mouseover pet attack macro

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mouseover pet attack macro

Garwulf my friend; Bind the skills in a tight group and practice with it. Hi there, You only have to do this once, until you want to change the focus to a different player. #showtooltip Explosive Shot I was wondering if its possible to make a macro that will cast your traps, say frost trap then explosive trap then snake trap. /dismount [mounted] How to make a Mouseover macro for Wow with proper syntax as for the above post the problem with that macro wanted is your going to waste LnL if your trying to conserve buttons on your UI id opt for a macro that alternates between arcane shot and explosive shot pending CD but this is even a DPS waste now that arcane and ES are no longer on same CD. /cast Stampede 5 5 comments Best Add a Comment Moldy_Gecko 2 yr. ago Should work. Thanks for sharing! Blood Fury is a powerful DPS boost that is best used when combined with other burst abilities such as Bestial Wrath, Trueshot or Coordinated Assault, like this: The Trolls Berserking racial is another great DPS cooldown. If that doesn't exist either, it will misdirect on your pet. I would recommend this macro for a lot of abilities as it clears up much of your toolbars. 1. your raid data to WarcraftLogs. #showtooltip Living Bomb /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Living Bomb Use: If there's a mouseover target that isn't friendly or dead, this macro will pop a Living Bomb on it. When using the shots from the Spellbook, the icon shows the clock timer or dims when on cooldown, or not available, but my macro icons do not. /cast roar of courage Else, if your pet is alive and exists, cast Misdirection on your pet. Pressing it will heal you or a mouseover target (e.g., main tank, arena partner) if you have one highlighted. But oh well. The other macro is a simple one-button toggle. This saves you the -set pet passive i was looking for macros that would make using arcane shot my stings, black arrow, and explosive shot easier as if i was mashing a button instead of dancing around looking for all my hot keys. Im going to try and update my Power Auras strings this week, but in the meantime you could download my UI package and get it there. most accurate and periodically updated of the available Boss Mods. Q: Do all of these macros work? Even with targeting the enemy first it the hunters mark doesnt appear on the target tested it out on the TD many time. If you are letting your pet die, it means you need to keep a closer eye on him and pull him back when needed. mainly for dungeons rather than having to click tab then 2 for every target. The strikes left 34 people injured, including three children, and caused widespread damage. Im still pretty new to the game, but Ive wanted for a long time to get better at PvP because people are really mean to me in Battlegrounds. On this one I threw in /cast Stoneform since this toons a Dwarf. sorry I think I placed my original comment in the wrong section!? If you are able to stand and fire, you are better off doing so in AotH. If you have no Focus and used the macro while targeting an enemy, it will cast Misdirection to your pet if it's out and alive. In this way, the command will trigger if your target is anything but hostile (friendly, neutral, etc), including no target at all. /cast [pettarget,exists] Kill Command This page was a huge help! Is this too many casts? If you have Summon Vilefiend talented instead, it will cast it on Press the button with shift and they return. be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. At the start of an instance or raid, set your focus target to the Main Tank, then use this macro just before pulling to cast Misdirection on him/her without losing your target. Your macro of Masters call helped my team mates a lot xD ^_^. Raptor Strike is back on the global gooldown, so theres no reason to macro it. This one will switch to Aspect of the Hawk (or keep Aspect of the Hawk if active already) before placing a Hunter's Mark. Try this, I cannot confirm because I dont have a lvl 10 hunter, it does not require any addons. Just learn your priority and practice it. Note: Basic pet attacks dont consistently go off when their 3 second cooldown is up, so its advisable to bake in the following basic pet attacks below with other Hunter offensive abilities. Thank you. If youre stuck in melee beyond the length of time it takes to apply a Wing Clip, youve probably already lost. /petattack If I have a different pet out, this will only work for mend pet, which is normal. Another Hunters Mark macro I use. Was looking for a primer on macros for hunters!! By doing this youll lessen the delay of the in-game autocast which will result in a tiny amount of additional DPS during a longer boss fight, for example. (without key modifiers) It allows you to change focus target with holding down Shift. Once there you can create new macros with commands like this one: Drag the icon to your action bar and bam! Right above this aura I have another aura which shows the duration of the Mend Pet spell so that I know when to re-cast it if needed. (Incase you turned anything important off for PvE at some point). TidyPlates aren't quite as customizable or accurate as KUI, but they are The other thing about yur macros is that you will have little control about using your burst abilities (Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild) while in a macro like this. I added onto the mount macro something that I found really useful, some mods to use water strider for when I need a water walking mount or my travelers mammoth to sell stuff/repair. 14 = trinket 2 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). If Howl of Terror is Theyre intimidating. I use a Spirit Beast with this, of course, but if you use a cat, then just swap in Prowl for Spirit Walk. /castsequence reset=2 Trap Launcher, Explosive Trap /cast [modifier:alt] Feed Pet; Mend Pet So far: the look for such info. Note: There is a 10 second burst-ability cooldown that activates when using one of the engineering DPS items. Use the icon. (this next macro will NOT work correctly if shift-6 is bound in key binds (by default it is) : So I cast 6 which normally heals my pet and if *I* need a heal, I hold shift and press 6. I just got on and made an adjustment to it. /use [nocombat,nomounted]Darnassian Nightsaber; wide range of helpful data. Demonology Warlock DPS Macros and Addons Dragonflight 10.0.7. Then there is the Zip-file: it contains two folder trees, that look very similar, GarUI and __MACOSX. Another video also recently went viral, showing a German Shepherd being pranked by a man dressed as a dinosaur. Ive also discovered that I really like being a hunter. Grats. Aspect of the Turtlee is a lifesaver, but it can also prohibit a good opportunity for a killing blow same goes for Hand of Protection. /target Reanimated Adherent /cast !Aspect of the Viper (or Beast, if you dont like being tracked) Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. on Assist is the preferred way to play. also make your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend (if talented) and Tyrant move, /stopcasting . Watch your focus bar next time you go to use it, then use Trap Launcher separately youll see what I mean. This adds an additional mouseover effect for Masters Call, allowing for a quick freedom for a teammate or party member. Looking for a simple way to macro jump in with disengage to increase distance. position in order to accomplish a given task such as an interrupt on a They always correctly display your , To combat this, and to allow for more control, I manage mine manually. I figured Id bring the point up in case anybody else was wondering and wanted an answer. I came up with this, #showtooltip chimera shot i click everything with my mouse n it gets aggravating after a while so if there is a macro to help pls let me know my rotation is huntersmak, pop trinket, rapid fire, silencing shot , arcane arcane arcane , steady steady steady, then i ussualy use arcane until my kill shot is ready then i use that. The stopcasting & stopattack will help keep you from breaking your own traps. these are some awesome macros, i make my own but i surf the web for ideas, and youve given me some pretty good ones, Blizz changed how Imp Tracking works. /cast Disengage Also, you dont need to copy the *.bak files. It is highly customisable and makes keeping track of your Thanks for letting me know on this. I have tried and it does not refresh at the same rate as Steady Shot. Wing Clip & Disengage. Now, as I said I dont use these, and Im not 100% sure of the correct full spell name, but you can Shift Left-Click on the spell icon in your spell-book straight into your macro. Im hoping thats not the case, but I wanted to ask. Sry that question, we tried it with 2 people 3 hours and it wont work so we give up. I didnt see a macro collection for hunters like this before. Note: For the PvP version of this macro, click here. This will cast hawk if it isnt on. This macro will revive your pet if it's dead or you hold down shift, call it if it's dismissed, mend it if it's alive, feed it if you press alt at the same time and dismiss it if you right click the button. Hmm..talking about A Worm :S i havent used it before..and hence i have no idea about its DPS factor.. If you already have a Focus target set and wish to clear it, right click the macro icon. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 It acts as a mini shield wall and a PvP trinket for your pet. /cast [mod:alt] Dismiss Pet; [mod:ctrl]Call Pet 1; [mod:shift] Revive Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet 2; Mend Pet, Is there a way you can string on /startattack at the end? This ensures that you will never clip Drain Lifes, Ive started playing and picked the hunterclass and loving is. My only problem to handle the masters call. I use that macro a ton, but I put Dash/Dive in mine. Changed the way of playstyle in pvp encounters, and i enjoy it. /castsequence reset=14 !Trap Launcher,!Freezing Trap(Frost). Just use /petdefensive to make pet normal. Also, some abilities benefit more from being used in a synergistic macro, than they do when used separately. erase intimidation if it doesnt work for you( its my own secret formula) WOOOT! Added to the Pieper family in 2018, this hospital is conveniently located less than 5 miles away from our Middletown 24-hour ER and specialty location in case of emergency. supplying this information. looking to step into Mythic raiding. I think that the shot-macros can be improved: #showtooltip Some Shot Give it a go in some skirmishes and see if it works. ty . prevents the aspect from being shut off when the macro is used. Similar to the Bestial Wrath macro, this macro ensures all DPS cooldowns are lined up with your primary Marksmanship Hunter burst ability, Trueshot. I got a MM hunter and so far i seem to be doing ok but i cant seem to keep my focus up. /cast Rapid Fire BigWigs is typically the Ooops my notation for any mount was blanked out because I used angle brackets around it. /dismount [mounted] There is a way to mute the sound, but its a bit of a hassle and not worth the effort for most. This is good because they think I am surv, and they come on me => win for us. This macro makes it so that you /petattack Careful Aim boosts attack power based on total intellect, not mana. combat log is displayed, showing their current health, what heals they Im always eager to discover new and useful ways to combine abilities, so if you have any to share please do so. I recommend it for an easy one button mount solution. I still have to tab target and then hit HM. As of Patch 5.0.4, all of these macros are current and fully functional. Pets can come in the form of 6 different rarities: COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE, EPIC, LEGENDARY and MYTHIC. Well, for Explosive, nature and Ice anyway. /cast Wing Clip That didnt work either , hola como se puede hacer un macro para poder matar los totem de los chamanes?? boss mechanics. First of all, AWESOME tips for macros, helped my PvP a lot :D. Assigning a heal ME to that same key just makes sense. This is because, A: those types of macros suck and you should not use themever. When I get jumped I panic and usually die pretty fast. is there anyway to make a macro to cast kill shot if available and if not cast explosive shot? require any setup at all, though there are a dizzying array of options and Trap Macros. A: Yes. /cast Deterrence If you hold alt, call pet in stable slot 5. This obviously is less than optimal, but I did it this way solely on the notion that if the trinket was on cooldown itd end the macro before the shot, and I cant really remember if I tested this out or if its just one of those assumptions you look back on and think, why didnt I test it?. This will set your tank as focus target. This also works for Unholy DKs and Warlocks, so here are example macros. I have about 1040 resilience in my PvP gear, which seems to be enough to keep my pet from being nuked in seconds. I modified it by combining it with yours so that I could use just one button for both flying and ground, and thought you might be interested: /dismount [mounted,noflying] AlmiSama. Of course the macro in itself is quite useless really but I just wanted to show you the core of it, if you are familiar with macros your can easily string up some useful abilities to it. /use 15 This macro will let you use your lower slot trinket. Because Wing Clip initiates the GCD, you might be experiencing a hiccup where the script refuses to execute Disengage simultaneously because of the triggering of the GCD by Wing Clip. \cast Readiness The higher the rarity is, the better and more perks the Pet gains. /cast [modifier:ctrl] Masters Call; [modifier:shift] Detterance, [modifier:alt] Feign Death; Disengage. Also, thanks for all the macro info very helpful indeed. Macro itself will target the mouseover in order to cast Soulstone /use item:98061 /use 14 # if you have an on-use trinket. If some one desires to be updated with most recent technologies afterward he must be go to see this site and be up If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). /equipset [nogroup] Solo; Raid, I was just playing around with some macros after adding the ones I wanted from this page, (Very helpful by the way) and came across one that I think a lot of hunters could use. 2. /cast !Aspect of the Hawk /cast Multi-Shot ", Brandy Hagler commented: "Awww how cute your little on thought you were getting hurt. Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Chains of Ice your focus target. /cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix(Talent) /cast Kill Command #showtooltip Rapid Fire did someone say single button trap launcher?? /cast Rapid fire I typed it in right, and I have 9 free spaces? /cast Dive. It is extremely user-friendly, Make sure Disengage is off cooldown. start a new cast instead. It will also cast KC on your pets target when its off cooldown. Macros are very important in making your character play as smoothly as possible, Our priority always remains the same, but you need the ability to manage your shot cycle manually dont let a macro do this for you. Now, to add hawk and cheetah into one macro, along with hunters mark and pet attack, it would look like this: /cast Hunters Mark . So I then added another like before it to remove any Aspect using /cast [exists] Aspect of the Cheetah followed by /cast [noexists] Aspect of the Hawk. For one, I HoT my pet up at the beginning of every match just before I send him in to attack. [pet:imp] Fire shield; /cast Call of the Wild #showtooltip Scare Beast /cast Rabid /petattack He then feigns attack by shouting and pretending to wrestle with the device. /cast Misdirection Heres a quick explanation. I noticed this start to happen in MoP , no problems in Cata with this macro. This macro will mark your target, start Auto Shot and send in your pet, all at once. And that seem to work without casting the launcher on the second tap. Just use this same button to fish when your lure buff expires, the macro will immediately know to reapply a new lure. 6 Belt As for the files related to each alt, recount.bak contains info about your encounter with Saurfang. I got bullheaded covered in the pet talents.. is there any way to make a macro for casting serpent sting with concusion shot and casting arcane shot with mend pet. Hy! What kind of macro would you recommend including scatter shot and immolation trap?im glad that I found huntsmanlodgeits awesome and ive learn a lot about macros from you,GarwulfHunter become my favourite caracterTnx. Youve got 5 abilities covered in that macro, which is in my opinion, way too many. Either way, welcome! This will immediately lay a Freezing Trap down at your feet while moving or standing still. MACROS AND FULL GUIDE FOR 7.3.2 MARKSMANSHIP. When multi-dotting, cleaving or moving it can be of great importance to quickly switch between targets. /cast Blood Fry #if an orc.. yo could use Berserking if a troll not sure about alliance. came back two days later and figured out i had missed a space, user error completely lol. Not to mention i m the first player to die after my pet Lol Thanks for the help. . Ive tried out macros before by searching the web and customizing them to my needs, but NEVER have I seen such a comprehensive set of macros for hunters only. The best way to do this is to add the following lines to a burst ability or execute macro: Use this macro to heal your mouseover target, or yourself if no target is selected. Toggles between Aspect of the Hawk and Aspect of the Cheetah, If shift-clicked it will cast Aspect of the Pack. Hunter forum! Good luck on the next 100 rating. Provided all of this work wasnt in vain, Ill be uploading a cleaner and more compact version of the UI package later today. Focus is good for PvP as it pertains to fast target switching, but in PvE, focus is usually reserved for your tank. easier. These AddOns are just small trimmings that might make your life a little Id imagine something like this could work for your 3s team. This macro brings some added flexibility to the Draeneis Gift of the Naaru racial. Ill be changing a few of mine to make use of the keeping the target Ive already got conditions. /cast Disengage *Update* /cast [mod:shift] Viper sting, /cast [target=player] Intervene You can use Modifiers. /cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command Is this right? If you have a focus target and your focus target is friendly, cast Misdirection on your focus target. Uhmm hey i tried your /cast [@focus] Misdirection macro but it doesnt work is it working for you or its broken now? /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), #showtooltip Some Shot What am I doing wrong? Looking for a mouseover pet attack macro : r/classicwow Looking for a mouseover pet attack macro I had one and deleted it unfortunately. /castsequence !Aspect of the Dragonhawk, !Aspect of the Viper, !Aspect of the Monkey, This macro is for MD, regardless of Spec, to lower your Aggro faster. Sorry if its a dumb question but as a hunter I need this a lot. i am a mm hunter and i have been destroying all casters in a couple of secs once we start fighting. Ok, I tried the However, as I mentioned sometimes I happen to draw aggro from a mob or many times I was sitting on a respawn point without realizing it. /cast Cobra Shot To help tame I made this macro from lookin at your stuff : I use SatrinaBuffFrame to monitor my aspects. #show volley This macro will remove any Spells and Macros on your action bars, use with caution. Ive found some good macros on the web and learned to make some of my own. ), some Macros for PVE and most usefull in PVP, that i use. Youd need a castsequence reset=3 in order to get this to work how you want, but because one is a /cast and one a /use, it wont work. So far Ive found macros very usefull, and hoping theres a macro to skin (if possible) and loot corpses? Not correcting you, you say you already use it, I just want to understand your logic. That will throw a Hunters Mark up on your tanks target, send your pet in, and begin your autoattack. /cast [@target,exists,harm][@mouseover,harm] Wyvern Sting. Replace Immolate with any spell that you want if you desire. /[mod:shift] petpassive; petattack This has been a really wonderful article. If you are not satisfied with the default combat text, this AddOn is an If you haven't got a focus set, it will misdirect to your pet instead. somehow my pet is surviving now adding Glyph of mending nd stuff hehe.Thnx a ton garwulf! /petattack If you do not have a focus: You will focus on your target and your pet will be sent to attack it. is a more heavyweight damage meter, taking up quite a bit of /use [combat] !Aspect of the Hawk Any new info on BM and MM for new patch? /cast [stance] [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Pack;[noflyable,nomounted][button:2,nomounted] Great Blue Elekk;[flyable,nomounted]Swift Purple Gryphon You can replicate this with Drain Soul or any Can anyone help me how that macro should look like? Our hospital on Berlin Street is located on a quiet, peaceful road and welcomes primary care patients for annual wellness visits, sick visits, and routine dentals and surgeries. /cast bestial wrath Thanks for mentioning this. Actually the above tends to use double your focus so I played around with this cooper funeral home alexandria, kentucky obituaries; neisd school closing. Im glad youre finding the macros useful. Kill Shot, Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, Aimed (or Multi if more than one enemy), They need to remove the cooldown is what they need to do. /cast Arcane Shot Feed a certain food item depending on the type of pet. I have HM assigned to F3 and /petattack is W. Hey man, nice guide. Secondly, it will misdirect on your pet. /cast !Aspect of the Fox This is a super-handy-dandy macro I created for some expert angling. personally. i twicked one of your macros to fit my playstyle into this . Every time I use Arcane shot he REstarts using Froststorm Breath, meaning when I aim for some burst damage or spam Arcane shot he loses Focus incredibly quickly. Nearly right! Just want to ask can i make a macro to jump while moving backwards? On subsequent use this will cast Death Coil on yourself. I find it useful for lighting up a target for a new tank, or simply highlighting my target to others. /cast Call of the Wild /cast Aspect of the Viper. /use [mod:alt]Disengage; [target=pettarget, exists] Kill Command So this really helps to put together a few key macros to have to help me out so I dont let my friends down. /castsequence reset=2 Steady Shot, !auto shot Its not necessary to have a Tracking switch macro anymore.

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mouseover pet attack macro

mouseover pet attack macro

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