north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise

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north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise

Estimated time to complete is 2 to 3 class OBO Proj cl, 2 Beconstruction Mini-Q TEACHER DOCUMENT LIST (EV) There are 4 documents in this Mini-Q. Reconstruction started in 1965 but itwasfiniihed by 1g77.who killed it? Published evidence suggests that trees do not die because of genetically programmed senescence in their meristems, but rather are killed by an external agent or a disturbance event. Identify elements of compassion shown in various images. These scare tactics were used well into the 20th century and it wasn't until the 1960s that many black Southerners felt sate enough to cast a vole.. lt was well known in the North and in Congress that voler intimidation was rampant in mosi S,oulhern states. We know him as Honest Abe, born in a log cabin. Declaration of Independence Lesson Plan. Then, with the presidential election of 1876, Reconstruction was dealt a death blow. Rewrite the question in your own words. after leaving slavery and the slaves were freed, they went back to being slaves. You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your Children and adults alike, Lesson 8 Descriptive Essays Description is not a distinct mode of writing, like expository, narrative, and persuasive, but the ability to write descriptively is essential to a host of writing genres. Central Historical Question: Why did the Founders write the Declaration of Independence? However, there was also great resistance to change. Thiist"p help. 3. Southern Resistance Document A: Terrorizing "Carpetbaggers" and,,scalawags" Document B: Targeting African-American Voters and Government Officials Northern Neglect Document C: Problems and Scandals in the North Document D: Popular Opinion and Racism in the North 2013 The DBQ project, 29 North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? The Fugitive Slave Acts were a pair of federal laws that allowed for the capture, A Guide to the Human Rights Act A booklet for People with Learning Disabilities Human Rights Human Rights Illustrations by CHANGE Picture Bank What s inside This booklet,.1, Set 1 The people Write it down By the water Who will make it? It was the 100th anniversary of The Declaration of Independence and America was on the move. There was even talk of a new Civil War. Southern Resistance Document A: Terrorizing "Carpetbaggers,, and,,scalawags,, Document B: Targeting Af rican-american Voters and Government Oflicials Northern Neglect Document C: Problems and Scandals in the North Document D: Popular Opinion and Bacism in the 2013 The DBO Prcjed, 3 North or South: Who Killed Reconstntction? what was the irony of history that occurred in 1976? But subsistence farming in many parts of the North Western Provinces had been recently converted into an captive export sector to stabilize British grain prices. Reconstruction 3. How does this document help answer the DBQ question? That spring, the sun shone every day. CLE On-Demand. Levi Evans, HOW TO SUCCEED WITH NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, A Student Response Journal for. Third parties usually impact government by: A. Electing large numbers of politicians, FLORIDA BECOMES A U.S. TERITORY By Laura Harder and Toni Migliore Summary: After the British returned Florida to Spain, Florida came under Spanish rule for a second time. Across 5. Name: Date: 1. The Ku Klux Klans violence against the North and African Americans fueled paranoia, worsening the efforts of Reconstruction. The rising generation of blacks needed a period of probation and instruction; a period long enough for the black to have forgotten someirring or his condition as a slave and learned much of the true method of gaining honorable subsistence and of performing the duties of any position to which he might aspire." Retrieved May 1, 2023 , from, Get in touch with our top writers for a non-plagiarized essays written to satisfy your needs. (il "ls lhls A Republican Form of Government? 2. Northern and Southern perspectives on Reconstruction differed dramatically. clearly, southern resistance stood in the way of Reconstruction's success. How successful was the Civil Rights campaign in achieving its aims between 1950 and 1965? With the South's economy and pride shattered into pieces and the freedom of former slaves at stake, it was the responsibility of the North to lead the Reconstruction, an era that would help rebuild America's economy and install equal civil rights for all citizens . There. Newspapers and cartoonist, who hai originally portrayed the slave as a hard working, lreedom-seeklng American, began to show bla-cks as lazy and corrupt and of low character in general. How does the way that John Stephens was killed support the idea the Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist organization? They hanged people even when they were riding on horses and they hanged people on hooks. For many it is imporiant to hear the cadence of the language, to experience pauses and emphasis. A political party supports this during an election: A. Encourage siudents to use contexl clothes to discover 2013 The DBQ Prolect, 33 Reconstruction Mini-Q Background Essay North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction?the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery. Murderous outrages toward northern and southern citizens were a step for the KKK to complete their goals of becoming higher in authority. The election saw Rutherford B. HaYes, the Republican candidate, square off against Samuel J. Tilden, the Democratic nominee' This was one of the most controversial presidential elections in American history. lstt Date ofdef@t of radical Re@trstruction government Military district boundary -L*l CoDfederate stes NN MHICO firridry In the aftermath of the Civil War, the Policy of Reconstruction MEXICO the for was developed purpose of reconnecting the eleven states that had left the Union and welcoming the millions of freedmen (former slaves) as full American citizens. The south did not want blacks to take part in. What was the Compromise ot 1BZ7? What is President Grant trying to find in the barrel? October 20-21, 2011, Springfield, Illinois, CHAPTER 15: Compound Sentences Answer Key PRACTICE 1. The north thought that everyone was created equal.So if the south let the African Americans have equal rights as white men the north would not be mad at the south and the two would not have gone to war.The third reason why the south killed reconstruction is because the south would not budge for any compromise from the north and only made things . Democracy: Starting with Solon In the present day, the term democracy is well known. Among the power-hungry KKK (Documents A and B) and the negligent and judgemental Northerners (Documents C and D), the Southerners were the ones who struck the final blow on the death of Reconstruction. First, several important dates and events are introduced to the students. The North's advantage over the South was industrialization and this led to their victory over the South. First of three "Reconstruction Amendments" passed after Civil War (1865-70) 14th Amendment (1868) (1) All persons born in the U.S. are citizens; (2) no person can be deprived of life, liberty or property without DUE PROCESS OF LAW; (3) no state can deprive a person of EQUAL PROTECTION of the laws. Place: Review the inset map showing the five military districts which Congress established in District 1, Virginia; District 2, North and South Carolina; District 3, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida; District 4, Mississippi and Arkansas; District 5, Louisiana and Texas. How accurate is it to say that the Black Power movements of the 1960s achieved nothing for Black Americans? I can help you save hours on your homework. by the worksheet activity to the class. Your thesis is always an opinion and answers the Mini-e question. Materials: Reconstruction PPT Copies of Thaddeus Stevens and Andrew Johnson Documents, Create an Editorial Cartoon Background Information for Students What is an Editorial Cartoon? incruding whiskey Ring and credit Mobirier (Doc c) Economic problem: panic of 1873 (Doc C) Evidence of loss of conridence in Reconsiruction governments (Doc D articre) Evidence of Northern racism (Cover of Harperb Weekty, Doc D) Argument: Argument is presented in paragraph 4 Paragraph #4 conclusion: (Argument why Nofih or south was more responsibre for kiling Reconstruction) Documents A and B both provide evidence that there were peopre in South who were willing to risk their lives for Reconstruction. That trust and confidence, Key Concepts: Rights Responsibilities Bystander Patriotism Democracy Materials: White board, chalkboard, overhead projector, or easel with chart paper Downloadable testimony clips: Testimony - TV and DVD, Reflections: A Student Response Journal for Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose Copyright 2004 by Prestwick House, Inc., P.O. Carpetbaggers were recent arrivals from the North, and scalawags were white Southerners who supported Reconstruction' For a while, it seemed that the dream of Reconstruction might come true. All science concerns analysis, all science refers to the universal; to count the heartbeats of a lover is not to assess the worth of his feelings but this information is an essential contribution to the study of human behaviour. The Bill of Rights, Talking to our children about Violence and Terrorism: Living in Anxious times, Bettyann Foley Final Project: Book review, The Radical and the Republican, by James Oakes A More Perfect Union Year Two September 15, 2010. north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. 3. A Military Reconstruction Act was passed to make sure African Americans' new rights were protected. Freedmen (F): African Americans who were freed from slavery during and after the Civil War Carpetbaggers (CB): Northerners who went south after the Civil War to help Freedmen and Reconstruction Scalawags (S): Southern whites who supported Reconstruction Radical Republicans (RR): Northern Republican Congressmen who supported African-American citizenship and punishment for former Confederates Ku Klux Klan (KKK): A white supremacist group that opposed Reconstruction and equal rights for freed slaves Headline A: "Federal Troops Sent South to Enforce Reconstruction" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Republicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline C: "Financial Panic of Fear Loss of 3 Million Jobs" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical RePublicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline B: "Hiram Revels Elected Senator From Mississippi in 1870 First Black Man to - Enter Congress" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Republicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline D: "Rutherford B. Hayes Elected President in 1876 Agrees to Remove Federal - Soldiers from Louisiana and South Carolina" Freedmeni Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical RePublicans: Ku Klux Klan: 2013 The DBQ Proiect This page may be reproduced for classroom use 31, 32 Establishing the Context General lnstructions. What is a "ring"? north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. In all reality, although Plessy v. A group lormed to carry out an illegal activity, e.g. 4. Kent State University. What term in the question needs to be defined? The cartoon is a graphic depiction and powerful attack against the intimidation tactics of white supremacist groups. According to Tourgee, what types of people are being attacked by the KKK? /EDICT 27JAN94 V94-001/ [] /repetition of kana/ [] /voiced repetition of kana/ /repetition of kanji (sometimes . This Mini-Q asks you to decide who' North or South' was most responsible for the failure of Reconstruction' The Documents: Document A: Terrorizing "Carpetbaggers" and "scalawags" Document B: Targeting African-American voters and Government officials Document C: Problems and Scandals in the North Document D: Popular Opinion and Racism in the 2013 The DBQ Project A Mini Document Based Question (Mini-a) This page may be reproduced for classroom use 29, 30 The Hook Teacher Note: The purpose of this hook is two-fold. Although these are not actual headlines, the events did happen. The Shawshank Redemption. 4. by Cynthia Sherwood, 4. Actions that led to the Revolutionary War Raising Taxes The French and Indian War had caused the British to be in a great deal of debt. Finally, the 15th Amendment was ratihed making it illegal to deny someone the right to vote based on race. Often, charismatic individuals gain power and influence others. 4. 2. But dying or dead, what had gone wrong? First, several important dates and events are introduced to the students. Your job is to read the documents that follow and answer the question: North or South: Who killed Reconstruction? This letter is suggesting that blacks were not yet ready to rule themselves or others. He served as a judge during Reconstruction and wrote this letter to the North Carolina Republican Senator, Joseph Carter Abbott. Some resisted it with violence. lt is important to keep reminding students that the War had just ended and emotions were extremely high. There was a plan called Reconstruction for healing the nation and making it strong. 4. 2. Who ran for President in 1876? a drug ring 3. Note: Tourgee was a white, Northern soldier who settled in North Carolina after the War. Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of the most important leaders, Lincoln's Use of the Presidency to Effect Change- - A Model for Presidents in Advancing Equal Rights for Women? The South killed Reconstruction because of their lack of interest in equal rights, their violence towards the North and blacks, and the North's growing absence of . But then someone killed the dream in Who was it? The image, therefore, is a threat to any who support the Republican efforts at Reconstruction. Materials: PowerPoint on Articles of Confederation Copies of Textbook Excerpt on Copies of Thomas Jefferson Letter Copies of Guiding, the call of moses after before The Moses Series Day 1: The Call of Moses Sketchboard title: "God chose a leader" Text: Exodus 1-4 Introduction: Have you ever been asked to do something you didn't want, KidSlot #15 Forgiving Others Lessons are available at for you to print copies of the necessary materials for each child in your group. north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise . Title: The Organizational Structure and Powers of the Federal Government as Defined in Articles I, II, and III of the U.S. Constitution Grade 5. 4. lf President Grant was busy wilh scandals, what is likely to happen to his focus on Reconstruction efforts in the South? Shays Rebellion. Many Southerners saw the Bepublicans as conquerors-after all they were the party of Lincoln. Jack Dorsey says Elon Musk is NOT the best person . Stephens was not simply killed; he was murdered in a way that guaranteed that people would talk about it. World Book Online: The trusted, student-friendly online reference tool. In the year 1820, the new country of the United States and the newer country of Mexico had a lot. This kind of terrorism was meant to frighten Carpetbaggers from the Noith and send them packing. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:27-31. Remember, your buckets are going to become your body paragraphs. Both groups had the power to pass laws hurting the KKK and to try members of the KKK. Greeley lost, but Republican unity was shattered, making it nearly impossible to continue an aggressive campaign ol Reconstruction in the South. Platform C. Compromise D. Third Party 2. November 2, 2021 . This shifl in attitude toward Southern blacks is not surprising given that many Northern states had tight restrictions on black suffrage until the 1sth Amendment was passed.. lf Northern racism was the reason the Federal Government became less interested in Reconstruction, then who was really responsible lor bringing Reconstruction to an end _ Northerners who were unwilling to lorce change, or Southerners who used violence and terrorism to resist change? 4. With a partner, read the descriptions of each group, and then read the headlines at the bottom of the page. Many secret societies, specifically the KKK, took particularly ruthless actions in attempts to keep the whites in power and stop whoever, whether that may be voting African Americans or government officials from taking over. The fact that he was killed in a courtroom also suggests that the KKK wanted to threaten everyone involved in the courts, not just in the State Legislature. b. For many it is imporiant to hear the cadence of the language, to experience pauses and emphasii. Coolidge was a man of conviction rather than passion, and he believed that American prosperity depended, Lesson Plan Central Historical Question: Who was a stronger advocate for African-Americans, Booker T. Washington or W.E.B Dubois? So it is a great irony of history that the election of 1876 officially crushed the American dream for millions of black Americans living in the South. The second task of pre-bucketing based on clues in the question is an important categorization skill. 2023-04-23 can you take cbd gummies on a airplane cbd gummy from mycbd And cbd gummy bears private label cbd fun drops gummies. g2,500 in cash if I would let another man go to the legislature in my place' I told them that I would not do it if they would give me all the county was worth' "' No man can make a free speech in my county. Knowing that there was a financial panic in 1873, for example, will help students realize why the North may have become distracted with Reconstruction efforts. A. African Americans gained new opportunities, and some Southerners organized to resist the Republicans. The Changing Border of the Southwest, Name: Abraham Lincoln. MlNl-Q* LESSON PLAN: CLEAN VERSION OPTION ll students are ready, use the clean version of the Mini-Q, which requires them to handle more of the analysii on their own. wanted an end to all Reconstruction effort. The election saw Rutherford B. HaYes, the Republican candidate, square off against Samuel J. Tilden, the Democratic nominee' This was one of the most controversial presidential elections in American history. Materials: Movie: Copies of Historian Interpretations Worksheet, 12 November 2011 Sam Houston, 1793-1863: An Early Leader of Texas Cavalry soldiers line up at Fort Sam Houston, Texas (You can download an MP3 of this story at, ACTIVITY SUMMARY Reading Guide, page 1 of 3 During this activity, you and your child will actively read Martin s Big Words, using the suggested reading strategies. ihisw"s reaily racism and made the North neglect blacks in the South. the answers with the class. 1. was born a. in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809. b. in a hospital in Springfield, Illinois in 1865. In the South, people such as the KKK took control of the South and the North got sick of it. In 1877 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended, leaving white-only governments in power. Reconstruction by historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. Called Reconstructionby historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. Why was 1876 an important year for America? Explain the phrases '\Meary of the 'Negro Ouestion"' and "'sick of carpet-bag' government." According to Tourgee, what types of people are being attacked by the KKK? O 20'13 The DBO Project This page may be reproduced for classroom use 11, 12 Step Four: Document Analysis Document A: Terrorizing "Carpetbaggers,, and,,scatawags,, Gontent Notes: o A carpetbag is a type of luggage. Congress did authorize president Granl to use troops to suppress KKK activities. What did they say? It appeared in Puck, August 21, Chapter 15: The South After the Civil War The Economy of the South After the Civil War Three reasons the economy of the South was not very strong before the Civil War 1. The South killed it with terrorism. Another brave, honest Republican citizen has met his fate at the hands of these fiends.". Knowing that there was a financial panic in 1873, for example, will help students realize why the North miy have become distracted with Reconstruction efforts. According to Colby, what types of people make up the KKK? Reconstruction Essay After four years of gruesome fighting, the Civil War ended, leaving the South, confederate territory, in ruins and defeat. The close election placed the nation on edge. Bitterness on both sides ran deep, and so did fatigue. Central Historical Question: Did Lincoln free the slaves or did the slaves free themselves? (Tennessee was not included because it had formally been readmitted to the Union in 1866.) In fact, the South wanted an end to all Reconstruction effort. Houston holds week-long NUCLEAR training exercise led by the FBI and the military to learn how best to deal with a nuke dropped on a US city . 3. They set in and whipped me a thousand licks more, with sticks and straps that had buckles on the ends of them. WHAT COLOR ARE THE STARS ON OUR FLAG? Get your custom essay on,, Was Reconstruction Plan a Success or Failure, The Effects of Jim Crow Laws in the South, Compare the Different Views of War in the Poems Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen and the Man he Killed by Thomas Hardy, The Missouri Compromise: Political Tensions between the North and South, The Success and Failures of Reconstruction, Diversity in America from Reconstruction through the 1920s. Neglect, not freedom, was the new order of the DBO Project, 27 Student Mini-Q Lined 2013 rhe obo Prciecr This page may be reproduced lor classroom use, 28 TEACHER DOCUMENT LIST (CV) There are 4 documents in this Mini-Q. 4. Teaching Tips:. He served as a judg5 during Reconstruction and wrote this letter to the North Carolina Republican Senator, Joseph Carter Abbott. New York Tribune , May 1870. Before the civir war most African Americans in the south were sraves. Grant,s close triend and private secretary, Orville Babcock, was clearly involved in the scheme, but Grant relused to believe it and prolected his frlend from convictions.. Democratic, Chapter 1 Questions (16pts) 1. What were their political parties? 2013 The DBQ Project This page may be reproduced lor classroom use, 8 Reconslruction Mini-Q Step Two: Establishing the Context (conrinued) Answers to Background Essay Questions 1. Copies of Timeline Copies of Documents A and B Transparency of Document A Graphic Organizer Plan of Instruction: 1. Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) ran against Samuel Tilden (Democrat). Students are provided with the same document list but it is not divided into analytical categories or buckets. The Klan wants all Republican Reconstruction governments to be overthrown. Railroads were being built at an astounding rate. The L3th Amendment ended slavery. The great Abraham Lincoln was dead, but there was a big job to do called Reconstruction. We make safe shipping arrangements for your convenience from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The Klansmen would even break into African Americans homes, attack them with whips, and leave them to die due to their rights to vote for the Radical Republicans, (Document B).

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north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise

north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise

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