avengers fanfiction peter intern field trip

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avengers fanfiction peter intern field trip

They looked more nervous than any of the students did. There were nods as a few more people asked some questions, before Bill led them back out. Sure, he signed the paperwork but since when did Mr Stark explain things? Glancing over at Tony, he saw the man nod encouragingly and give him a gentle smile that was incredibly effective at calming his erratic heart. "Damn. As the group filtered out, Peter received a number of dirty looks from his classmates, but mostly from Flash. Dont worry, I'm not breaking any rules," he said. "You see. She nodded in understanding and made her way to the door. Nat probably would leave him alone, and Steve could be mischevious when he wanted. He hears Peter just fine. "Ouch. The Winter Soldier and Captain America," he quickly introduced, gesturing to the respective people. "Okay. What if he just sold out some secret and someone from his class was an evil villain in the making. Everyone, follow me. He says it is not optional," the ever so elegant AI said, causing all faces to turn. Peter rolled his eyes and ignored Flash as the bus started to move. Did he regret it? What field trip?" Admiration is nothing but a poison. If it was up to Tony and Bruce, he would be at Stark Towers right now, actually doing something productive with his time, and learning from the two geniuses. Sophomore year he went to Washington DC and nearly blew up the Washington Monument. Then they would probably figure out his secret. Some of which were literally just taunts, and not facts at all. Do not hesitate to use the talking ceiling," he said, earning a nod from the boy. The class compiled, slowly making their way out. He wasn't going into aerospace engineering, despite Rhodey's several attempts at convincing him to. A sign reminding him that he had invited in the group for a reason. Turns out that Josh was pretty good with his hands, and had been the one to solder the parts together since they couldn't weld. Asked Tony, his sharp eyes focused onto Peter. "Oh! She asked, looking about the room, spotting him in the far corner. The elevator to the side suddenly dinged, drawing the attention of the class. "No Tony isn't gonna bug your suit," he said with a mischevious grin. "What?! She asked, directing the question to Peter. Peter, on the other hand, contemplated whether or not to tell them that they were facing the wrong way, and that Tony would be in the mostly concealed elevator behind them. Remember what I told you guys," Peter insisted, trying to step away from the group and closer to the God. Almost everything in here can explode so we're trying to not cause any explosions and fireballs again," Mary said. How long are you staying for?" Yeah. One thing that the God always forgot and never really understood was their desire to hide their identities. How was school?" Bill did a great job, explaining and joking with the group, but Peter couldn't help but get bored. "Why are you afraid? Bill, Mary and another intern, Sara, passed around, inspecting their projects, praising everyone, even those that collapsed instantly. Out of all the Avengers, who were all kids in their own way, Clint was the most childish. Please make them leave me alone on Friday," he begged, sending puppy dog eyes to Mrs. Stark. Sort of. There was a moment of silence before it started again. "Don't let Clint get any! But there were a few that Peter was proud to say was true. Why isn't Peter Parker cryptid and cryptic Peter Parker a tag, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & SI Interns, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Original Child Character(s), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, how many field trip fics can i possibly write. Flash didn't look like he would be picking of him or Peter anytime soon if the better red of his face was anything to go by. When Bill called them to regroup, he told them that the tour was winding down, so they would now be going through the museum that Tony Stark had compiled from the Avengers missions in the past. "That's so cool," Ned murmured before moving on, Peter trailing behind. kind of different from the other field trips out there, flash thompson & stark industries interns, tony stark is soft for one (1) peter parker, peter parker is the avengers tower cryptid, i think i was half asleep when i wrote this, Peter Parker: Feminist, Social Justice Warrior and Stand up Guy, Peter Parker is the heir of Stark Industries, Pepper Potts is on the verge of a breakdown. Swing by as soon as you can." Suddenly, two airmen walked out of the building. So, uh, Mr. Stark definitely knows Roomba-Kid, Becket says and discreetly tilts his head in the direction of the pair. 'Spider-Man sometimes forgets how to tie his shoelaces'. I mean, I guess well find out, he shrugged. Actually Mary especially praised the ones that collapsed, clearly making the students feel better about the pile of parts on the table in front of them. Then we'll head back to the bus in an orderly fashion," Mr. Davis announced. Said the scientist, suddenly reminded of his task causing Peter to snicker. "Okay Peter. "What are we gonna make?" tune in for more intern debates. "Yeah. I mean, isn't that one of the reasons he went to the dumb school. "Yeah, Thor's here. (Avengers family oneshots). But this is all Domestic Avengers. He sent a hard look at Flash again before disappearing into the elevator. "Wow. Sorry. He gapes for a solid second, seeing but not believing. "No it's okay. Peter and Ned sat together and were quickly joined by their new friend Josh and, one of his friends, Dean. Please arrive at Avengers Tower on Monday, February 1st, and use the enclosed access card to enter the employee elevator. I'm gonna take a nap. Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries. Mary's eyes landed on his as well, seeing to see him for the first time as his classmates created a small berth around him. Pretty boring. This is why I didn't want to tell you," he sighed. "Hello!" Everything seems to be too much for the teenager, who cant seem to ever catch a break. Quiet down. "This year, I believe I've planned the best trip yet. 'Spider-Man can take on Captain America and win', 'Spider-Man is the Hulk's favourite Avenger'. Peter nodded hesitantly, not sure what to say. He walked into the living room, expecting to see Natasha or Bucky. A robotic voice read out 'Beta Clearance; Level 6'. If Flash decided to be his usual self, he would have the wrath of the Avengers upon him. Voicing his idea to his team, he received positive reviews from Ned, and Josh looked interested so that was good, right? Before he could approach his teacher however, Friday sounded from the ceiling. When Peter finds out some of his classmates are heading to Stark Industries on a field trip, with Flash eager to "expose Peter's fake internship" to his YouTube viewers, it shouldn't bother Peter in the least. "Yeah, but, why would an intern, not to mention a high school intern, be helping and creating programs for college interns. "You were just trying to find a way to fake your internship at Stark Industries.". Peter had initially been wary, especially since Flash had his hand up, but he had asked about SI, seeming to forget about Peter for a bit. Bruce looked st him skeptically before nodding slowly and giving him a slight smile. Shit. Yes, you can, and you will if you want out of this field trip. One surprise field trip changes that. A great many of students screamed, and so did Mr. Davis. The transmission ended. Thankfully, nothing was said about it being unfair because of his internship, and Peter suspected that it was because no one actually wanted to admit that they had been wrong in not believing him. a non-asshole teacher? Bruce's eyes scanned slightly before a grin lit up his face at the teenager. That kid definitely saved him a lot of problems. Peter and his best friend, Ned, exchanged an excited glance, with Peter just managing to not bounce in the seat. Why else would a nobody like him be living with the Avengers? Bruce lifted his head and spoke to F.R.I.D.A.Y, then settled a glare onto Flash. Enjoy the tour," she concluded. Follow Peter while he tries to survive and keep up the act.Follow the Staff of Stark Industries while they navigate dealing with the Stark's unexpected announcements and new initiatives.Learn how Stark Industries is a community, the avengers, employees and friends. Damn Flash. takes a trip to stark industries.featuring: peter's bizzarely high clearance level, peter being resident genius, and, of course, the lovable ball of sunshine that is amy parker. Steve said nothing, but exchanged a look with Bucky, resulting in both of them plastering a wicked smile on their faces. He asked, confusion written on his face. How much did you pay her?" Josh shrugged nonchalantly, seeming uninterested with what was happening. "Then we'll go to the museum and then there's a special surprise planned for you guys before you leave," Bill said, causing Peter's eyes to narrow suspiciously at him. "It has been requested by Mr. Barton that I refer to you as that," she insisted. Please Fri. For me. It's to an Air Force base, right? Don't be Not a Filed Trip to SI but I love it anyway. "Why on earth would I do that? Tony had told him that he didn't need a pass anyways, as Friday would scan him, but he had wanted one. He glanced at the group and then at his watch, seeming to work out if they had time. What was that? He then turned to Bucky. "Flash. All alone, Peter must find a way to save the avengers, and the world. "Baby Stark, there is a message from Mr. Previously Called : Spider-Son Iron Dad oneshots. And now everyone who were essential / important to those timelines are either confused or don't have any idea it happened - the rest of the world is oblivious to the whole situation since they think they are in their original timeline.And all of that happens in 2017, you are in for a rollercoaster of a crackfic. Peter sighed as the piece of paper fluttered into his hands as Abe passed it around the tables. They were still fighting over who his favourite was. "And how did you even know about that?" Stark?" "Pete! Peter gets the flu on the way to an Academic Decathlon meet and needs a pickup. As you may know, Stark Industries recently began an education initiative, and one part of this initiative includes field trips to the SI labs. He opted not to inching closer to the doors which opened in a few seconds. "Excuse me. One day it is announced that they are going to Stark Industries for a field trip. After a few minutes he turned to Maria and nodded. Kimberly, an English woman recently moved to Manhattan, is an aspiring writer waiting for her big break. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". By the time Peter had processed that, no, his Decathlon Team was not standing on the ceiling, and yes, they were, in fact, real and looking at him in his Avengers pyjamas, he still hadn't gotten any further in exactly what to do about it. Now, I want you all on your best behavior. "Okay. "Okay everyone. Harley Keener is a tour guide. Just then Clint walked in. Peter Parker is also doing a tour at SI. Too bad that Peter is cursed with Parker luck and can't seem to go anywhere without being self-sacrificial. I heard that Thor's currently visiting Earth," said Mr. Davis. "Pete! A surprised vice asked him. "Hey Pete. "Hey," the man answered. Almost two years after the sudden death of Aunt May, Peter is living with the Avengers at Stark Tower under the guardianship of Tony Stark. "Surprise, we're a STEM school, so I'm sure some of you will be going into aerospace engineering when you go to college, so this is a perfect way to get a good look at what your career could entail.". Now you better get back to that tour before they leave you.". ten strangers are brought together to handle a menace that threatens the entire world. The avengers suck at being a normal family. "What on earth for?" The receptionist, Ally, gave them a friendly smile and confirmed their tour of the building. It shouldn't be too hard to keep his identity secret, right? Peter rolled his eyes, already knowing why. "Oh. Bruse waved a hand dismissively. Why couldn't he just be in his normal lab? Clint seemed to think about it before sighing and grabbing three cookies off the plate. Tony Stark wrote a guidebook to Peter Parker and here are some short one-shots related to that. Angst with a Happy Ending. "Actually, as I'm sure you know, we have one of the main developers of the Avengers tech right here," Tony said, eyes finding Peter's for the first time since he entered. If anything, Becket thinks Mr. Stark looks rather proud. Clint sent a glance over at the boy when he grimaced at the noise, and took a step towards him. "I didn't pay her numbskull," he said. Peter made his way to his room, swinging up the the furniture that was located on the ceiling. ", "Well," Peter began hesitantly, receiving an encouraging nod from Ned. He promised Ned that he would go to keep him company, but really doesn't want to. He doesnt seem to be looking for Peter. Ned asked, patting a panting Peter on his back. Hell, he'd created some of the projects that the group of interns before them were working on, and it was a common occurrence to see the 'Little Spider' helping out, checking code and all that. Banner requests your presence in the lab. Peter made an indignant noise, but knew that Ned was right. Does this have something to do with your fake internship with Tony Stark?" She had a preference to her right hand, which means that her right side is exposed more often to blows, therefore ther is a thicker padding on her right side. Peter narrowed his eyes. "Hello Little Spider-Boy. It seems that the only person he really has is himself, and hes just trying to survive. how long can i spend tagging before i actually write the fic? Peter nodded. I feel like I should probably that home on Friday," peter mumbled to Ned. 'Alpha Clearance; Level 10' the computer read out. The Mighty Avengers Rewrite by Writing Avenger 2016 reviews. "I am making pasta.". Peter didn't have the best of luck when it came to field trips. He asked, an amused smirk on his face. "Hello Peter. She asked. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Stark Industries internship program. "Oh, Ned is here," the boy said, pointing over his shoulder to his best friend. Ned greeted, still a little starstruck by the god, as he was every time he saw him. Peter demanded. "Peter's really staying?" *There are some spoilers on the tags, and I might add more as the work progress. "Baby Stark, Mr. Stark has requested that you remain here, as he doesn't see the logic in you going back to school to get picked up to come right back here," she said, sounding amused. Peter felt his blood run cold. Cutting it a bit close don't you think?" When we get there, I highly recommend that you leave me alone," Peter suggested. No way. As a prize for their win at the finals, the Midtown Acadec team is invited to tour Stark Tower. IN THIS ECONOMY?? "Dont worry kid. He shouted behind him as he raced down the corridor clutching the cookies. Mjolnir lay on the coffee table as if it was the most normal thing. I know everything they can teach me.". "Yes. I still appreciate it if you read though.Thanks. Just some of my favorite Peter Parker Field Trip stories from AO3, I'm updating as I get permission from the authors to use their stories. Alone they are mighty, but together, they are Earths mightiest heroes. Peter offered a slight smile before going over to Bruce. And I guess, around here, it was. He nodded, and soon Bruce's voice floated around him. Soon after she meets the Avengers, catching the eye of Steve Rogers. Someone screeched out. That seems to be impossible when he's never seen a moment's peace in his life. "Rule time, kids! On at least 3 of those instances, he and been set up by some other interns. "Pretty good. Avengers Fanfiction. "No promises!" Stark Tower? The God sighed and smiled down at him, patting his back. Tell him to let me stay," Peter said quickly, pouncing on Tony as soon as he exited, pointing to his tecaher and slightly pushing Tony his way. The only thing Peter disliked about the space was that the chairs around the tables were metal, and therefore they were always freezing cold. He wasn't waving at you," Flash drawled, jabbing Peter in the ribs. Peter Parker-Stark could feel all the blood leaving his face, faintly he heard the cheers of his classmates, and Flashs voice taunting him but he was lost to the world currently. If he came to the Tower on a school trip, the Avengers wouldn't hesitate to embarrass him, and then the kids at school would start to look at him weird if they saw that he lived at Stark Tower. It all started when May was placed into quarantine. or,,,Another field trip fic, but Harley is very protective over his spider-boyfriend and Shuri has had enough of Flash's shit. What do you know? I'll try not to bother you," Bruce promised. Before the two could launch into it, Peter tapped his shoulder and gestured to the table. He nodded subtlety. "Not really. Especially was Tony signed the permission slip, allowing his school to bring him to his home. Peter exclaimed, unable to help the smile that made its way onto his face. . She said. He couldn't do anything about it before, so he shouldn't do anything about it now, right? Peter Parker, the most luck challenged kid in all of Queens, fell asleep before he could set his alarm and woke up forty-five minutes late dazed, disoriented, and in MAJOR trouble. Spinning around, ready to blow a fuse at Flash, he stopped short when he saw Steve and Bucky, both with grins on their faces. "Is Tony going to put that in the suit so he can track me? Thor seemed to notice what he was doing and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, successfully drawing him out of the crowd. We're going to be visiting Stark Industries, and seeing the top engineers and scientists in the country at work." He was unprepared in literally every way. The events leading up to the embarrassing moments during the Doomed Field trip, and how Peter Parker accidentally ended up in charge of things. fandoms2infinity, running_to_stars, hestyiaa, commitfelony, Caredoesntcare, Fand0m3f0rces, yourfavcait, redstarz, KageSendo, Ember_Dragon, creamyduckie, Bookandfrogreadergirl, ayameumi, Corus_Reef, CoryThe_Unstoppable, Anxious_Cerealboi, Vessely, LadyOfTheCrawlies, Izzie1208, Ch3vst3r1117, Darkstar55552, Merlin_merlling, randspearls, Gemstonesanddaggers, HuffleSpidey_Lizbeth_01, Sparkles_145_12_Buttercup, perksofliv, Farloved_Knight, starminsung, GMoney19, A_hiss, Katherine66Black, Miukii, AvidReaderOfAllWorks, Lucifer_03, raicha, amkay, its_talia307, wolkeee, LadyEmerald99, Grizzabella_02, HoneyOnlyOnline, BeeHope, Rose_blavk, Anime_simp_here, Aegopodium, LokiIsMySecondName, MagicMoorhen, Enigmaistaken, Kcat92, and 2100 more users "Kiddies, we're going to an Air Force base next Friday!" But Peter hasn't spoken since his uncle died. Peter's knowledge of engineering was better than every other student in the class, and maybe even the teacher. . Will you like to hear the message from Mr. Peter goes on a field trip, Tony doesnt know, and FRIDAY wants revenge. as well as "No no! Peter glanced at his staring teacher, who shrugged in a way that clearly said that he knew that where Peter went really wasn't up to him anymore. Basically what the title says. All the while the political machine moves on, the Avengers do not kiss and make up, and the future draws ever closer. (Shirosbluesamurai), Petey Boy Goes on a Field Trip (rawdudebro), Of ID Badges and Artificial Intelligence (hblankm), Elevator Mishaps and Identity Reveals (HolyKingWasteLand), Tony Stark's Really Not That Cool (Deadly_Sirius), Field Trips and (Overly Dramatic) Father Figures (PS_NoThanks), Peter's Field Trip & More (Climbergirlio), That Time Peter Went on a Cliche Field Trip (Supernaturalislifeforyouandme), Peter Parker Field Trip to Stark industries. Ned shot Peter a wide eyes look, asking him to confirm. They had actually become pretty infamous for that, but were still allowed everywhere because of Tony and their undeniable ability. Mr. Davis looked like he wasn't sure what to do, then nodded hesitantly. How was he supposed to do this? I promise, I will not hurt them," he said, voice sincere. 1987 . Through the glass that separated them from the interns, your could see everything that was going on. Peter was on a video call with Ned when his friend reminded him. Peter froze, only moving to his feet when Ned nudged him in the side. Now I have two cookies. "This is so exciting! Tony sets up a field trip to Stark Tower to prove to everyone that Peter has an internship and Peter? Ned thrilled. She sent him a grateful smile and he rejoined the class outside. He ignored all of the stares from his classmates and he watched the lines of code that skimmed past on the screen.

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avengers fanfiction peter intern field trip

avengers fanfiction peter intern field trip

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