serena and darien fanfiction

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serena and darien fanfiction

He holds the powers of light instead of darkness, even through his power is evil. Atem looks over himself for a few minutes, smiles, and tells Jaden and Princess Serenity, Thank you, Princess Serenity and Jaden Yuki. With Mr. Darien Shields, he is Tuxedo Mask. Jaden Yuki, your next battle is to come . and you, Princess Serenity, hold that soul. This is actually the very first fanfic I've ever written! Serena whimpered. -+18 (porque habrn grosera) But enough of this idle chatter. "I feel a strong energy from this gem in your locket Sailor Moon. Missy then command, Okay, my princess, destroy one of his ants! Insect Princess move in to attack the first Army Ant Token and Missy says, with a evil grin on her lips, And thanks to my sacred White Veil, all of your trap and spell cards are destroyed. Tyranno's face-down card is destroyed and Insect Princess moves in to destroy the first Army Ant Token, taking 1400 of Tyranno's life-points with that card. Princess Arinna . Remember that transfer student to Duel Academy last year that was an elementary school girl?, Jaden and Syrus gasp in shock and Jaden exclaims, stunned, Blair?! The smaller of the two men, who was apparently the leader, laughed. he bellowed. . Jedite raised his hand and slapped Serena sharply across the face. Ms. Fontaine hasn't been brainwashed, thank goodness, but she is practically powerless to help us. . My kind is the first of the intelligent Neo-Spacians in our history, but unlike my fellow Spacian, never gained the numbers that they have. During the early years of our kingdom, we fought many battles for our survival and existence and we are a warrior people. Tuxedo Mask looked at the crystal. Mina exclaims, worriedly, Her attack points totally doubled in power!, Rei tells Mina, drolly, We can see that Mina!, Blair calls out, Now, my Maiden, attack her Etoile Cyber with White Love Chorus! Blair's monster launches a wave of musical notes at Etoile Cyber with her voice and destroys it with a huge explosion. Make it out to Jasmine!, Jaden, Tyranno, Bastion, Blair, Syrus, and Bastion sweatdrop at this and Syrus says, embarrassed, Oh brother., Tyranno tells Syrus, You said it solider., Just then they see Mina go over with her autograph book and says, Hey, don't forget about me! Blair draws one card from her deck and says, plainly, I will go first. Blair looks at her hand, puts one card on her duel disk, and states, I play Maiden in Love in attack mode. Soon after, Maiden in Love (400/800) appears on the field in attack mode. Rini: (dragging away the unconscious dog demon) enjoy the fic. One of the girls has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and the other has black hair with light brown eyes with both of them being sixteen years of age apiece. Sailor Venus bent down and picked up a piece of black cloth. "Yes but who are you?" Michelle tells Tea, It seems like you and I will be working together., Tea tells Michelle, It seems so. Direct attack! Soon after, Insect Princess and the other Army Ant Token attack Tyranno's life-points directly and he yells out as he loses 2400 more life-points. Serena felt a second blow then a third and a fourth. It will be just like the olds days when Yug' and he were together with us saving the world from evil psychopaths., Yugi tells Joey, Remember, Joey, this one is different than the ones we faced. . White Veil! Why are all of our monsters that we sent to the graveyard returning to the field? What's going to happen?, Jasmine tells Mindy, I wish that I knew, Mindy. . However, I don't know why you hold this power like he does. Blair states, in an evil sly tone, Thank you. I'm Mina Aino!. Serena said before sliding down to the floor. But can you tell us how you made those cats talk? This card cuts my life-points in half, but for this turn, my Phoenix's attack and defense points are doubled! Just then White Light Phoenix's stats increase from 3000/2000 to 6000/4000 as Blair's life-points are cut in half. Blair calls out, in a serious tone, This isn't over! The second chapter of my brand new Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX crossover! "Are you Darien Shields?" I wouldn't want to forget these. Serena says, with a giggles, Man. Thus, like her Sailor Senshi, my daughter, Princess Arinna of the Sun, has trained with her Sailor Senshi to become a warrior herself. "SILENCE!!!" Maybe when you are ready, you will be able to use it along my other two God Cards., Yugi asks Atem, You brought Obelisk and Ra with you?, Atem takes two cards from his deck, displays them to be Obelisk the Tormentor (4000/4000) and the Winged Dragon of Ra (?/?) He is one of the best duelists that I've seen! Blair then asks, curiously, But why did you want to see me?, Sartorius tells Blair, Well, lately, I've been going to Duel Academy to get some fresh new faces and find new talent. He grabbed his head and started screaming from the intense white hot pain. However that doesn't mean I can't be reincarnated as someone else.] A soul devoid of hatred and anger, who cares about others above him or herself, and one who is able to open up to others as well as inspire them. Sacrificing my Pinch Hopper for two new Army Ant Tokens! Pinch Hopper then leaves the field as it is sent to the graveyard, once more, with two new Army Ant Tokens (500/500) taking its place. This card allows me to sacrifice my Archaeopteryx to summon a dino back to my field! The reason for this decree is twofold. This allows me to destroy the weakest face-up attack monster on your side of the field and since you've only got one kind, I'm taking out one of your Valkyria! Just a large fissure opens up and swallows one of Mina's two Valkyria, destroying it! He's an enemy. "She's not alright. Serena puts her hand on her deck and then Ishtar, the Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix, calls out in her mind, Serena nods her head and calls out, Now, I reveal my face-down! When they are gone, Sartorius looks at The Moon Tarot card and says, silently, Well done, Sailor Moon, you have indeed proven my theory about you. I draw three cards from my deck and discard two from my hand! Serena draws three cards, looks to see that they are Elemental Hero Neos (2500/2000), Elemental Hero Bladedge (2600/1800), and Card of Sanctity spell card. "Darien please I need the silver crystal." However, an unexpected betrothal forces Serena to reveal her true beauty and Darian to see pass the tomboy exterior. Wait here until I return.. The cards predicted defeat for her against Blair, but instead . ]. when Atem left our lives., Yugi tells Tea, I miss him, too, Tea. This Continuous Spell card allows my monsters to attack your monsters with the same attack points and not get destroyed! Serena then commands, Now, my Cyber Angel, destroy her Phoenix with Silver Star Blast! Cyber Angel Serenity fires a silver energy beam filled with energy stars at the Phoenix and destroys it without being destroyed herself, thanks to the Kishido Spirit Continuous Spell card. He is the successor that you chose around one year ago. The four scouts yelled in unison "SAILOR TELEPORT!" Serena calls out, You heard Syrus! She is scary when she gets mad.. Celestial Neos, attack her overgrown fake! [Mars please this is very urgent. On the meanwhile, Prince Judai, Princess Serenity, and all of the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi are waiting on the right side of the Moon Queen. Tuxedo Mask thought. It is an honor to meet you . The room smelled of musk and rat turds. Darien went to the fridge to get champagne while Serena went to the balcony. Don't start without me! When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they find Tyranno running inside of the room. This mysterious queen was attended by two guards in golden armor and light white royal-type clothing. Tuxedo Mask slowly got back to his feet but was blasted into a wall. During the evening hours of night, we find all of our heroes and heroines, joined by Yugi Moto and his friends, as they headed down towards the abandoned dorm with the intention of being Atem back to life. On the meanwhile, her male Ra Yellow opponent has one face-down card, one Barrel Dragon (2600/2100), one VW Tiger Catapult (2000/2100), and 2000 life-points remaining. Now, I sacrifice my Kaiser Sea Horse and use its special ability! Kaiser Sea Horse vanishes in a bright light as it is sent to the graveyard, Blair puts another card on her duel disk, and exclaims, Now, meet one of my most powerful monsters! But you will see his full powers, one day, however, for now, I'm here to tell you that I will be returning to aid you in the fight against this new enemy., Tea and Yugi give another round of gasps and Tea asks Atem, How are you going to come back Atem?, Atem tells Tea and Yugi, It won't be easy. I think she's dead!" This new monster had Celestial Phoenix's head like a mask on Elemental Hero Neos' forehead and scalp, his body covered in rainbow colored feathers, his chest jewel has become a heart-shape and turned from dark blue into beautiful gold, his gloved hands are now pure silver instead of black, he has Celestial Phoenix's claw-like feet over his boots, which are silver in color, and he has two beautiful fiery-red and fluffy wings made of pure flames coming out of his back. Look at Serena's back!" Serena gets onto her feet, gives a big `yawn', and stretches her arms out. Phase one: I remove my Dino Base and my Black Tyranno from play! Soon after, Dino Base (0/2100) is removed from his hand and Black Tyranno (2600/1800) is removed from his graveyard, with both cards be removed from play. Just call me Joey., Syrus asks Yugi, nervously, Um . Tuxedo Mask whispered "GOLDEN MILLENIUM ECLIPSE!" Serena puts the card into the spell/trap slots, Elemental Hero Cosmic Venus is bathed in golden light as it is sent to the graveyard, Serena takes another card from her deck, puts it onto her duel disk, and shouts out, Now, meet my Elemental Hero, Blair calls out, shocked, What's going on?! The last thing that I remember is some kind named Sartorius coming up to me when I was visiting Domino City. A beam of silvery pink light encased Jedite in a powerful energy bubble that resembled the moon. But I can't tell who he is now or say anything more expect that your long lost brother is closer than you think. You can please leave me now. Alexis and Chazz bow in front of Sartorius and slowly walk away from the room. [Jedite was not completely right. Next, there are going to be some new Sailor Senshi and I'm going to use certain elements from pervious crossover stories that I did, but I can assure that this story is going to be totally different than the other crossover stories that I did. Her male opponent shouts out, as he draws a card into his hand, You did good, Mina, but I'm going to get that date!, Mina tells her opponent, You are going to have to get me to lose, first, big boy!. ! Soon after, Serena's two Princess Tokens vanish in bright lights as they are sent to the graveyard and Serena puts one card on her duel disk. Now, let's go see Serena and the others. Jaden and his two friends walk over to Serena, Rei, Lita, and Mina, who are assembling on the floor of the dueling arena.

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