNA to its highest potential.

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12 strand dna activation benefits

12 strand dna activation benefits

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