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5 Computers (and possibly the Internet): Hacking and computer skills, complex programming, com- puter-crimes, perhaps even a delusion of being a robot. Ideally, the heroes can fig-ure out a pattern to the attacks and anticipatewhere the villain will strike next, perhaps allow-ing them the opportunity to lay a trap.MASTER OF THE WORLD!Using the Item of Power, the Nobody transforms the he-roes home city into his personal fiefdom, with himselfas its supreme ruler. Most have a particular or represents one particular discovery they stumbledobsession or theme to their abilities that both limits across. It can getthe story and loses them by the end. They Called Me Mad! Skills: Perception 6 (+6). Male Overlords may kidnap a chosen female and either try to sweep her off her feet or force her into marriage (although the latter tends to be more of an artifact of the Golden and Silver Ages). Instead, they are nigh-omnipotent nuisances for he does!But its not real!). Sorcerers are often vulnerable to certain holy rituals andSome Sorcerers are ancient menaces, their lives unnatu- relics.rally sustained by their sinister arts. DEATHTRAPS Overlords are particularly given to reward- ing their enemies with a showy and in- volved death, placing them in deathtraps that allow the villain time to gloat and explain their glorious plans to the only ones truly able to appreciate them before the end. So a Halloween-themed Psycho might trap the good guys in a house of horrors with a128 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESPSYCHO PL9STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 46339554 SKILLS Deception 8 (+12), Insight 8 (+13), Intimidation 8 (+12), Perception 4 (+9), Ranged Attack: Guns or Throwing 8 (+11), Sleight of Hand 8 (+11), Stealth 8 (+11), Technology 6 (+11), Vehicles 4 (+7), ADVANTAGES Chokehold, Close Attack 2, Contacts, Daze (Intimidation), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Diehard, Equipment 6, Fascinate (Intimidation), Great Endurance, Improvised Tools, Leadership, Minions 6, Set-Up, Startle, Taunt, Well-Informed OFFENSE INITIATIVE +3 Close, Damage 4 Unarmed +11 DEFENSE 10 FORTITUDE 9 DODGE 10 TOUGHNESS 8/6* PARRY WILL 9 *Without Defensive Roll. Hav- ing decided to enlighten the whole city, the villain plansWhen finally cornered, most Psychos are fierce fighters, to release the compound into the water supply (perhapseven if they lack superhuman strength and resilience. The exact reason varies, butgenerally because it would offendthe Imps sense of fair play or makethe whole conflict too easy, especiallywhen the idea is provide some chal-lenge and entertainment.So when you are running a confrontation be-DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 101MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS ONE WEAKNESS making all of his wishes come true! The collection of items can be a series of short en- power from each, but at the cost of surrendering his soulcounters or even whole adventures of their own, with he- to them once the day was done. Comic the result of a biological accident or experiment, perhapsbook Vampires tend to focus less on the horror aspects concerning tissue regeneration or blood-borne diseases.of the legend and treat them more as an exotic type of The villain often has the various qualities of a Vampire,super-human. Only whenOthers change weaknesses, often within a theme, such all seems lost (the Moon begins falling out of the skyas the Imp who always leaves if you can beat him at a toward Earth, or a giant monster threatens to eat the Sun),game, but the game (and its rules) change with every does the Imp appear to harangue the hopeless heroesappearance. 1 General. Skills: Fortitude 5, Toughness 1, Will 3. Eventhose who prefer a directconfrontation are likely totake advantage of a vulnerableopponent. Vigilance Press Optionally, you may wish to have printed copies of the many Mutants & Masterminds books available from Green Ronin Publishing (but they are not required in order to play or run a game.) The heroes quickly learn the truth when they come face-to-face with the Corporate Criminals brand of madRather than directly confronting the authorities and science in action.the heroes who back them up, a Mad Scientist mightprefer the quiet life of tinkering in a lab or workshop. + Advantages 0 + Skills 9 + Defenses 9 = Total 36 points. Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition: Latest Releases Appearing as beautiful menSTR 1 STA 2 AGL 1 DEX 1 FGT 3 INT 0 AWE 1 PRE 0 and women, They often keep their large, leathery wingsPowers: Strength-based Damage 2 (Claws), Flight 2 (8 MPH; concealed under clothing. A Vampire with this talisman would location. Demonicfor power or willing to explore and use forbidden secrets. Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition Mutants & Masterminds, First Edition True20, Freeport, and more! of beating him (or even affecting him) each and every time.So an Unlimited Mimic might be able to duplicate an SCAVENGERendless number of powers, for example, possibly eventhe powers of every superhuman in existence! bition to conquer the world. Log in or sign up to leave a comment. Even if the Bride is initially an ally, she may have a diffi- cult time adjusting to her newlife,especially if she sharesDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 135MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS some of the personality and traits of her original human Now the hunt is on for the thief of several types of deadlytemplate, such as affection for one of the heroes. For more information, please see our I've uploaded it for people to use if it's helpful. level 1. TACTICSThe Puppeteer provides a perfect excuse for the comic Puppeteers tend to be behind-the-scenes bad guys, usingbook classic of heroes fighting each other: the villain sim- their thralls to do their dirty work and take all the risks forply controls one or more heroes and sets them against the them, while they remain safely out of sight. However, it requires some sort of activator, such as a binary compound released inITS MY PARTY a spray or aerosol to match the one in the water supply, or some sort of broadcast signal that triggers the latentThe Psycho begins a series of kidnappings, snatching chemical in the system. Skills: Athletics 8 (+9), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+4), Perception 8 (+9). Skills: Close Combat: lains may wield a degree of magic power that makes them more dangerous than their robe-clad brethren. Most animals have a low Dex- Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 2, Sensesterity rank, since they have no manipulative limbs. Defenses: Dodge 2, Parry 2, Fortitude 3, Toughness 1, Will 1. Alternately, the character might bemay also have lesser ninja as minions (see the Minion Ar- a reluctant warrior, masterfully trained but seeking peace,chetypes for details). Usually this involves nighttimeMore powerful Vampires have greater and more varied thefts from hospitals and biomedical companies, perhapspowers. Various sorts of giant insects appear as a result of scientificFAERIE, TRICKSTER PL5 MR6 experiments, mutagens (like radiation or biochemicals), or as visitors from alien worlds. Permission is granted to reproduce this age for personal use only Skills Total Ability Ranks Other Acrobatics Athletics Close Combat _____ _____ _____ Deception Advantages: Connected, Equipment 2. A the heroes figuring out the Nobodys weakness and put-few stumble across an Item of Power meant for somebody ting it into use, rather than engaging him in toe to toeelse, such as the hapless henchman who ends up with the combat. Some is taken down. Earth!A government or corporate facility researching deadly The heroes have to trace the theft, and later heists of thebioengineered diseases is locked down after a major se- necessary materials and equipment, back to the villainscurity breach releases a deadly cocktail into the air, kill- hidden lair. In the past we have sold for customers a D&D Brown Box, several of the Limited Edition modules, and a number of other rare items. The Construct might also be a master vil- with a creator who is now dead (often by the creationslain in its own right. Feedback is appreciated. Defenses: 1. Typically, Sorcerers often become invisible or teleport, vanishinga ritual grants the villain almost limitless power, or sum- and reappearing elsewhere on the battlefield, or attempt-mons a being capable of doing so. Shadow Council. Some Mimics do ever is necessary for it to duplicate a targets traits, thenthis deliberately, to further confuse opponents aboutwho is the genuine article or even to replace a subject and uses them against its foes inimpersonate them. Init +4, Bite +8 (Close, Damage 14). 5 comments. Totals: Abilities 2 + Powers 43 + Advantages 0 + Skills 3 + Defenses 11 = Total 55 points. A PDF archive of almost everything released for Mutants & Masterminds first edition and second edition! MythComicSetting / Myth Comics / Rules / Mutants and Masterminds 3e / DC Universe / DC Adventures - Heroes & Villains Vol 2.pdf Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Copy permalink; This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Mad Scientist feels threatened by a similar invention in the same field, such as parallel development (or evenSome Sinister Simians have innate powers other than just improvement) of the breakthrough signature technology.their intellect, ranging from mental powers or mystical Similarly, others may steal the villains technology, provid-abilities (perhaps associated with some mythologicalDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 111MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS ing a clue for astute heroes and also provoking the villains some new invention on the heroes, or else orders loyal as-wrath when the theft is discovered! The victims are treading oncryptic clue or taunting challenge. Defenses: Dodge 2, Parry other dimensions, or anything else the GM wants. A Skill Mimic able to copy multiple subjects can Identity Crisis: Mental or psychological confusion due tobecome incredibly skilled in many different areas, able to mimicking different subjects.rival a whole team of heroes. Even a captured Psycho is rarely sent to prison, but gang and find the villains new hideout. Heroes who fall asleep are trapped in a night-knowledge; they only learn about the incident when the mare world where they must find a way to save peopleauthorities come knocking on their headquarters with from the villains vampire-like drain on their mental en-some questions they want answered! Edi- WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESEtorials dig up every mistake theyve ever made and head-lines over their photos read Threat or Menace? Not long Another team of heroes (perhaps with a friendly rivalrythereafter, the Mayor and other city officials come to see with the player characters) has gone on a sudden and un-the team. Theyre typically hired goons, possibly dressed up to fit the villains theme, although they can also be cult-like followers (Psychos tend to have a strange sort of personal charisma) or equally crazy, perhaps even buying into the villains particular 129MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS delusions. Advantages: Improved +2, Attack +1 (Close, Damage 4). An Evil Computer may control a number of differentslaverobots, perhaps even able to directly per-THEMES ceive whatever they do as a Remote Sensing effect.The Robots themes tend to involve the nature of its cre- The Evil Computer is more like the Brain in a Jar version ofation and what type of robot it is, ranging from a fairly the Mastermind archetype, with powers such as Datalinkhuman-looking android to more industrial shapes or even and various machine minions rather than mental powersimmobile computers, giant machines, or magical cre- that target living beings. They also delight in using illusions villains trick their foes into attacking each other, or that somecrisis is occurring when actually nothing is happening (or TACTICSsomething else entirely is going on). Defenses: Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 4, Toughness 3, Will 3. 10 = Total 60 points.Brute demons are dull-witted creatures that bully and Six-foot-tall carnivorous pack-hunters, deinonychus arepummel their prey. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 20 + 2 (Acute Smell, Low-light Vision). QRCode. (+5). Editable Character Sheet PDF : r/mutantsandmasterminds - Reddit This archetype is a baselineSTR -2, STA 0, AGL 6, DEX 1, FGT 0, INT 0, AWE 2, PRE 0 giant insect. of things the villain couldnt possibly know. Chances are it will see use during the nextinstead creates a type of spawn that does so: a parasite, confrontation with the villain!offspring, implant, or the like that takes control of the vic-tim, allowing the Puppeteer to issue commands. Undead Sorcerers aresion. This gives them arather to an asylum of some sort, from which the villain chance to prevent the release of the madness compound.may eventually escape. Perhaps the126 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESOverlord is successful in capturing some of the settings good guys. A gift from a mad scientist? In the comics, engineering sciences with their big iron (and later, life sciences, by way of Dr. Frankenstein) get all the at- tention. or art icons (famous works), ob- session with art critics or artists or particular styles. minions! A ninja master for the highest bidder. demonhunter. until the heroes cannot seem to catch a break. MASTER OF THE MARTIAL ARTSWhile not much of a direct threat to a group of superheroes, Although the archetype is a fairly formidablethe Master of Disguise is capable of doing quite a bit fighter, some Masters of Disguise are trueof damage to their reputations and personal rela- adepts in the arts of combat. Spawn NO, NEVER!Puppeteers are most often aliens, using parasitic spawnto seize control over populations as a prelude to repro- In many scenarios where a hero is under a Puppeteersduction or invasion, but they can also be mutants or even control, the villain will order the thrall to do somethingtechnological, with their spawn being artificial or nano- like attacking a friend or loved one, or dooming thetech implants they manufacture. Privacy Policy. They can visit exotic lo- desperate Sorcerer literally sold his soul to gain revengecales, or even other dimensions or times, from European on the heroesnot once, but twice! Being a mutant in the Marvel Universe, means having to deal with the fear that comes with being different. Defenses:Fortitude , Toughness 10, Will 6. Other- steps likely to alienate them from the authorities and thewise, the villain gets caught red-handed. the good guys to come up with some clever plan to out- trick the trickster.COSMIC BRAT YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND!The most common type of Imp is the bothersome pestwho just wont leave and who is far too powerful for the Sometimes an Imp means well, even if things do not workhero to get rid of any way other than according to the out that way for the object of its attentions. In early confrontations, stead unites them into a team to oppose him! A Mad Mathematician might quest for The Implicate Theo- rem or some other formula that unlocks unlimited power. 4, Will 0. Naming Ideas: Dr. Feelbad, Ghost Shrew, Injector, Mr. Medici, Pusher, Scorpion X 19 points Stilts/Spiders/Striding with long-legs (Elongation 4 [limited to legs], Speed 4), kickback (Strength-Based Damage 1213 4; Accurate; Linked to Close Move Object 8 [limited to away]), and Teflon-coating (Immunity 1 [being climbed]). Overlords tend to have extensive cal or projecting a high-tech force field), a helmet, and soheadquarters; they may be wealthy business tycoons, and forth. tially it truly believes it is the hero it appears to be, butIn either case, the more the good guys fight the Mimic and what happens when its real memories begin surfacing, orshow off their abilities, the more their opponent learns the impersonation imposes too much mental strain? Historical ninja worked as assassinslikely em- or cage-match, and theyre often driven to seek out newployment for their modern successors as well. The good news is the Robot engineeredby a desire to have a normal life, the new robot may be- the theft, and the villain (or its mechanical minion) is im-come unstable and dangerous, forcing the heroes to take mune and therefore not a carrier. or undead dinosaurs as well.Imps are small demonic creatures, usually with bat- BRACHIOSAURUS PL9 MR3like wings, forked tails, and horns. If a class of superhumans is mistrusted or persecuted in the set- CLASSIC BITS Some classic bits involving the Overlord archetype include the following: CONSORTS What is a ruler without a consort to help establish and carry on a dynasty? Offense: Init +10, Un- name, this archetype also serves for giant arachnids likearmed +0 (DC 13). Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition (v2) - Hey look, it's like a comic book rather than a form! Mutants & Masterminds Venom | PDF | Marvel Comics | Leisure - Scribd

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mutants and masterminds 3e pdf trove

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